November 9, 2001, 20:21
Local Time: 17:25
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Posts: 16
Is it me, or is Civ3 worse then CTP2?
Couldn't firaxis just take the GOOD things from ctp2 into civ3, or do they think, that a "non-SID" civ game doesnt deserve to be a part of an "all-new-SID-civ-game"?
i mean, somehow ctp2 was more fun to play.
Look at the combat:
I mean what is an bowman good for, when he must melee in combat? the troops in ctp2 are DEFINITELY better. Get a line of Swordmen in front, and the bowmen in the second row.
Then this Worker stuf, still there from Civ1 (ok in civ1 the settlers done the work), funny thing, sure! but in ~1900 i had 50+ workers, all in auto, man i hate it to wait two minutes just lookin how they move, whitout the posibility to do anything in this time. Why not the same system as in CTP/2, take a percentage fo all shields, make the improvement where you want it, dont look any further.
City managemnet was just so GOOD in ctp2. Simple but effective.
What's with this "you must put your people on that fluffy squares" stuff? wasn't ctp2 just perfect in this? no ppl on squares, it was an average of all squares in the city limits. wasnt this an advantage over civ1/2/ctp? i thought so, at least.
Then this strategical ressources for units? am i to blame if there are any in my citys/civilzation? I reseach them, i found them first, but i can't use them, because i dont have the frciking startegical resources.
and my absolute hate-point for now is this cultural "we dont want to live in your civ, but in the civ, because they cultur admires to we'll take all your military units with us......" thing. How can a city go over to another civ, when the other civ have only a "SETTLER" left, no cities at all. how can a city with more military units in it, then population overtrow the goverment?
why is a civilazation not destroyed when i crush their last city, and they have a little caravel with a settler in it, hiding somewhere on the seas?
And when i find their new city, travel there, destroy it, there is already another ship with a settler on its way!
It's no fun, to invest 20+ hours in a game (Largest Map, Chieftain, 10 civs,two big continents, random map, on one me, the zulu, chinese, japanese, babylonian, and the rest on the other) in which i destroy the zulus, chinese and the japanese til 1800, minimize the babylonians to 1 settler til 1830, and then all my cities just change to babylonian civ, without teh possibility for me to prevent that. And the Raise-it-and-build-new-city-on-same-place-method is not what i really want as a solution.
sometimes i just wonder about the AI. Why does it seem, that even on the easiest difficulty level the cpu controlled civs get an advantage against you? why does the other civs so fast ally against you, but needs a hell-of-a-work to get one to ally with you against other? i mean i played the tutorial, and i got crushed in the moment where three othe rcivs decided to attack me, because i wanted one of them to retreat from my ground?
i dont want to win on deity difficulty, i normaly play my civ games (civ1,ctp,ctp2) the first time on the easiest level to get a feel for it, then take medium to play some games, and thats it. But for Gods sake, when i chosse the easiest level, i want it to be easy.
I played some ctp2 games on middle diff., and they where easier then chieftain in civ3. and only because civ3's AI is just unfair on some things.
And this production queue goes defintely on my nerves, why cant is just stay on the last unit i choose? why have it to switch to another unit, wihtout me wantig this? it just worked so well in ctp/ctp2. (btw, i know they are not from sid, but from activison)
For me it seems like civ3 frustrates me, where ctp2 was fun, why didn't the firaxis guys just took the good things from ctp2 and put them in civ3?
And that what makes my pain in the ass is, i'm addicted to this game, but why have they destroyed the good gameplay by such annoying stuff?
i think i have to wait (and hope) for an add-on cd, with new features.
so "long",
"a frustrated, and somehow dissapointed" SkinJob
P.S. If you dont like my typos and/or my grammar, you are free to -CENSORED- my -CENSORED-, 'coz i jut don't give a -CENSORED-! ;-)
Last edited by SkinJob; November 9, 2001 at 20:30.
November 9, 2001, 20:32
Local Time: 12:25
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It's just you
While CtP2 sucked, Civ3 is amazingly fun. Thankfully the annoyance that was Public Works is not associated with the Civ series. Resources and Culture dramatically change the game, and for the better. You are frustrated that a resource isn't in your area? Well, that is the plan is it not? You won't be able to have everything. Trade is the key now! What we asked for!
