November 7, 2001, 17:00
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Most ridiculous leader
Is it just me or is the top-hat-festooned Hammurabi a riot? He hasn't been this funny since I played Civ 1 as "MC Hammur." (1991, I was in middle school, it was a riot at the time).
Cleopatra dressed up like Little Bo Peep is great as well.
November 7, 2001, 17:02
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Chaireman Mao is hilarious as well. Even my wife is laughing so hard which is a good thing.
November 7, 2001, 19:24
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How about Sinead O'f Arc
November 7, 2001, 19:33
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I think Mao in the fur hat is pretty cool
Speaking of Erith:
"It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith
November 7, 2001, 21:14
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hahahaha MC Hammur. That's a great one!
November 8, 2001, 00:32
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It's a good, humorous, effect, but overall, it's just not RIGHT! Yes, the modern Joan of Arc Navy SEALS look had me thinking there'd been a plague in Paris for a second. But in particular, Lincoln in the Caveman outfit and Montezuma in the three piece suit really throw me for a loop.
But I have to admit, Xerxes and Hammurabi both look pretty hip in the modern era.
November 10, 2001, 13:28
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Don't forget Mao!
Mao cracked me up the first time he demanded something and then backed down saying something like "Oh, I was just joking! Haha. Funny funny, right?"
November 11, 2001, 18:15
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Someone should make a leader for George W Bush, he could say things like ' no wait sir, hmm , your name will come to me in minute general..'
November 13, 2001, 21:53
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Originally posted by mrbilll
It's a good, humorous, effect, but overall, it's just not RIGHT! Yes, the modern Joan of Arc Navy SEALS look had me thinking there'd been a plague in Paris for a second. But in particular, Lincoln in the Caveman outfit and Montezuma in the three piece suit really throw me for a loop.
But I have to admit, Xerxes and Hammurabi both look pretty hip in the modern era.
Yes, they are very funny. Washington is funny too.
November 13, 2001, 22:49
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Originally posted by Admiral PJ
Someone should make a leader for George W Bush, he could say things like ' no wait sir, hmm , your name will come to me in minute general..'
That would be helarious. But instead of an actual picture of GWB. It should just be a horse's ass.
November 14, 2001, 11:20
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OK, Big Bear, now we know who you voted for.
November 15, 2001, 05:06
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Yeah you would have, If only I had been 18 just a few months earlier.
November 15, 2001, 05:29
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King Alexander a doctor??
Hey guys, talking 'bout ridiculous leaders and their equally-ridiculous speeches, i came across one while playing civ3...
i was playing at regent level, Alexander heads a puny 'empire' with 4 cities right in the modern age, most of his cities conquerered by me in the previous ages. He is, of course, furious with me. Once, he demanded to see me and i thought, "Ok, let's see what the great alexander has to say this time." To my surprise, he wants a peace treaty+my World map+free gems for 20 rounds. i laughed it off but that's not funniest part. I made a counter-proposal and asked for a tribute of 10 gold/turn in return for a peace treaty. His reply was,
"Three words. Increase your medication."
I fell off my chair laughing.
" I'll be back", Gen. Douglas MacArthur after surrendering Philippines to the Japanese.
November 30, 2001, 22:12
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Originally posted by BigBear
Yeah you would have, If only I had been 18 just a few months earlier.
That explains it
December 3, 2001, 10:06
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Guy's, funny as it maybe for others to see what American think of their current leader, couldn't you take your discussion to somewere else, like, a OT forum?
Better yet, why don't you go to some sites where that issue is more pertinent, like CNN or others?
Someone once suggested we should only talk about those leaders prior to WWII. Maybe it would be a good advice to follow, no?
That goes ,also, for those who use to call Clinton the worst US President ever. Everybody here knows in whom you voted, too!
December 5, 2001, 11:17
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Mao's an absolute riot in every age up to the modern, at which point he starts to look like satan. Then again, by the modern age I've usually done something mean like raze half his cities (I almost always get placed next to the Chinese, for some reason), so maybe he has an excuse.
I tend to get the giggles when looking at Shaka in the middle ages. That's about the silliest hat I've ever seen.
Alexander looks like a ten-year-old or something. I kept him alive an entire game to see if he would hit puberty, but instead he just started dressing up in "adult" clothes.
December 11, 2001, 01:29
Local Time: 16:18
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The Bush thing would be great. Especially since you could have him constantly use the wrong words.
"Hmm, Would you please exclude your, hmmm, soldiers from Soveriegn territory."
"Hmmm, you will roe the day that your EVILDOERS invaded my county."
December 11, 2001, 03:20
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I like how Mao is represented.
Despite all the Cold War propaganda, he wasn't the kind of leader Stalin was. He meant well for the Chinese people and felt communism was the only way to bring together an Empire in decline. I think in retrospect, taking into account the disasters that were cultural revolution and the great leap forward, Communism may have been the best thing that have happened to China. It stabilized the country and made it possible for it to develop economically and I'm very very impressed with its Economic growth in the last 20 years.
China, hopefully, should be restored as one of the great world powers this century. As a Chinese, there is part of me would very much want to see that happen.
I sincerely hope the emerging middle class will inititate change that will turn China into a strong Democratic Republic, because if it can change to that form of government, with its freedoms, both personal and economic, China's economic potential is limitless and could simply dwarf America's. A 50 Trillion dollar GDP ? that's very likely and then it will truly be the central country of the human race.
I think in the next millenia, the greatest test of humanity would be to put aside cultural and racial differences and work together as a group, whether it happens via the United Nations, or through the sheer power and influence of great powers like the United States or China or perhaps a consortium or major world blocs.. If that doesn't happen we will have a very rough road ahead as a race.
Asian pride!
