November 15, 2001, 17:33
Local Time: 12:14
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You're a rock star - the war seems to be going well.
Nottingham seemed like the best place for the Forbidden Palace (would be central to that arm of the continent like Kievan Rus is at the top).
Hope the French don't take too much of the spoils, but good work getting them on our side.
November 15, 2001, 17:40
Local Time: 12:14
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BTW, what graphics patches do you use - they look great...
November 15, 2001, 18:39
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Originally posted by Gaius Marius
BTW, what graphics patches do you use - they look great...
They look like Snoopy's mountains.
None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?
November 16, 2001, 05:20
Local Time: 16:14
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Posts: 10
super thread guys...I'm on the edge of my seat! keep it up!
November 16, 2001, 07:26
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Yes, graphics are from Snoopy. That guy made a great job. Firaxis should hire him.
I do not want to achieve immortality threw my work. I want to achieve it threw not dying - Woody Allen
November 16, 2001, 07:28
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Originally posted by Gaius Marius
Nottingham seemed like the best place for the Forbidden Palace (would be central to that arm of the continent like Kievan Rus is at the top).
Yes, it would be nicer but without a great leader it will take much more time then to build it in London.
I do not want to achieve immortality threw my work. I want to achieve it threw not dying - Woody Allen
November 16, 2001, 17:33
Local Time: 16:14
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Posts: 25
230AD - 440AD
(1)230AD - I decide to negotiate with France to get the secrets of Republic for the world map and 260gold, sounds fair to me. However I can't afford to go into a revolution right now because of the war, it'll have to come later. A courthouse is finished in London and I immediately start construction on a swordsmen for the continued attack on the British. A library is finsihed in St. Petersburg. In a most brave and heroic effort my swordsman(barely alive) attacks Warwick's fortified spearmen and wins, and is awarded an elite status. I send 3 swordsmen towards Nottingham and 3 archers and 1 swordsmen to Canterbury, I intend to show the british no mercy! I order all the workers near Kiev to begin irrigating the plains, Kiev desperately needs more food production. I also note it would be wise for a city to be built in the mountains near Kiev, there have been reports of massive amounts of gold and fish abound! I change the catapult being produced in Kievan to a settler, we must secure this plentiful location. I also site a few more mining locations for my settlers and send a swordsman from the capital towards London.
(2)260AD - In the mountains near London we have reports that our archer has won victoriously over a british archer unit, we continue to advance towards the 2 mighty cities of Britian. Once again my elite swordsman wins flawlessly against the attack on Warwick! We take the city and install a governer and begin producing a spearmen unit! I advance the remaining armies towards Hastings. I initiate another trade with France and figure Currency would be an excellent technology for Russia, I trade for a measily 100 gold and 1 gold per turn and begin work on a marketplace in St. Petersburg.
(3)270AD - 2 libraries are finished in Moscow and Sodoma and I order construction on marketplaces. I attack Nottingham with my swordsman and manage to barely defeat the spearman stationed there. My attack on Canterbury was also semi sucessful, with the loss of 2 archer units i've defeated 1 spearmen and injured the other, my swordsman is on the way to help out. I continue my irrigation campaign near Kiev with 6 workers!
(4)280AD - France and the Zulu's have signed a peace treaty, good to know they worked everything out. I also receive a peace declaration from England, unfortunetly I must decline, I give her my deepest and sincere apologies and send her on her way  In yet another heroic display my archer wins a defensive battle against a british archer in Hastings and is awarded a vereran status. As I sit on my throne in the capital of Russia a messenger bursts through the palace doors with fabulous news, he reports that Canterbury has been taken and a new governer installed. A settler was also finished in the capital and I immediately send it to the destination near Kiev and begin work on a marketplace. As I look over the maps of the lower continent, I must ponder if we have enough offensive units attacking, and decide to head to London to take matters into my own hands(literally) and the workers there report a swordsmen unit will be done shortly, I grin and head back to the capital. Although we lost an archer i'm happy to report another win near hastings, if all goes well we should take it soon. I order an all out attack on Nottingham and manage to take the city in one swift stroke, I order them to rest and secure the city. I also send two workers we captured north, we don't want them in the line of fire.