And I actually do like putting my people in to those 'fluffy squares'.
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
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November 9, 2001, 20:35
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! But for Gods sake, when i chosse the easiest level, i want it to be easy.
Finally someone who is honest!
But seriously, I have heard so much bad stuff about CTP2. And yet, every time I look at it, I see things like combined arms assaults that are actually composed of combined arms, at the same time; and building land improvements instead of having to manage 50 settlers (or whatever) for all eternity. It seems very innovative. The only negative things I have heard are "It got so boring".
So, putting aside your negative feelings for Civ3 now (pretend the first patch will come out tomorrow)... would you recommend for someone (like me) to buy CTP2, or CIV3?
(I already own Civ3 but refuse to play it until it is patched, and am considering returning it.)
-Saber Cherry
November 9, 2001, 20:49
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Well i infact really like civ3, but somehow for now its no fun for me. not in this form.
Sure i have not mentioned the good new things, i never said that civ3 sucks, i just said it frustrates me. i also never said that ctp2 has no bad sides on it. but i hoped that civ3 would be sort of a combination of the good things in previous civ (including ctp/2) games.
@Saber_Cherry : If you can get ctp2 for ~10 bucks, it would be "at least" worth a look. it have it weakness, but for me it made more fun, then civ3 is doing now. but then again, that's just my humble opinion.
November 9, 2001, 20:53
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Originally posted by Saber_Cherry
!But for Gods sake, when i chosse the easiest level, i want it to be easy.
Finally someone who is honest! 
But seriously, I have heard so much bad stuff about CTP2. And yet, every time I look at it, I see things like combined arms assaults that are actually composed of combined arms, at the same time; and building land improvements instead of having to manage 50 settlers (or whatever) for all eternity. It seems very innovative. The only negative things I have heard are "It got so boring".
So, putting aside your negative feelings for Civ3 now (pretend the first patch will come out tomorrow)... would you recommend for someone (like me) to buy CTP2, or CIV3?
(I already own Civ3 but refuse to play it until it is patched, and am considering returning it.)
If the "only" negative thing about a game was that it got so boring, I wouldn't play it either.
And hey, why don't YOU try the game since you've already bought it, instead of letting other people make decisions for you.
To SkinJob, I think Imran said what I would have said. To add, Civ III is not a sequel to CTP 2, and is actually quite innovative. There is a lot you have to get used to before you can become good. Except for a few erros (which will hopefully be fixed in the patch) the game works very well.
November 9, 2001, 20:53
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Civ 3 has already entertained me more than the CTP series ever did...yes I bought both games hoping for the "civ experience" and never got it.
Also the AI in CTP is so lame... never attacked effectively...very easy to beat and always had a defensive posture...and yes it was boring...and if you have the game and not playing it, your loss.
November 9, 2001, 20:57
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Re: Is it me, or is Civ3 worse then CTP2?
Originally posted by SkinJob
Is it me, or is Civ3 worse then CTP2?
It's just you.
"Oderint dum probent"
November 9, 2001, 21:04
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What a coincident! I was just thinking how much I missed some of the options in SMAC.
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November 9, 2001, 21:12
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and my absolute hate-point for now is this cultural "we dont want to live in your civ, but in the civ, because they cultur admires to we'll take all your military units with us......" thing. How can a city go over to another civ, when the other civ have only a "SETTLER" left, no cities at all. how can a city with more military units in it, then population overtrow the goverment?
I'm sure that one military unit was not intended to be the equivilent, or approximation, of one population point. I imagine that one point of population is above and beyond the entire size of every branch of your military unless, of course, you have exceedingly high conscription percentages.
Edit: For example, if the US military had a million military personel (I don't even think we have half of that, anyone?) it would still only account for roughly 1 and 270 people in the US. So if one population point equals a million people (I don't think that's a real strech) then you'd need 270 military units in that city to equal the cities total population.
Last edited by WhiteElephants; November 9, 2001 at 21:18.
