November 8, 2001, 09:46
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max number of great leaders spawned in a game
is there a max limit on the total number of leaders that can be spawned throughout the game..
it is been ages since my fourth leader, and i have won more battles than the total of all previous ones but no more GLs any more..
am i missing something?
November 8, 2001, 11:47
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Re: max number of great leaders spawned in a game
Originally posted by cort
is there a max limit on the total number of leaders that can be spawned throughout the game..
it is been ages since my fourth leader, and i have won more battles than the total of all previous ones but no more GLs any more..
am i missing something?
I haven't had one yet!!!
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November 8, 2001, 12:15
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If each nation gets named leaders and you only get leaders appropriate to your nationality then I would expect there to be a limit.
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November 8, 2001, 12:39
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I've only had 2 GL in 2 games, but then again, waring haven't
been my main occupation since I've been trying to explore the
new ways of winning.
There are an x number of names of great leaders for each civ in
the editor, but I don't know if this is the maximum
Here's the facts from the editor:
CIV: #GL Names:
Aztecs 10
Rome 8
India 8
America 7
England 7
Babylon 6
Egypt 6
Russia 6
China 6
Iroquis 5
France 4
Germany 4
Greece 4
Zululand 4
Japan 3
Persia 3
It could be that u could choose the name of next leader 
yourself? Maybe not very likely, but could be..
Would be nice if someone reported here if they got more GL
for "their" civ than what's listed here!!
November 8, 2001, 13:41
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Originally posted by HatchetMan
Persia 3
Persia only gets 3 !!!??? Dang, i've been playing as Persia, have only ever gotten one GL (bit of a pacifist). That seems a bit off though, Persia had plenty of GLs.... Darius, Cyrus, DariusII, Artaxerxes, Ahasuerus....
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November 8, 2001, 13:50
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Yeah ive been wondering about this. I have had 6 games (3 Romans, 2 Russia, 1 France (current)) and I have not had single friggin' leader ever show up despite victories up the wazoo, lots of elite units...
LOL so i have absolutely no experience using armies, rushing wonders ..etc (and geez at the way the AI cranks out wonders.. I could have used a few.. well next time i may just demand 100 million from my neigbour buy the thing.)
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November 8, 2001, 14:40
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In my one game I have completed (Chieftan tutorial, Romans), I retired having gotten 2 leaders.
The first I used to create an Army (3 tanks) which was rather useless as my opponents were defending with Riflemen conscripts. The second I finished a wonder with.
Built Military Academy. Of course, Military Academy does NOT create GREAT Leaders, just Army commanders. So don't expect to finish wonders with them.
I play BtS (3.19) -- Noble or Prince, Rome, marathon speed, huge hemispheres (2 of them), aggressive AI, no tech brokering. I enjoy the Hephmod Beyond mod. For all non-civ computer uses, including internet, I use a Mac.
November 8, 2001, 14:46
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I had two leaders. And I wanted to rush a wonder using one but I couldnt because I couldnt unload the 3 m.tanks he had.
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November 8, 2001, 16:09
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November 8, 2001, 16:10
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In my experience, playing with a Militaristic civ REALLY improves the odds of getting a great leader. In a recent game as Japan, I got one in only my fourth or fifth victory with an elite unit, and before, playing Romans, I had two by the end of the Ancient era.
November 8, 2001, 16:12
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Um... relax guys.  If you open your Text Folder located in your Civ3 Folder you will see a list of names for "Generic Leaders" as well. Thus this make the minimum # of leaders 17 AND if you notice towns are named "New (old town name)" so it wouldn't surprise me if Leaders were given "(old leader name) II" (their son/daughter) as well.
Brian Handly
Sid Meier
Jeff Briggs
Soren Johnson
Steve Chao
Jeff Morris
Kevin Margo
Jake Solomon
Alex Kim
Jerome A
Dave Evans
Nick RB
I've heard "Beer" is the best leader! You have to be at a certain age to get him, but he'll make your people happy.
November 8, 2001, 16:42
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The first time you get a Great Leader, don't use him to rush build a Wonder!
Make an army out of him, then go win a battle with the army. Now you can build the Heroic Epic (increases your odds of another GL, I've got two more as the Americans so far in my current game), the Military Academy (you can create more armies without needing to use a Great Leader, essential when kicking AI butt), and the Pentagon (once you have three armies in the field).
You can't build those small wonders any other way.
November 8, 2001, 16:43
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You may just be kidding, but...
Sorry, but having a GL named 'Beer' is just plain stupid.
I think I will be doing some editing.
November 9, 2001, 20:50
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Thanks for the update, pyrodrew! 