(5)290AD - Our swordsman in London is completed on schedule(with a little help from me of course) I send him to Nottingham. Our irrigation campaign near Kiev is complete! I send three workers due south to build a road towards our new yet unamed city in the mountains. I send the other 3 workers due north and continue to expand our irrigation system towards the capital. I hate the risk but I must send the swordsman unit from York towards Hastings, we have two damaged units there and we must secure the position so we can take the city.
(6)300AD - Ahh yes we discover Polytheism! I begin research on Monarchy. We've also begun the road towards the mountains and more mining projects I ordered in the north.
(7)310AD - We continue to press towards Hastings and hope for an attack shortly. A mining project near St. Petersburg is finished and are sent towards Sodoma to chop down trees. I decide to head to Warwick to help them on their swordsman project, they seem to be progressing rather slowly so I give them a hand(literally) ehehe. I also order 3 units of swordsman from Nottingham and advance them to Tours.
(8)320AD - I decide to yet wait again for the attacks on the English to develop a better footing, I send the swordsman units near Hastings to the nearby mountain and order the swordsman unit in Nottingham towards Tours.
(9)330AD - I don't seem to be getting anywhere with the attack on Tours, i've lost two swordsman units and only managed to barely injury the spearman unit, I come to the conclusion that we need a catapult..I get out my whip and head to Nottingham..A new city is built in the mountains, and I name it Olympia, respectively. More forests are ordered to be cut down near Sodoma. A British Archer is spotted east of Hastings, not a big concern since he's injured.
(10)340AD - The Colossus is finished in Gamorrah! We begin construction on a library. Ahh just in time the catapult is sent towards Tours. Tremendous news!! Just as I had predicted the mountainous terrain helped us win the attack on Hastings! We captured 5 british workers and installed a new governer there, just marvelous. I send them north to build a road towards Warwick. I also order science to be boosted by 10%, we still have a wonderful income of 18Gold.
(11)350AD - Another marvelous victory for Russia! After using the catapult on Tours(which managed to take out some citizens) we attacked and captured Tours! We rest and begin the final onslaught towards NewCastle.
(12)360AD - I immediately go on a whipping spree, I head to Canterbury first and fiercly beat them and manage to produce the goods needed to build a spearman to guard the town while I send another swordsman unit towards Tours. After that I head to Nottingham and Hastings and produce similar results, of course I always remind them after i've slaughered a few hundred folk "its for the good of the nation". I also managed to hunt down and slaughter an injured archer unit running for its life towards Newcastle, we sent in our catapult to make sure the job was done, now to Newcastle..
(13)370AD - A marketplace is built in the capital and I order construction on a spearman unit to defend the city more properly. A marketplace was also finished in Sodoma and I ordered construction of a Harbor. I order courthouse construction all over the southern continent, I'm not sure if this is a wise move considering the amount of time it takes to complete it, but it may be worth it in the end. I order Nottingham to build the Forgotten Palace, unfortunetly, it'll be a good eternity before its completed
(14)380AD - Czarina Day celebrated in Sodoma, how nice of them, I proceed to head to Sodoma(whip in hand) to correct their views as me being a lady..good news, a harbor will be finished there shortly. I wash my hands and head back towards the capital.. A marketplace is finished in St. Petersburg and I begin construction on a harbor. We also begin bombarding the town of Newcastle, unfortunetly not much damage is done, we just have to wait for reinforcents coming from the north. Our road to Olympia is finished! We begin mining.
(15)390AD - Another bombardment attack on Newcastle, we manage to damage some of their units and I order my veteran swordsman unit stationed there to attack and winning flawlessly we wait for more reinforcements to arrive. More deforestation is continued near Moscow.
