November 6, 2001, 22:37
Local Time: 11:14
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 5
Things I would like to see added/changed :)
Perhaps I have been spoiled by Alpha Centauri but there are some things that I feel are missing from the game.
- The ability to base units in allied cities and/or land planes in allied cities, the ability to bomb an enemy from allied territory would have been very usefull and realistic.
- The ability to airlift artillery units and leaders and perhaps tac nukes and cruise missiles.
- Something has to be done about cruise missiles, they can't fly over water, can only be station on transports. Subs, cruisers and maybe aircraft carriers should be able to carry some.
- Privateers the 2-1-4 listed in the manual seems more reasonable than the 1-1-3 in the game.
- Since there is no pact of brother/sister hood in Civ3 like in alpha maybe basing units in allies cities would be restricted to when you have a mutual protection or military alliance.
- Something I think would be cool is a Partisan type unit like in civ 2 that you could get during the industrial/modern era, like a privateer nobody would know what nationality it was.
- Espionage needs to be expanded, perhaps Firaxis should consider putting back in the ability to poison water supplies and/or plant nuclear devices. The latter would be very expensive of course :P
- Satellites should allow you to view about a 3x3 area of the map each turn.
- Helicopters just seem useless to me, don't know if anyone else has used them to any great effect.
- Manhattan project should be small wonder.
- What is the point of Stealth Fighters if they can't execute Air Superiority missions? Were they just meant to be cheap stealth bombers with less range and bombard ratings?
- Presicion strikes don't seem to work! Game won't let me use strikes on any cities but my own! I even investigated the cities I wanted to strike and still won't let me.
Let me know what you think.
Last edited by Wizard84; November 12, 2001 at 19:57.
November 7, 2001, 13:13
Local Time: 11:14
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 5
Nobody agrees/disagrees or has this stuff already been posted?
November 7, 2001, 13:38
Local Time: 16:14
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 50
"Perhaps I have been spoiled by Alpha Centauri..."
I agree
-' The ability to base units in allied cities and/or land planes in allied cities, ..."
agree with the point but havent been able to get oil in my 2 games so far so I did not know this couldn't be done
-" The ability to airlift artillery units and leaders and perhaps tac nukes and cruise missiles. " Havent tried so did not know but I agree, would be nice
-" Something has to be done about cruise missiles, they can't fly over water, "
What!!! I don't use them much but they should be able to fly over water
-" Privateers the 2-1-4 listed in the manual seems more reasonable than the 1-1-3 in the game. "
I agree but havent built any so far
"- Since there is no pact of brother/sister hood in Civ3 like in alpha maybe basing units in allies cities would be restricted to when you have a mutual protection or military alliance. "
"- Something I think would be cool is a Partisan type unit like in civ 2 that you could get during the industrial/modern era, like a privateer nobody would know what nationality it was. " I always hated the partisan units so I dont mind they arent in Civ3
November 7, 2001, 15:04
Local Time: 11:14
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 11
I didn't know that you couldn't base units in an ally's city. I would certainly like this to be implemented.
Don't really care about the cruise missile thing.
Totally agree about privateers, they should be stronger. Especially since ironclads come out so soon after privateers are available...a 1 attack against an ironclad is just about worthless for the cost. Actually, a better fix would be to halve their production cost.
And, that's another thing I desparately want fixed, even though I know it seems a little odd to care about. Either ironclads are available too soon, or frigates/privateers are available waaay too late. In real life frigates/privateers /galleons dominated for hundreds of Civ3 it's maybe a few turns before ironclads come out. It's like the next tech, this is silly. Makes the English Man-o-War seem pretty pathetic in my opinion.
A partisan unit might be cool, too. Although, if they're partisan, why would they not tell their national allegence?  (Maybe a different name would be better)
November 12, 2001, 19:52
Local Time: 11:14
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 5
bump, just added some stuff to my list
November 14, 2001, 12:07
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November 16, 2001, 03:38
Local Time: 08:14
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Posts: 34
Ability to broker Peace agreements
How about the ability to broker a peace agreement between
say a Pact Brother (mutual protection pact) and whomever they are at war with (and more than likely you are at war with as well).
This would be nice especially when you get sucked into a war right away at the beginning of the protection pact, so you dont have to fight for the next 20 turns until it expires and you can make your own peace.