Last edited by dexters; December 11, 2001 at 05:25.
December 11, 2001, 11:50
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Evil dr. Hammu all the way!!! Really, modern Hammurabi looks like a James Bond villain.
Bond: "What do you want, Hammu? Do you expect me to talk?"
Hammu: "No, mr. Bond. I expect you to die!"
Shaka is a good one too! That thing on his head.............
Industrial Xerxes looks like some kind of dandy, I can just see him dancing.
December 11, 2001, 12:02
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Originally posted by Maophoria
"Hmmm, you will roe the day that your EVILDOERS invaded my county."
Bush is so funny and ridiculous when saying Evildoers!
December 11, 2001, 19:01
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tokugawa: go boil your head.
Give praise and inhale the corruption. - ****rath
December 11, 2001, 19:39
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Definitely Medieval Lincoln
Proof this country's run by the Masons.
December 13, 2001, 15:44
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I think in the next millenia, the greatest test of humanity would be to put aside cultural and racial differences and work together as a group
I hear you, man! One people!
Why did I join the Army?
Free Food
Free Bullets
And it sure beats working for a living...
December 15, 2001, 00:16
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Bush is so funny and ridiculous when saying Evildoers!
OK, then we should call them "warmongers", "blackgards", or just for the fun of it "big dumb priggish twits".
December 17, 2001, 05:51
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Originally posted by dexters
I like how Mao is represented.
Despite all the Cold War propaganda, he wasn't the kind of leader Stalin was. He meant well for the Chinese people and felt communism was the only way to bring together an Empire in decline. I think in retrospect, taking into account the disasters that were cultural revolution and the great leap forward, Communism may have been the best thing that have happened to China. It stabilized the country and made it possible for it to develop economically and I'm very very impressed with its Economic growth in the last 20 years.
China, hopefully, should be restored as one of the great world powers this century. As a Chinese, there is part of me would very much want to see that happen.
I sincerely hope the emerging middle class will inititate change that will turn China into a strong Democratic Republic, because if it can change to that form of government, with its freedoms, both personal and economic, China's economic potential is limitless and could simply dwarf America's. A 50 Trillion dollar GDP ? that's very likely and then it will truly be the central country of the human race.
I think in the next millenia, the greatest test of humanity would be to put aside cultural and racial differences and work together as a group, whether it happens via the United Nations, or through the sheer power and influence of great powers like the United States or China or perhaps a consortium or major world blocs.. If that doesn't happen we will have a very rough road ahead as a race.
Asian pride!
Mao cared little for the Chinese people. That's why he so eagerly had them go around and kill eachother to cover his ass. Perhaps at the beginning he truly beleived in making China better, but he quickly became corrupt after the Communist Revolution where he was put into God-like power. I like the Chinese, and it is because of this that I place Mao right up there with Hitler and Stalin. The only difference between Mao and Hitler and Stalin was that the latter two were evil geniuses, while Mao was an evil idiot. So many died and suffered from his stupid mistakes. His actions are unforgivable.
Yes, Mao did have an affect on the economic growth of China after his death. It was similar to the affect that the Black Plague had on Europe. After so much catastrophe their was no where to go but up. Also, fortunately for China, Deng Xiaoping was a far smarter man and quickly worked to overturn Mao's actions and save China from complete self-destruction. By gradually turning China away from Maoist communism and toward, ironically, imperialist capitalism, China developed the fastest growing economy since Japan. Unfortunately, Deng was still reluctant to let go of many of the 'old ways' (Maoist), and kept China in a police state that alienated it from the USA and gave Deng his own place in infamy.
In fact, nearly all of China's history has been a testament to the ills of having a single inexperienced, all-powerful leader (Roman after Pax Romana is an excellent example of this in the West). Hopefully, this trend will end soon, but I doubt it. Zhiang Zemin is already following in the footsteps of his predecessors (which is a whole other spiel). I can't say at this time, if there will be any radical governmental change for the benefit of the Chinese people. And I fear that the US may be following China's example in this respect. The presidency seems to be gaining more and more power. While an Augustus may seem like a worthy leader, you almost always eventually end up with Neros.
“As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
Civ V Civilization V Civ5 CivV Civilization 5 Civ 5 - Do your part!
December 19, 2001, 01:23
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Re: Most ridiculous leader
Originally posted by Gaius Marius
Cleopatra dressed up like Little Bo Peep is great as well.
Nah, she doesn't look like Little Bo Peep. She looks like something out of Disney's "Alice in Wonderland".
The angry Alexander distinctly reminds me of Max Payne, ancient Mao looks like he's wearing a mink stole to me, and Joan of Arc looks suspiciously like Shelly Long. 
Oh well, at least if I destroy her empire, she could get work on 'Cheers'.
December 21, 2001, 20:54
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Hey! Had they chosen Nebucchadenezzar II for Babylon instead of Hammurabi, his 'Mad' picture could have him with a large lump of grass clenched between his teeth!
December 22, 2001, 00:23
Local Time: 10:18
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Originally posted by Gaius Marius
Cleopatra dressed up like Little Bo Peep is great as well.
Only today had I seen Little Bo Peep Cleopatra. I see what you're talking about now.
Originally posted by History Guy
Hey! Had they chosen Nebucchadenezzar II for Babylon instead of Hammurabi, his 'Mad' picture could have him with a large lump of grass clenched between his teeth!
December 22, 2001, 01:37
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Would have to vote for Cleo as Little Bo Peep as most ridiculous looking and vote for Joan D Arc as most ridiculous civ leader. Although most of them look pretty funny at the end game when you see their pics and their all beat up and bandaged and bloodied!
January 5, 2002, 11:06
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And what about Caesar? Since when Caesar has red hair???
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