(16)400AD - France wants to negotiate, she offers construction for 180gold, of course I accept and my alchemists inform me we've mastered the knowledge of Monotheism! What wonderful news! Russia is truly becoming a domiant power! A harbor is built in Odessa and I begin work on a marketplace. I also cancel a few projects and decide to build some aqueducts. We continue the siege on Newcastle and manage to kill some citizens in the process. I yet again wait for more reinforcements to arrive, we will take Newcaslte soon!
(17)410AD - THIS IS TRULY A GREAT AGE FOR RUSSIA! After a successful victory against the british we have founded a great leader known as Ivan the Terrible!!! We have taken the town of Newcaslte and have been ridden of the british on our continent! I'm so proud that I decide to raise luxury rates by 10% and declare a revolution for our great nation of Russia!!!
(18)420AD - Oh my my, Persia offers Monarchy for a measily 6 gold!!! I accept and as I walk away from Xerses I begin to chuckle to myself, hehe. We begin building a road from Newcastle to help allievate some transportation problems. We station our might force in Newcastle to heal and rest. We also begin some irrigation and mining projects near the capital, and also start clearing out jungle near Warwick with our 5 british workers.
(19)430AD - Finally some bad news, we have reports that disease has hit the town of Warwick. We also construct a road from Tours to Lyons in hopes of starting a trade agreement with France.
(20)440AD - We add another worker to our project for a road connecting us with France, unfortunelty our great nation is still in anarchy, and I hope our next ruler is as victorious and lucky as I was.
Last edited by Downer; November 17, 2001 at 02:48.
November 16, 2001, 18:49
Local Time: 08:14
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 44
Looks like they sold you monarchy for 6 gold because it would have completed on your turn anyway...
The screenshot with Ivan shows you as a despot still and having 1 turn to monarchy.
One assumes that Xerxes was also laughing silently to himself as he walked away from that trade =)
November 16, 2001, 20:37
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Awesome...So are we going to use the leader for the Forbidden Palace, or something else?
November 16, 2001, 22:26
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I do not want to achieve immortality threw my work. I want to achieve it threw not dying - Woody Allen
November 16, 2001, 23:27
Local Time: 11:14
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So is the game ready? I saw bakunine's post. let me know and I will begin the next regin of Grundel
'Ice cream makes computers work better! Just spoon it in..."
November 17, 2001, 02:19
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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
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Wouldn't it be better to build your new Palace in the hub of the English cities, and build the Forbidden Palace in the old capitol?
Regardless, good job on an Ancient Era war well prosecuted!
The truth is a three-edged sword.
November 17, 2001, 02:21
Local Time: 16:14
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Posts: 25
yeah whoops, I was tired last nite, oh and I accepted that deal for monarchy because I went into Anarchy that turn, it was a very good deal
November 17, 2001, 20:14
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The great Downe the 2nd, the ruler that had secured most of Northern Russia, passed his reign on to the Fledging Grundel II.
There was hardly anyone left to fight. Downer had so efficiently broke the back of the English, that Grundel had no where to point the swords of the mighty russian army to. The French had been helpful thus far, and proven trustworthy. The English were all but defeated, yet a small town yet remaind. The cowardly englishmen had been driven from the land and settled on another. It was not long, however, that Grundels attention had to focused more on matters at home.
In 450ad, riots broke out in Minsk and London. Grundel pleased the people with carnivals and fairs to keep the populace happy. In 460ad, the first King of Russian was proclaimed. Now King of the new Russian people, Grundel began a new era.
In appreciation of the aid that the French had given the russians, Grundel begand to trade some of the valuable gemstones found in the north with them. A lucrative bargain was struck in which Joan d'Arc not only paid most of her treasury to Grundel, but agreed to continue to pay every season for the gems as long as they were suppled (23 gp, 3 per turn). In 470 ad, the first gemstone trade route was establish.
