The worker bug
I noticed two distinct bugs with the workers:
- One worker was building a railroad in one tile of my oponent, I bombarded it, and destroyed the previous road and mine that was already there, 2 turns later, the square appeared with a railroad improvement. Odd...
- I was attacking another oponent, when I arrived near his city, he started moving something like 40 workers, of babylonian origin, from one side to another, with no aparent reason. The AI simply doesnt know what to do with his excess workers. This is one of the reasons that the games starts to slow down later. Some programer at firaxis forgot to put a line there...
- When a war starts, the workers (automated) will run to a city (good!), but when the war is over, they'll stay there. You will have to activate then manually.
- Also workers should not count as a "regular" unit in the counter. Sometimes you will get a false impression that the city is flooded with troops when this is not true. They should have a special color code in the unit counter or something like that.
Anyone noticed more?