November 9, 2001, 21:16
Local Time: 17:25
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Originally posted by WhiteElephants
I'm sure that one military unit was not intended to be the equivilent, or approximation, of one population point. I imagine that one point of population is above and beyond the entire size of every branch of your military unless, of course, you have exceedingly high conscription percentages.
Ok, agree, but why are they changing? i have far better science and culture then the "one" >Babylonian Settler<, i had twice as the whole babylonian civ on its best point in this game, why are they converting back?
Last edited by SkinJob; November 9, 2001 at 21:26.
November 9, 2001, 21:16
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I think it is fair to say, alittle both. For the most part, ctp2 was better. It was more realistic. The land scapes and graphics were better. I actaully felt I was a part of the game. Civ 3 is depessing. The world really seems fake.
only good thing about civ3 is its deplomacy. Put that in ctp2 and ctp2 would of been a real winner.
I have had civ 3 since it came out and I haven't played it for 3 streight days now. I just think it is pointless and not rewarding any fashion.
Basically, I don't mind reading about the game here and there, maybe something good will happen. BUt this game is just depressing. The atmosphere is strang, I think firaxis lacks in 3D graphics knowledge. Probably need to hire some more people to help with that. I have yet to see one game by sid where the graphics are really nice
November 9, 2001, 21:22
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Don't get me worng guys, i LOVE the Civ3, but the things that annoys me (see first post) prevent me to say "YES, Civ3 is FAR better then ctp2". Sure it's no sequel to ctp2, but ctp2 had so much good things, jsut like i forgt to mention the menus, especially the control box in the bottom-right corner.
Or the Hunger message, in civ3 you see it for a short time, when the city scrolls by. if you dont react they will die. In ctp2 there would be an extra window, that reminds you, and warns you, that a citizen will die next turn if you not react.
its sometimes just the small things that makes a game really good.
November 9, 2001, 23:05
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Re: Is it me, or is Civ3 worse then CTP2?
Originally posted by SkinJob
Couldn't firaxis just take the GOOD things from ctp2 into civ3, or do they think, that a "non-SID" civ game doesnt deserve to be a part of an "all-new-SID-civ-game"?
i mean, somehow ctp2 was more fun to play.
Look at the combat:
I mean what is an bowman good for, when he must melee in combat? the troops in ctp2 are DEFINITELY better. Get a line of Swordmen in front, and the bowmen in the second row.
Then this Worker stuf, still there from Civ1 (ok in civ1 the settlers done the work), funny thing, sure! but in ~1900 i had 50+ workers, all in auto, man i hate it to wait two minutes just lookin how they move, whitout the posibility to do anything in this time. Why not the same system as in CTP/2, take a percentage fo all shields, make the improvement where you want it, dont look any further.
City managemnet was just so GOOD in ctp2. Simple but effective.
What's with this "you must put your people on that fluffy squares" stuff? wasn't ctp2 just perfect in this? no ppl on squares, it was an average of all squares in the city limits. wasnt this an advantage over civ1/2/ctp? i thought so, at least.
Then this strategical ressources for units? am i to blame if there are any in my citys/civilzation? I reseach them, i found them first, but i can't use them, because i dont have the frciking startegical resources.
and my absolute hate-point for now is this cultural "we dont want to live in your civ, but in the civ, because they cultur admires to we'll take all your military units with us......" thing. How can a city go over to another civ, when the other civ have only a "SETTLER" left, no cities at all. how can a city with more military units in it, then population overtrow the goverment?
why is a civilazation not destroyed when i crush their last city, and they have a little caravel with a settler in it, hiding somewhere on the seas?
And when i find their new city, travel there, destroy it, there is already another ship with a settler on its way!
It's no fun, to invest 20+ hours in a game (Largest Map, Chieftain, 10 civs,two big continents, random map, on one me, the zulu, chinese, japanese, babylonian, and the rest on the other) in which i destroy the zulus, chinese and the japanese til 1800, minimize the babylonians to 1 settler til 1830, and then all my cities just change to babylonian civ, without teh possibility for me to prevent that. And the Raise-it-and-build-new-city-on-same-place-method is not what i really want as a solution.
sometimes i just wonder about the AI. Why does it seem, that even on the easiest difficulty level the cpu controlled civs get an advantage against you? why does the other civs so fast ally against you, but needs a hell-of-a-work to get one to ally with you against other? i mean i played the tutorial, and i got crushed in the moment where three othe rcivs decided to attack me, because i wanted one of them to retreat from my ground?
i dont want to win on deity difficulty, i normaly play my civ games (civ1,ctp,ctp2) the first time on the easiest level to get a feel for it, then take medium to play some games, and thats it. But for Gods sake, when i chosse the easiest level, i want it to be easy.
