Two relatively quick questions:
I wasn't really paying attention during my second game when it happened, but it looked like the colony I had built so I'd have some horses to play with before my borders had time to expand disappeared once my borders overtook it. So, if the colony disappeared, what happened to that population point? Did it go away? Did it get absorbed into the nearest city?
In my first game, I had the dominant culture and was sandwiched between three civs (2 to the north, 1 to the south). I never did get a city take over with culture. Anybody know of any specifics on how/when such a takeover occurs?
All in all, I'm having a fun time with Civ3, and though it has its flaws (which have been very adroitly pointed out by the folks on the forum), I must admit I find the general complaints by most people a bit amusing and a bit perplexing. Especially the comparisons to CtP1 & 2. However, since I didn't play either, and thus can't say anything good or bad about them in comparison to Civ3, I'll just leave it at this: give yourself another week or two to figure out the game mechanics and various strategies. I don't think Civ3 is nearly as horrible as some of you think it is at this time. And something tells me you won't either, once you're comfortable with the game.
Last thing: corruption is a bit much. Guh.