November 13, 2001, 05:37
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oh man thats an anticlimax
the next person better be quick! im haveing trouble waiting!
in other news i should get civ3 tomoro! should have got it last week but the bloody aussies cant even ship things right
I have nothing interesting to say
November 13, 2001, 07:10
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November 13, 2001, 14:07
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So, I guess Gaius Marius is up now. If tleilaxu has to drop out, do you think we should replace him or just go with 5?
November 13, 2001, 14:14
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hmm, don't suppose it is too late to ask to join in on the fun is it?
November 13, 2001, 14:55
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I say go with 5, but lets give him another or see if he wants to continue first.
November 13, 2001, 16:18
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Originally posted by Gaius Marius
I say go with 5, but lets give him another or see if he wants to continue first.
Same thought me.
I do not want to achieve immortality threw my work. I want to achieve it threw not dying - Woody Allen
November 13, 2001, 17:06
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Originally posted by Gaius Marius
I say go with 5, but lets give him another or see if he wants to continue first.
But you're going to start on your turn in the meantime, right?
November 13, 2001, 19:23
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someone else needs to go... it's difficult to figure stuff out on a computer that has chinese windows....
skip skip skip
November 13, 2001, 20:24
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Fame sucks. Settle down, people. I'm playing now.
November 13, 2001, 21:22
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Fame sucks. Settle down, people. I'm playing now.
 I should hope so!!
And hurry up!
November 13, 2001, 21:51
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Guards! The window! To the gates!
Vladimir Putin, captain of the Russian Palace guard, burst into the royal chambers. Young Marius, only fifteen, was gesturing wildly at the open window, where the curtains waved wistfully in the wind. The silence was painful, cutting after the clamor of the moments before.
"What is it, young prince?" asked a shocked Vladimir.
"The dog...."
As Marius cast down his eyes, Putin followed, only then taking note of the tear in the Prince's robe, and the slowly spreading darkness in the shadows of its folds.
"Lie down, young one! I will summon the doctor!"
"I shall live, and yet long. I promise you this. The king has not been so fortunate."
The cut was clean, ear to ear - a grim, eternal smile.
The King is dead.
Long live the King.
Tleilaxu's reign had been short, mere hours in fact, but it would prove to be the most important in Russia's history. Her future was forged on that cold, rainy night. Marius made sure of it.
The dagger Marius had wrestled from the assassin could have had only one origin. This blade would not be the last to mix English and Russian blood.
"Get me four runners, now!"
"Send them to the four corners of the empire. All cities are to halt production immediately. Temples and workers can wait - have them build bows and spears. Take the finest young men from each village, and have them meet me on the Field of Mammoths. We are going to war."
The following morning, a resplendent Marius, spear in hand, mounted the parapet of the Russian palace and spoke to the crowd that had slowly gathered in the rain.
"I come to praise Tleilaxu, and to bury him! A father has been taken from all of us. For every drop of Russian blood and pound of Russian flesh lost on the battlefields of the days that come, I swear to you I will exact a thousandfold more from the English dogs, upon which we will all feast. But not a million of them could give their lives to repay what we have lost already. There will never be peace, until there is justice. And there can be no justice until the last Englishman, pleading for his race, bleeds out his life onto the fields his fathers once called home."
"The English Army has a saying they whisper to each other between drunken bouts with whores: They say, that they shall never fear to fall, for if they do, there shall be some corner of a foreign field which shall forever be England. If this is true, then I tell you now, after the battles that will come, there shall be a great deal of England, and not a single Englishman to enjoy it."
And so, in 570 BC, began the reign of Gaius Marius II, young King of Russia. A chronicle of that reign follows.
November 13, 2001, 22:10
Local Time: 12:14
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570 BC
-ALL towns are ordered to produce archers.
550 BC
-The French were contacted, and enticed to sell the secrets of Writing and Mysticism for 165 gold. Gold is worthless in Despotism, anyway.
510 BC
-The Pyramids were begun in Kievan Rus. "Might as well" was the best reason Marius could give.
-Tblisi was founded in the south.
-Zimbabwe completed the pyramids. Baztards!
490 BC
-Kievan Rus switched to the Oracle.
-Territory map sold to the English for 9 gold+their map (they already knew our territory due to their scout. Anything to take the dogs' money.
470 BC
-Marius gathers the First Army of the Russian People on the Field of Mammoths south of Kievan Rus. It consists of five Archers and one Spearman. It begins its march towards Oxford.
-The Russian Army advances into English territory:
450 BC
-English scouts will not withdraw from Russian territory (they can't, since the isthmus is blocked, so they don't move). Jerks.
-The English Dogs demand we leave their territory. Refusal leads to English declaration of what the Russians had long knew was occuring.
430 BC
-Wise men ordered to research Literature. This will take 32 turns, so science spending was cranked down to minimum. GOLD!! GOLD! Gold to fuel the plots of the illuminati!
-The Russian Imperial Army attacks. At the loss of only one Archer, Oxford is taken. Marius considers razing the city, but decides instead to use it to heal his troops while slowly starving it.