I played some ctp2 games on middle diff., and they where easier then chieftain in civ3. and only because civ3's AI is just unfair on some things.
And this production queue goes defintely on my nerves, why cant is just stay on the last unit i choose? why have it to switch to another unit, wihtout me wantig this? it just worked so well in ctp/ctp2. (btw, i know they are not from sid, but from activison)
For me it seems like civ3 frustrates me, where ctp2 was fun, why didn't the firaxis guys just took the good things from ctp2 and put them in civ3?
And that what makes my pain in the ass is, i'm addicted to this game, but why have they destroyed the good gameplay by such annoying stuff?
i think i have to wait (and hope) for an add-on cd, with new features.
so "long",
"a frustrated, and somehow dissapointed" SkinJob
P.S. If you dont like my typos and/or my grammar, you are free to -CENSORED- my -CENSORED-, 'coz i jut don't give a -CENSORED-! ;-)
OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! DEMONS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How much have you played Civ really? I've played 10 plus years now. CTP, CTP2 are pieces of shiest from amateurs.
They should not even be compared to any game that firaxis makes.
Here's the problem with CTP in general. 1 and 2. Public works, is the dumbest idea ever, when it is implemented, it doesn't work. In CTP2 it was always hard to get a big empire quick enough. And plus the overspecialization of units made the game crap.
I mean, they unit hopped with every new tech. And once you got into the future? Layers, is a hard idea to sustain. Noble attempt, bud badly made.
CTP2 combat was retarded. Countless reports of the infamous phalanx/catapult army killing of fusion tanks. Number of armies was not limited either. Which made some mayham.
Another thing. CTP2 scenarios, were so sad. They weren't even comparable to the lamest civ II scenarios. The unit movement was tedious, I had groups and if I wanted to watch the cool animations they had move in slowmow.
I played both CTP, CTP2, and I'm sorry there was nothing good about those games. It was a terrible waste of money.
A wise man once said, "Games are never finished, only published."
November 9, 2001, 23:11
Local Time: 12:25
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Is it just me or were all of those complaints kinda pointless? You're just complaining that the game takes too much work. The whole point of the game is to challenge yourself, to make yourself think. That's always been the point of civ. If you don't want to think and work for it, go play something else.
November 10, 2001, 01:32
Local Time: 17:25
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Re: Re: Is it me, or is Civ3 worse then CTP2?
Originally posted by Stromprophet
OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! DEMONS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How much have you played Civ really? I've played 10 plus years now. CTP, CTP2 are pieces of shiest from amateurs.
They should not even be compared to any game that firaxis makes.
Oh yes, get me an exorcist, i need to distinguishe the demon that i got obsessed by. Btw, i can't remember playing any game for ten years, and there where many games, between my c64/atari2600 and my pc/ps2/gc days now. The Civilization Box (Amiga) still has a honor place between the other numerous gameboxes on my attic, next to the Colonization package. And if i cram long enough i'll find that damned SMAC box.
Here's the problem with CTP in general. 1 and 2. Public works, is the dumbest idea ever, when it is implemented, it doesn't work. In CTP2 it was always hard to get a big empire quick enough.
I never had problems with PW in ctp nor ctp2. it always worked fine for me, and i STILL see it as an improvment over the old system from civ1/2. And a big empire maybe was not always the best to go on, at least we saw it from the roman empire.
And plus the overspecialization of units made the game crap.
I mean, they unit hopped with every new tech. And once you got into the future? Layers, is a hard idea to sustain. Noble attempt, bud badly made.
Well how about you just product new units, as in reality, you cant just upgrade your catapult to a canon, you have to build a new one. And if your army is not up-to-date, well you see what happens with the taliban-guys in afghanistan right now?
