Originally posted by yin26
Well, the first patch is slated for the end of this month, which should tell that it's a patched designed to fix things they KNEW about before going gold. In other words, don't look for too many gameplay fixes until the second patch, which has not even been announced.
The things thay knew about
-we didn't have time to finish editor
-we didn't have time to finish predifined civ map placing
-we didn't have time to propley balance units (and it is easy to do even without patch)
-we want to fix corruption (made some mistakes on tyny & small maps)
So anyway, even a first patch will fix many things, but probabbly not all of them.
And don't forget Game went Gold 3 weeks before release, whan do you think that did after that.
THEY started preparations for a PATCH.
Somethink like:
In one early October:
1: yes, we finnaly finished the game
2: now, we can rest playing ours masterpiece
1: oh, no, I made an error, I typed privateers statistics incorrectly
3: it is time for patch
4: we also need to finish that editor guys
1: then lets start
In one early November:
2: it looks that players foud out abaut yours "typo"
1: I hate when this happens,I shouldn't made such mistake with Privateers
3: how it going
4: we still don't know how to fix that corruption problem, but some players on these worums have nice idea, we should try some of them
2: OK!