Over the next several years, little happened. The first russian harbor was constructed, and the army of Ivan the terrible arrived in coventry. The first ships of the russian navy were under construction.
Babylon constructed the Hanging Gardens in 520 ad (go figure!). Word spread that Shaka and Joan were working on a vast military tome that would insure their troops were well trained (Sun Zu's Art of War was began by both nation's).
The first galley set sail in 560ad. Although limited to the coast line, it does promise to help increase mobility of the russian army, and spread the construction of new russian cities. In fact, settlers and warriors from Keivan Rus set ail for a small island off the coast of russia in 610ad.
The russian people began to value land as possesions, and wealthy russian nobles worked the land for the new king. Feudal Russia was born. This landowner/vassal class system which now existed lead to more discoveries for Russia. Notably, new military strategies were forming as these wealthy nobles were forming small armies of their own. Many of these nobles fought amongst themselves to gain more land, and in turn more favor with the now aging King. These battles resulted in new military strategies. Scholars began compiling their own military manual in 620ad in the war halls of Keivan Rus. Although it will be many ages before all of these stratgies an be analyzed and employed, it will prove to keep the russian warrior elite among the most venerable fighting force in the world. King Grundel could only hope that they beat the Zulu, Persian, and French to it.
Because of these many land wars that occured, a new military unit was being deployed in the russian army...the Pikemen. These new soldiers would prove to be the defensive backbone of the Russian army for ages to come.
King Grundel Died in 640ad. Among the last things that he heard was of a beautiful Chapel that was being built by the Babylonians. The king hoped that one day our artisans would be able to construct such a wonderful 'Chapel of Sistine' for the Russian people.
'Ice cream makes computers work better! Just spoon it in..."
November 17, 2001, 22:38
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The babs are posing a serious competition!
November 18, 2001, 00:10
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(1)650AD - Osweld II rises to the thrown. He promises that during his rule he will end the war with the english once and for all.
(2)660AD - Preperations are made to build an invasion force to attack Dover, the last of the english cities which is located on another continent.
(3)670AD - The settler that Grundel II sent out arrived at the island, Sverdlosk is founded.
(4)680AD - A galley departs Kievan Rus to chart the northern most coasts. Aswell, the invasion force is begining to form near Canterbury, The first galleys have arrived and already, swordsmen are boarding the ships.
(5)690AD - The French sign a peace treaty with the english.
(6)700AD - The first galleys full of Russia's finest swordsmen set sail for Dover.
(7)710AD - A new galley is constructed and is sent to explore the western coast of the formerly english lands.
(8)720AD - The invasion force nears Dover, but preperations are already being made in the event of their failure - another invasion force has been loaded onto galleys and has departed for dover.
(9)730AD - The first swordsmen land on the coast of Dover, there are rumours from the local peasants of further english settlements, previously unkown.
(10)740AD - The english defenses in Dover fall during the first wave of attacks, after a quick but bloody battle Dover is ours. The galleys have also confirmed the rumours of other english settlements to be true - they have spotted the new english capitol, Brighton.
(11)750AD - The galleys involved in the first invasion force are returning to Russia in order to be able to transport any future reinforcements, while the swordsmen march onto Brighton.
(12)760AD - The code of Chivalry is created, and noble soldiers are given sturdy horses and fine armor to serve mother Russia.
Well, that's what would happen if Russia had any horses to give them, anyways.
(13)770AD - The first of the swordsmen make camp in the hills just outside of Brighton, awaiting reinforcements - after hurredly equiping some loyal men with spears, the swordsmen who where garrisoning Dover can now leave to join the siege.
(14)780AD - The swordsmen that where preparing a siege outside of brighton are attacked by a group of english archers before being able to set up proper defenses, and are destroyed. However, the second invasion force has arrived, and is joining the swordsmen marching from Dover.
(15)790AD - I renegotiate the trade agreement with france, and they agree to increase payment to 5gold per gem.