CTP2 combat was retarded. Countless reports of the infamous phalanx/catapult army killing of fusion tanks. Number of armies was not limited either. Which made some mayham.
Oh yes, you're right, the Civ 3 Reports of spearmen hiding in the mountains and destroying modern tanks, well thats more funny, and for sure, it's more realistic.
On the other side where combat in ctp1 infact was broken, in ctp2 i have not seen so many of such glitches.
Another thing. CTP2 scenarios, were so sad. They weren't even comparable to the lamest civ II scenarios. The unit movement was tedious, I had groups and if I wanted to watch the cool animations they had move in slowmow.
I played both CTP, CTP2, and I'm sorry there was nothing good about those games. It was a terrible waste of money.
What you say about scenarios, may be true. But to be honest i never payed attention to scenarios. For me there is only one scenario, the civ scenario, play from the year 4000BC on, and build a civilization to stand the test of time!
I'm sorry if ctp/2 was a waste of money for you, i enjoyed playing them, and with the exception of civ3, ctp2 for me IS the best civ game so far. a patched civ3 /w mp, may earn this title then.
so long,
November 10, 2001, 01:36
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Posts: 16
Originally posted by Sabre2th
Is it just me or were all of those complaints kinda pointless? You're just complaining that the game takes too much work. The whole point of the game is to challenge yourself, to make yourself think. That's always been the point of civ. If you don't want to think and work for it, go play something else.
Well look, maybe we look from different angels at this game, but every game i played till today, including the civ games, always for for fun, amusement, entertainment, to relax, BUT NOT TO WORK FOR!
WORK is what i do everyday when i go to my work in REALLIFE, i have definitely NO ambitions to also start work in my free-time. and especially not for a game, like i said i never did, and i'll never do.
If i maybe got your point wrong, then correct me, if not, then i'm thinking if i should be sad with ppl like you. :-/
just my two f-ing cents,
November 10, 2001, 01:38
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Just you.
While Civ III is a 3 out of 5 game, CTP2 scores negative several thousand...
Furthermore, while CTP2 was immediately dropped by Activision, it looks like we'll see some patching of CivIII, which hopefully will make the game a good game, worthy of the civilization name.
i do agree, however, that it feels like the CivIII designers conciously thought 'Oh, that is part of CTP, so we can't use that, or people will say we've only stolen stuff from CTP'. Cause let's face it... Not using the combat system from CTP is like insisting on chopsticks when there is a fork available. The only possible reason you would do something as stupid as that is pride...
Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine
November 10, 2001, 01:48
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Originally posted by CyberGnu
The only possible reason you would do something as stupid as that is pride...
That's what i start to think somehow. And when the combat would be the only thing that was better but not taken from ctp2, then i would be much less upset.
Like i said before i'm just so angry/mad because i really WANT to love this game. I want to have fun playing it, but in it's current state i just cant. and that somehow, even if it's wierd, hurts, because i awaited it for so long, and then this dissapointment.
but whatever, i just hope for better to come.
November 10, 2001, 02:34
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Civ 3 is depessing. The world really seems fake.
I just think it is pointless and not rewarding any fashion.
BUt this game is just depressing. The atmosphere is strang
my thoughts civ 3:
I had to create an account and post: MonarchyMajor is right on. This game is just not fun. I enjoyed civ 2 for a couple years (really enjoyed it) and with civ 3, I don't feel "in" of the game. I have been struggling to put this into words since I got the game about a week ago and the best I can do so far is to come up with amorphous concepts. Sure, the issues like cities reverting back are ridiculous. But these types of things can be patched. The real problem is that playing the game is not fun for me because the experience of playing the game is remote and tedious.
November 10, 2001, 08:56
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Originally posted by nfo1212
my thoughts civ 3:
I had to create an account and post: MonarchyMajor is right on. This game is just not fun. I enjoyed civ 2 for a couple years (really enjoyed it) and with civ 3, I don't feel "in" of the game. I have been struggling to put this into words since I got the game about a week ago and the best I can do so far is to come up with amorphous concepts. Sure, the issues like cities reverting back are ridiculous. But these types of things can be patched. The real problem is that playing the game is not fun for me because the experience of playing the game is remote and tedious.