I'm feeling a bit of a relief since i dig playing France..
And I think "Beer" would have to be the best leader
as well!!
November 9, 2001, 22:58
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Re: You may just be kidding, but...
Originally posted by Anunikoba
Sorry, but having a GL named 'Beer' is just plain stupid.
I think I will be doing some editing.
lol I agree... but what are the odds that you can reach that far down the list. If you think about it, having a GL named sid meier.... well I don't know ....
November 9, 2001, 23:35
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I have had 3 sofar in the game I am playing right now. Germans, Barbarossa of course it the first, Haven't seen Freddy yet though. But I got Ron Vichen something or other, which I found odd.
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November 10, 2001, 00:08
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I have finished five games already on difficulties ranging from warlord to monarch and I haven't had a single leader yet. It seems like more than a bad luck....
November 10, 2001, 00:19
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von Richten is better known as the Red Baron, the World War I flying ace. So I don't think it's that odd
I guess the thing I've noticed is that great leaders are very raare.
November 10, 2001, 01:32
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As Persia on regent level I got five... Of course, it helped that I wiped out four different civilizations using modern armor vs. napolenic units... Lots and lots of offense. Funny thing, they declared war on me...
Anyway, in one of my border towns I had about ten mechanized infantry. I think the zulu sent more than 100 units against it... And while I lost three mechs, I also got two leaders... Which prompty built me the Hoover Dam and the United Nations. I'm not about to waste my leaders on making armies.
Which only goes to show - Massacring archers and impis will eventually spawn a brilliant engineer who can build a Hoover Dam in one year, instead of the 300 it would have taken otherwise. Makes sense, doesn't it? I feel so hapy Firaxis spent so much effort on thinking out logical and plausible solutions to civ 2 problems...
Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine
November 10, 2001, 01:45
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I had 3 as Japan my last game. Tojo, Hirohito, and Tojo (2nd time). Tojo #1 had his army killed off. I was in a huge war of attrition with the chinese on one large continent.
November 10, 2001, 02:13
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I have yet to get a great leader in my 3 games so far. The first 2 were with the persians, and I lost quite early on, but this time I'm playing with the Germans, its 1956. I'm not that warlike admittedly, but still, I want to try an army.
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November 10, 2001, 11:55
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Five great leaders for me so far in this game, got the most recent one in the 18th century. Playing as the Romans on regent difficulty, wiped out three civs so far, year is 1886 and recently began deploying modern armor.
Tips for leader creation:
1) Be a millitaristic civ (HUGE help)
2) Preserve elite units. In fact, I'd go so far as to say save them for sure wins such as wounded enemies or final defender in a city. Keep elite units in defendable possitions, do not garrison them in captured towns, do not spearhead offenses with them.
3) When captureing a capitol city, be certain to take it out with an elite unit. This is the one task I will waste elite units against because so far in this game three of my five leaders came from conquest of a capitol city.
4) Use your first leader as an Army, and go build heroic epic ASAP.
5) Fight a lot of offensive wars. I've never seen a leader spawn from an elite unit wining against and attacker.
November 10, 2001, 11:58
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Re: Re: You may just be kidding, but...
Originally posted by smellymummy
lol I agree... but what are the odds that you can reach that far down the list. If you think about it, having a GL named sid meier.... well I don't know ....
That file is not used by the game. Those names should never show up, even if you hit the end of your list of GL's.
Dan Magaha
Firaxis Games, Inc.
November 11, 2001, 18:23
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Originally posted by CyberGnu
Which only goes to show - Massacring archers and impis will eventually spawn a brilliant engineer who can build a Hoover Dam in one year, instead of the 300 it would have taken otherwise. Makes sense, doesn't it? I feel so hapy Firaxis spent so much effort on thinking out logical and plausible solutions to civ 2 problems...
I think it's a real pity Firaxis had to cut corners, limiting Great People concept (including famous scientist, artist, etc.) only to Great General.
I hope there is still some room for adding them to an X-pack, six months from now.
OTOH, I'll love to know the reason because they doesn't pass the design or beta test. Anyone at Firaxis will be so kind to explain?
Dan, any hope if I thank you in advance?
November 11, 2001, 20:16
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Originally posted by Madine
von Richten is better known as the Red Baron, the World War I flying ace. So I don't think it's that odd 
I guess the thing I've noticed is that great leaders are very raare.
von richthofen
btw, I've got one, I screwed up, and lost it before I could win a battle with him. darn!
anyhow, chinese riders everywhere, and I got him just before I cleaned up the continent. Very rare. Elite units have to win, and then they have about an 8% chance! I don't think city defense victories count....can anyone confirm/deny?
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