Also how about a way to see how long your Pacts and other treaties have been in effect/have left to last.
November 19, 2001, 10:32
Local Time: 18:14
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Re: Ability to broker Peace agreements
Originally posted by BlackOut
How about the ability to broker a peace agreement between
say a Pact Brother (mutual protection pact) and whomever they are at war with (and more than likely you are at war with as well).
This would be nice especially when you get sucked into a war right away at the beginning of the protection pact, so you dont have to fight for the next 20 turns until it expires and you can make your own peace.
I agree with this. You really do need to have some sort of a peaceful way to end wars that resulted from mutual protection pacts. I'm in the middle of a game where there have been tons of MPPs between computer civs, and it has led to the extinction of two civs already. And now it's 3 civs against the Zulus, so pretty soon they're likely to be gone as well. Maybe an option for the attacked party (the one who triggered the MPP) to negotiate peace on behalf of everyone in the pact?
November 19, 2001, 11:35
Local Time: 11:14
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gotta have it...
Let me know if there is already an easy, one stop way to do this...
..but I would really love to be able to upgrade all upgradable units of a type from the Military advisor screen. You can sort the units by city or type, but must upgrade them one at a time....a real micromanagement pain. Or... you gotta visit each city and upgrade them that way.... again, a micromanagement pain.
Question Authority.......with mime...
November 19, 2001, 11:44
Local Time: 10:14
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Re: Things I would like to see added/changed :)
Originally posted by Wizard84
- The ability to base units in allied cities and/or land planes in allied cities, the ability to bomb an enemy from allied territory would have been very usefull and realistic.
I'd have settled for airbases...
- The ability to airlift artillery units and leaders and perhaps tac nukes and cruise missiles.
You can airlift tanks and not artillery?
[quote]- Something has to be done about cruise missiles, they can't fly over water, can only be station on transports. Subs, cruisers and maybe aircraft carriers should be able to carry some.[quote]
Is this accurate?
- Privateers the 2-1-4 listed in the manual seems more reasonable than the 1-1-3 in the game.
- Something I think would be cool is a Partisan type unit like in civ 2 that you could get during the industrial/modern era, like a privateer nobody would know what nationality it was.
A guerilla unit. Hey, every addition, if well conceived, is welcomed.
- Manhattan project should be small wonder.
- What is the point of Stealth Fighters if they can't execute Air Superiority missions? Were they just meant to be cheap stealth bombers with less range and bombard ratings?
I guess - they ought to use the F22 as a model, not the F117.
November 19, 2001, 13:17
I agree with most, if not all, of the suggestions in this thread. In particular, the ability to negotiate a peace treaty on behalf of another civ, an "upgrade all units of this type" feature, and the ability to quickly and easily review all of your treaties that are currently in effect.
Other needs, many of which have been mentioned in other threads: A turn summary that would enable you to quickly review things that you might have missed (e.g., pollution, civil disorder) as the previous turn "flashed by". The ability to sort the city report screen by any one of the available columns. And a less-devastating corruption model.
November 19, 2001, 17:22
Local Time: 10:14
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 54
- The ability to base units in allied cities and/or land planes in allied cities, the ability to bomb an enemy from allied territory would have been very usefull and realistic.
I think this is an excellent idea.
Another excellent idea is allowing peace brokering.
What is the deal with the cruise missiles? Most modern uses of a cruise missile are from ships. Additionally, why can a cruise missile kill a unit when any other bombardment cannot. Bombardment by any unit (artillery, planes, and ships) should be able to kill units.
Yes it is true that precision strike doesn't work except on your own city. Also, precision strike should allow you to choose the target instead of just meaning that there is a smaller chance that civilians will be killed.
And what happened to some of the possible near future technologies like fusion. Why was this taken out of Civ? The lack of future tech has resulted in the lack of something lots of Civ fans have asked for: The ablilty to build under water cities and roads. (Sea Engineer in CTP II)
November 19, 2001, 17:29
Local Time: 16:14
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Press "ctrl+u" to upgrade all units of this type.
People should read the readme file.
November 19, 2001, 18:17
Local Time: 10:14
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Posts: 158
Of course, when using ctrl-u, your units must be in cities where they are capible of being upgraded. One game I took an English city and had about 90% of my armor there. I rush built an airport (for strategic materials), went to upgrade but no dice. Problem? No barracks! Live and learn...
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