Yeah, your right, the "feeling" is just not there. The game wont suck you really in. Like if the game just is unfinished, or just completed too fast.
November 10, 2001, 09:34
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Posts: 160
is the first post in this thread supposed to be a parody? He's complaining because his slums are being assimilated by other culutures.
people, people, people -- wake up! This is not Civ2, the game is different. The game is better. You have to adjust your strategies and quit blaming the game.
If you are having game balance problems and getting your *** kicked, it is because you are getting your *** kicked, not because of game balance problems.
November 10, 2001, 09:39
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Originally posted by squid
is the first post in this thread supposed to be a parody? He's complaining because his slums are being assimilated by other culutures.
people, people, people -- wake up! This is not Civ2, the game is different. The game is better. You have to adjust your strategies and quit blaming the game.
If you are having game balance problems and getting your *** kicked, it is because you are getting your *** kicked, not because of game balance problems.
[ ]You got my point
[ ]You read my whole post
[ ]Your post contributed to solve some problems
[ ]You are older then 12
[x]You could get a qualification as flamer
so long,
November 10, 2001, 10:17
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It's a good question, but there is too much steam whistling out of some ears. I never played CtP2, but I did buy CtP1. Here is what I think. Plus (+) is for Civ3, Minus (-) is for CtP.
+ So far, Civ3 is more fun to play. I have no idea how long lasting that fun will be, but so far, so good.
- I much preferred the PW system. It makes more sense, and if Firaxis is as committed to "streamlining" the game as they claim, then that would be the way to go.
- The graphics of CtP were far superior. The units in Civ3 are nice, but the terrain of CtP wins hands down.
- CtP introduced Bombardment. Let's give that to them.
+ Culture is an original Civ3 concept, and it works great. If cities resist, then that's because the opponent is superior, or you are not doing your bit to convince them that you are the one and only.
- Combat in CtP was better. Stacked combat makes more sense, is more realistic and more fun. Only better example I have seen is in Conquest Of The New World.
+ Air Combat in Civ3 is great. Best I have seen.
- CtP had wondermovies. Sure, it's not a make-or-break issue, but were talking about our hard earned cash.
It's a shame the CtP series have been scrapped. They did have a lot to offer.
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November 10, 2001, 10:33
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Air Combat in Civ3 is great. Best I have seen.
so u have seen air combat that includes not being able to destroy ships and not being able to intercept enemy bombers.
November 10, 2001, 10:43
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To much has been improved to even compare it to CTP2
Ctp2 hd promise but alot things destroyed that game for me.
1. Silly units in the modern+ time and cartoon graphics what were they thinking.
2. No AI, there were no AI what so ever they could not attack they could not use plans fro example.
3. No support from activision, although the game improved from scenarion makers but that took time and the game was broken,
There is no comparing enough said. But one thing seems to be the case those that want a harder game likes civ3 they who do not like a hard game do not like civ3. Play on chieftain good damnit and don't make the game easier for the people that wannt it to be hard. Whats the point of playing a game when its a walk over.
Stop winning you English no good Knigits.
"Your mother was a hamster and yor father smelled from elderberries."
November 10, 2001, 10:53
Local Time: 12:25
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 21,822
I agree, skinjob, about the lack of Public Work (not Firaxis' fault, though; it's the copyright laws) and the battle system (copyrights might have applied to this, too, however). All of your other complaints are actually improvements, I think.
[Obama] is either a troll or has no ****ing clue how government works - GePap
Later amendments to the Constitution don't supersede earlier amendments - GePap
November 10, 2001, 10:53
Local Time: 17:25
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 16
Originally posted by Matte979
To much has been improved to even compare it to CTP2
Ctp2 hd promise but alot things destroyed that game for me.
1. Silly units in the modern+ time and cartoon graphics what were they thinking.
2. No AI, there were no AI what so ever they could not attack they could not use plans fro example.
3. No support from activision, although the game improved from scenarion makers but that took time and the game was broken,
There is no comparing enough said. But one thing seems to be the case those that want a harder game likes civ3 they who do not like a hard game do not like civ3. Play on chieftain good damnit and don't make the game easier for the people that wannt it to be hard. Whats the point of playing a game when its a walk over.
