Agree, completely. Every war in my current game (for me at least) has been over resources. I am NOT an evil warmonger, I swear (even though I have like 35% of the land now).
I had to kill the English for their Iron. They wouldn't trade. I had to invade the Iroquois for Coal. I was gonna kill the Egyptians for it, but they beat me to it, leaving themselves majorly overextended.
Then my coal dried up, and I was forced to take on the tough guys, the Americans. Several razed cities later, I had access to a new supply of coal, and coincidentally, the Americans had lost access to saltpeter, so they can choose between knights or riflemen on the attack for a while. Slowed down their expansionist ways. They'll have infantry soon though, and tanks soon after. Poor Romans.
And I'm getting tired of trading 4 excess luxuries for the Greek wines my people love, so another short war might be called for soon.