(16)800AD - More swordsmen acompanied by the new pikemen board galleys and set sail of Brighton. At the same time, the swordsmen from the first attack have arrived outside of Brighton and prepare to siege it.
(17)810AD - The Swordsmen attack Brighton and effortlessly capture the town - suffering only minimal damage. However, Elizebeth seems to have escaped once again - and my advisors have no idea where she might have gone.
Wanting to live up to my promise of ending the war, and also not wanting to fight an unknown enemy, I decide to make peace with the English - in exchange for their entire treasurey (12 gold), knowledge (engineering) and maps.
After recieving the maps, I learn that the english had escaped to a small settlement far away, near the persian lands.
Satisified with his acomplishments, Osweld II retires early. (I haven't enough time to play the rest tonight, and there is no point in making you wait another day just for 3 turns - and on that note, I didn't really have enough time to proof read this, either)
November 18, 2001, 00:42
Local Time: 08:14
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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Posts: 3
Great selection of screenshots!!
Still, I must repeat a question: wouldn't it be much more efficient to shift your original palace to nottingham, and built the forbidden palace in the original capitol? (Unless you're going to burn a leader to rush the FP in Nottingham...)
I await the scourge of Cossacks!
The truth is a three-edged sword.
November 18, 2001, 13:09
Local Time: 12:14
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I think Tleilaxu is up - are you going to play this time around?
November 18, 2001, 15:27
Local Time: 16:14
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If a courthouse is built in Nothingann it will give at least one more shield. Not much but it will double production.
I do not want to achieve immortality threw my work. I want to achieve it threw not dying - Woody Allen
November 18, 2001, 15:48
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This would give more future expansion choices, since the Palace could be moved again if we wanted, but would slow things down for now, since it's signifcantly harder (more shields) to build a Palace than the FP.
November 19, 2001, 02:11
Local Time: 00:14
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better skip me again... i HATE chinese windows!!!
November 19, 2001, 03:27
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Originally posted by tleilaxu
better skip me again... i HATE chinese windows!!!
huh? . . . . ooooooooooooooo!!! Chung chow ye yin yang!! hoo hoo hoo, me vewy vewy funnie, ya, chinnie window vewy bad!!
Edit - OMG, I can't believe I posted that. Last night I was very tired you must understand . . . lol . . . should this be deleted?
Last edited by Timeline; November 19, 2001 at 10:18.
November 19, 2001, 11:28
Local Time: 12:14
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Just made Warlord. Do I get a T-Shirt?
I'll dl the game when I get home from work and post an update tonight (EDT). I'm mired in the Tournament game right now, but I suppose I can take a break from crushing everyone with Babylonian Culture.
November 19, 2001, 16:11
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Originally posted by Gaius Marius
I'll dl the game when I get home from work and post an update tonight (EDT).
EST now...
"The Bible is the greatest sales pitch in history" -Me
"I regret nothing and apologize for less." -My motto
November 19, 2001, 16:52
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I actually live in an autonomous enclave of Nothern Virginia that uses the metric system, conducts its own fiscal policy, and refuses to accept the politically-motivated Daylight Savings Time regime clung to by the rest of the world.
So it may be EST in your little fiefdom, but not in mine.
Reporting from one hour in the future, all is well.
November 19, 2001, 17:12
Local Time: 09:14
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Ew, sounds suspiciously like an American version of Saskatchewan...
November 19, 2001, 17:41
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Canadians! Where did they all come from?
November 19, 2001, 21:32
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Posts: 75
Awesome game.
This is a great story, I can't wait to read about the next campaign. If you guys ever do this again, I'd really like to try it. I've never played in a succession game before. I was actually disappointed when I reached the end of this thread!
November 19, 2001, 21:32
Local Time: 00:14
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Location: Hong Kong
Posts: 67
go back to canadia!
and timeline... i have no idea what your thread was about....
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