-Archers begin to pour out of every Russian city and towards the front.
390 BC
-English counterattacks are repulsed by a Russian spearman, who escapes unscathed.
370 BC
-The Army advances on Coventry, the key to the English empire and gateway to the plains of London. If Coventry can be taken, the English countryside lies open for the advancing Army.
330 BC
-Coventry falls, with the loss of but one veteran archer. 26 gold is taken.
-English counterattacks result in heavy losses - a spearman and two archers - from Coventry. The Army holds, however, as reinforcements begin to arrive.
270 BC
-Iron supplies are connected to the Russian road network, and all cities are switched to production of Swordsmen.
250 BC
-Some northern cities are diverted from the war effort to temple production (and, for Gomorrah, the Colossus), since the war will likely be over before their troops could reach the front.
230 BC
-Archers clearing up resistance near Coventry are promoted to veteran status, while the main body of the Army arrives at the gates of London.
210 BC
The Army has gathered. Two Spearmen and five Archers, with another four archers in reserve, lie at the gates of London. Marius himself is there to lead the charge:
November 13, 2001, 22:31
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"You have been judged, and found wanting!" bellowed Marius, at the gates of London, rumored to be the largest, richest, and greatest city on the planet.
There was no jeering, no taunts or throwing down of refuse from the walls. The English, to a man, knew their time had come.
Elizabeth, fearing for her life and her city, responded to Marius' challenge. She and her closest advisors, the foppish yes-men of the Star Chamber, scurried from the gates to Marius' tent.
"We are prepared to offer peace," she meekly stated, "If you will only let us live. As proof of our deference, we offer you generous terms. Please accept, in the name of peace."
Marius rose calmly from the table.
"Can you give me all the gold I desire?"
"Yes," replied Elizabeth, meekly.
"Can you give me workers to build my empire?"
"Yes, we will give you fine English craftsmen and masons."
"Can you teach my people the secrets of your wise men?"
"Yes, we will teach you some of what we know."
Marius calmly sat once again, and looked deep into Elizabeth's sunken eyes.
"You can give me these things, and you can give me more, should I demand it" said Marius, his voice slowly rising.
"But you cannot give me my father back!" he thundered, "and until you can, there can be no justice, and no peace! Now go, for I wish you to witness the decades of suffering your people will endure!"
Elizabeth, by now huddled almost under the table, crawled from the tent and back to the city.
That night, Marius gathered his generals.
"Tomorrow, we shall be drinking blood and wine in the streets of London, and the entire kingdom will rejoice with us. The gold and workers the English offered us today will be ours for the taking. But I tell you tonight, my most loyal men, that I will be rejoicing with you in spirit, but not in body. Russia will fight this war, and we will win it. But this fight is no longer mine. London is my Babylon - I will not survive the battle tomorrow. You must fight on, on until the last Englishman is dead. Fight on, through the mountains and jungles of England, until you clasp hands with the wild French on the other side of the world."
"Tomorrow you will have a victory, Kievan Rus a new King, and the Russian people a new hope, for a future of justice, peace, and growth. But this hope will remain unfulfilled, and my spirit restless, until this war is over. It begins tomorrow. It will consume your lives. Win it completely, or it will consume your children's."
"For Russia."
November 14, 2001, 00:16
Local Time: 09:14
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Location: Calgary
Posts: 192
Great thread. One thought on your last turn. You kept Oxford to 'heal your troops', but if the town has no barracks, healing is just as fast in neutral territory as in a town - 1 hp/turn.
November 14, 2001, 00:24
Local Time: 04:14
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Location: of the lush Wellington valley, New Zealand
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very exciting
nice princess bride reference
thats my favourite line of that movie
I have nothing interesting to say
November 14, 2001, 00:28
Local Time: 12:14
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One thing I forgot to add -
Same turn I switched to Oracle production, London built it. Classic blunder - it freed up Kievan Rus to make Archers, and we'd get the wonder anyway...
November 14, 2001, 09:10
Local Time: 16:14
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 *cheering crowds*
Those are big shoes to fill, Marius.
November 14, 2001, 13:15
Local Time: 17:14
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The thing that separates this from most other stories is that it has pictures, well done and keep it up.
It's candy. Surely there are more important things the NAACP could be boycotting. If the candy were shaped like a burning cross or a black man made of regular chocolate being dragged behind a truck made of white chocolate I could understand the outrage and would share it. - Drosedars
November 14, 2001, 14:40
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Excellent! Who's next?
And is peace going to be declared?
November 14, 2001, 15:25
Local Time: 11:14
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Originally posted by Haphazard
Excellent! Who's next?
And is peace going to be declared?
"There will never be peace, until there is justice. And there can be no justice until the last Englishman, pleading for his race, bleeds out his life onto the fields his fathers once called home."
I don't think there will be any peace anytime soon, not for a while at least  .
Marius, Where is the new English Capital located?
btw: good job not caving in to Elizabeth! She would have built up and back stabbed you the first chance she got anyway.
November 14, 2001, 17:09
Local Time: 12:14
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Location: Gondwanaland
Posts: 150
Erm. Sorry if that wasn't clear, but:
1) I didn't capture London yet - the army is right outside (check the pic).