Stop winning you English no good Knigits.
"Your mother was a hamster and yor father smelled from elderberries."
1. This not a point of gameplay, you dont like the graphics, or the units are too futuristic for you? Well still not a fun-factor/gameplay issue!
2. The AI in Civ3 is more active, the diplomacy seems better. but often the AI cheats and just look like it would be good. But on AI i agree that civ3 has a plus.
3. Support, well ok activision did a shitty job with that, ok, but at least ACTIVISON DONT TRIES TO RIP OFF ITS CUSTOMERS AND SELL THEM THE MULTIPLAYER PART, you get it all inclusive, free house delivered.
Civ3 has to be compared on CTP2, and it just have to much things that are worse than in ctp2.
For sure, just to say it once again, things like the aggressive/active AI are ok, and Culture ssems innovative, at least it did before i started loosing conquered cities every two turns, but hey maybe thats just a problem in my eyes.
And well, i am not english, never was, but hey, you know what? Just nevermind!
November 10, 2001, 10:57
Local Time: 17:25
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 16
Originally posted by skywalker
I agree, skinjob, about the lack of Public Work (not Firaxis' fault, though; it's the copyright laws) and the battle system (copyrights might have applied to this, too, however). All of your other complaints are actually improvements, I think.
Sure this are improvements, but what for are improvements when they actually dont work and/or are broken?
November 10, 2001, 11:02
Local Time: 16:25
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 225
Originally posted by Lorizael
If the "only" negative thing about a game was that it got so boring, I wouldn't play it either.
I agree.
And hey, why don't YOU try the game since you've already bought it, instead of letting other people make decisions for you.
Good point, I admit. But there are also people without the game (for instance, in Europe) that still try to make up their minds, so speaking without playing is not foolish in itself.
To SkinJob, I think Imran said what I would have said
Ah, the delicate balanced impartial fanatic
To add, Civ III [...] is actually quite innovative. There is a lot you have to get used to before you can become good.
Innovative? Really? Apart from culture, it is definitely the most CONSERVATIVE game I ever saw... I mean it even got BACKWARD from SMAC... and it does not feature MP or scenarios!!! It is innovative just from the point of view of Firaxis' bronze face in selling such a raw, cut and rushed (even if good, remember that I think it is good, it could not be anything else being so close to the "genre") game.
Except for a few erros (which will hopefully be fixed in the patch) the game works very well.
Bear the bugs, and keep up hoping. And be ready to pay for expansions, scenarios, upgrades, MP editions, gold editions.
I personally will wait until the gold (global, final, complete) edition, if any.
A final note: while I think that CtP I&II are bad, I still like some of the innovations (stacked combat, public works, some covert units) that they put in. Sadly, they do not make up for the game, if the rest is of poor quality.
The ice was here, the ice was there, the ice was all around: it cracked and growled and roared and howled like noises in a swound!
Last edited by Yoleus; November 10, 2001 at 11:07.
November 10, 2001, 11:11
Local Time: 12:25
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 1,691
Originally posted by SkinJob
Well look, maybe we look from different angels at this game, but every game i played till today, including the civ games, always for for fun, amusement, entertainment, to relax, BUT NOT TO WORK FOR!
WORK is what i do everyday when i go to my work in REALLIFE, i have definitely NO ambitions to also start work in my free-time. and especially not for a game, like i said i never did, and i'll never do.
If i maybe got your point wrong, then correct me, if not, then i'm thinking if i should be sad with ppl like you. :-/
just my two f-ing cents,
The whole civ concept is meant to make you think. The point of the game is to challenge you. It isn't WORK like you call it. If you're playing on chieftain and are still having trouble, you need to adjust your strategies.
Also - If there is a feature in the game that you don't like, complaining won't do much. Most of the complaints I read from you were about things that you wanted completely changed (ie public works and combat). Many of these are things that couldn't have been put in anyway. Even if they were put in, other people would have complained
Bottom Line: Most of the stuff you're complaining about can't/won't be changed. If you don't like the game, don't play it.
BTW - Squid is more right than you here.
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