2) I didn't cave into Elizabeth!! I sent her packing! ARRRGHJH!!!
November 14, 2001, 19:32
Local Time: 16:14
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Location: Portugal
Posts: 139
I'm amazed!!!!
Great job and great story.
Can't wait for you to finish your turns and continue our mission in this dog eat dog world.
I do not want to achieve immortality threw my work. I want to achieve it threw not dying - Woody Allen
November 14, 2001, 19:36
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I may be wrong, but I believe that he is passing it on early.
November 14, 2001, 23:51
Local Time: 11:14
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Oh sorry Marius, I guess I misunderstood:
Marius: "Same turn I switched to Oracle production, London built it."
I was thinking you were saying you built it at London.
Also, I was saying it was good that you didn't give in to Elizibeth!!! Soren Johnson even admits he made her very moody and she is a backstabber!!!
November 15, 2001, 00:41
Local Time: 12:14
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Oh, ok. sorry. I misread your post in a fit of anti-English fury. BTW, I played my full 20 turns. Whoever's next can go.
November 15, 2001, 00:54
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It's my turn if you already played your 20 turns...
But where is the file to d/l?
Can't see it...
I do not want to achieve immortality threw my work. I want to achieve it threw not dying - Woody Allen
November 15, 2001, 06:59
Local Time: 03:14
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Originally posted by Bakunine
But where is the file to d/l?
Can't see it...
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
November 15, 2001, 10:35
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Hrm. Must not have attached properly. oops.
November 15, 2001, 15:20
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Well it seems i must continue the military campaign.
I rush builded two temples after taking a look around. One in Coventry and other in Moscow.
170 BC - I went to diplomacy screen and bought Literature from French (we were researching it but still 19 turns to go anyway and i wanted to have an enbassy with them. Then i found that French had a right of passage with English. Just to prevent to being at war with both i asked France to join our crusade and they agreed for 70 Gold.
150 BC - Killed a Spearmen next to London and retreated 2 Vet Archers to heal. Sending some Swordsmen to help take London.
130 BC - Nohing interesting.
110 BC - The two Vet archers healed. One Swordsmen arrived.
90 BC- London is taken. One Vet archer lost. They lost two Spearmens and a Warrior.
70 BC - Their aproaching with archers. Let's wait and see what happens. Also started irrigating with 3 captured workers plus one more. Will take a while to move it to our main land but must be doce.
50 BC - Changed Colussus to Great Library in Gamorrah, althoght probably it won't build any  Also rushbuilded a temple in London. Maybe we get the Forbidden Palace built in here.
30 BC - 444 Gold in treasury and it's growing at +24 per turn. Time to go buy some communications with other civs and some techs. Well bought contact with Babylonyans for 75 gold. Babylonyans are annoyed with us. They offer Philosophy for 70 gold. Let it be. Also traded territory map for contact with Persians. Xerxes of the poor Persians wants to trade his Mathematic for Literature and 10 gold. I say yes.
10 BC - Killed an archer. Established embassy with Persia. First horses i see in the map. They are near Persian capital. I can also see that they have two horses in their strategy resources inside capital city. Established embassy with Babylonians. One horse in strategic resources. Their gonna build Great Library in 3 turns!!!!
10 AD - Just moving. Forgot to mention before that i started building Forbidden Palace in London. Seens a good place to do it.
30 AD - Killed an archer and got an ELITE sowrdsman. Starting to move to take Liverpool.
50 AD - Babylon built Great Library. English start building Great LightHouse... In their lace i would do exactly the same  . Bought Construction from the French. I just realized that after buying it i payed and got nothing!!! Never had happened to me. I'm gonna reload.
Well now they want more than 200 Gold for Construction instead or 80 they wanted!!!
I talked with babylonian and got contact with Zulus for World Map. It's not a very wise thing but i want contact with all and they are just wanting tons of cash for everything. I must start building librarys and research on my own. Established embassy with Zulus. They have 6 silk just arounf their Capital!!!
70 AD - Liverpool as been taken. One vet archer lost. They lost 3 units.
90 AD - Zimbabwe builds Greatv Wall. Traded Map maping with then for 90 gold. We are getting +30 per turn.
110 AD -ZuluLand and English have sign a treaty against France. Zulus go to war with French.
Some harbours got built. I rushed them. Cities coudn't grow. Two archers killed.
130 AD - Just moving.
150 AD - Aproaching York to take it.
170 AD - York is taken without casualities. Now we have two gems and soon we will have 4!
190 AD - Gonna move towards Warwick so i can sell that $##$# city to the French for some nice cash and techs.
210 AD - Killed an archer.
230 AD - Killed another archer with an Elite Swordsman hoping for a great leader but luck is not on my side.
Time to resign...
Attached his a image from what´s said in 70 BC.
I do not want to achieve immortality threw my work. I want to achieve it threw not dying - Woody Allen
November 15, 2001, 15:24
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Posts: 139
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I do not want to achieve immortality threw my work. I want to achieve it threw not dying - Woody Allen
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