November 10, 2001, 04:39
Local Time: 18:26
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Are you little kids never satisfied ? Go crying to your mother but don't bother us !
I'm really getting pretty mad about all those whining settlers around here ! The most ridiculous threads have been started about civ3. I wonder if these days any gaming company can release a good game in your eyes.............
You're a bunch of never satisfied kids !
Civ3 rocks, and beats civ2 on EVERY detail !
There are a few minor bugs, but they will be patched. Nothing to whine about.
If things have been changed from civ2........... no reason to cry !
If things haven't been changed from civ2............ no reason to cry !
But you guys cry at everything ! "Combat is so different from civ2, it was so much better in civ2" or "Science is about the same as in civ2, why didn't they improve it ?"
Are we listening to the spoiled generation ?
The generation of kids that always got what they wanted, if they asked either their father or their mother ? Grew up in an economic top, and buy a new ($40) game every month.
Most of the negative threads make no sence.
In fact it all comes to one silly point: You can't beat the AI !
You're too stupid to beat the AI.
Firaxis has finally released a game with a GOOOOOD AI, and you can't beat it, thus you cry that the game is broken.
It's not broken, you just can't find the cheat codes.
There are no walk throughs. You have to find it out all by yourself ! Oops, that's something different than a first person shooter ! Aaaaaaack  now you have to THINK !
I spit on you negative whiners !
Civilization 3 rocks all the way ! ALL THE WAY I tell you.
Go to your mother and ask a cookie. If it's not 100% round......... COMPLAIN !!!!
complain complain complain complain !
Formerly known as "CyberShy"
Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori
November 10, 2001, 04:40
Local Time: 18:26
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and of course I'm not talking about the people that give positive critism or report bugs.
Formerly known as "CyberShy"
Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori
November 10, 2001, 05:53
Local Time: 16:26
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Posts: 225
Quite nice! A completely free attack on other people opinions. You sure are a smart guy: you truly understand that the "right of speech" is actually bullshit. You know that "politeness" is really a waste of time, do you?
You go first and lone into my ignore list.
The ice was here, the ice was there, the ice was all around: it cracked and growled and roared and howled like noises in a swound!
November 10, 2001, 05:58
Local Time: 16:26
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Settler = kid ????
Sure ...
November 10, 2001, 06:11
Local Time: 16:26
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Easy, Big oughtta try Decaf.....
Yeah, some peple moan about teeny problems, but some people have some good points. When the game is patched there will still be complaints. Try not to have a coronary over it.
"I know nobody likes me...why do we have to have Valentines Day to emphasize it?"- Charlie Brown
November 10, 2001, 06:15
Local Time: 17:26
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Cyber, I thought you were a realist... This game is good, sure. But compared to what? Civ2? It's been five years, it should be good.
The Culture and especially the Resource system are great, but apart from that, Civ3 is SMAC on Earth.
Chill, man. It's only a game (sadly).
To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks
November 10, 2001, 06:54
Local Time: 17:26
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i wonder how a "whiner"-faction would look like
well, in every(!) game you can find some flaws - compared to other companies' releases firaxis games are really sophisticated (meaning the gameplay).
i agree with cybershy - stop whining, learn thinking
November 10, 2001, 06:58
Local Time: 17:26
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Originally posted by TresXF
i wonder how a "whiner"-faction would look like
i agree with cybershy - stop whining, learn thinking
You mean Cybershy is not whining?
To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks
November 10, 2001, 07:04
Local Time: 11:26
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never satifisfied kids.... hmmm....
now personally i like the game however,
if post on a message board make u angry u could also be called a child cybershy or u are definately not emotionally mature. Its gotta be one of the two.
Im not sure but im guessing u probably voted for Gore as well, that is if u were old enough to vote at that time. I cant help but think that your post was flame bait however, i felt the need to post in order to let u know how childish and immature u sound.
November 10, 2001, 07:09
Local Time: 17:26
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Cybershy is not American. He lives in the King(Queen)dom of the Netherlands, as is clearly visible. He is stuck with Queen Obelix, the mother of Prince Beer.
Still, Bush showed nothing but pigheadedness until the present crisis.
OT, but then, this thread is a bit silly.
To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks
November 10, 2001, 08:48
Local Time: 08:26
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Posts: 10
i have heard enough of this "difficult ai" rhetoric, it has to do with realism, or the lack thereof in this case. most people who mention ai along with difficulty usually are praising how it actually got "smarter." thinking is not what it requires, since it is disconnected from the real world, you have to accept the new arbitrary rules that's created purely by the designers' fiat. the complains like bombardment being unable to destroy ships is one example. do you know the first publicized bomber test is on a battleship done in usa? the point of the test is to show that the bombers are powerful, powerful enough to sink a battleship, when the world powers are still in a naval race. there's no excuse to make the combat system away from the level of realism achieved in civ2. it should be towards realism, not away. the only effect of these negative changes rocks the foundation of the genre, in fact, it rocks the foundation all the way.
may be when you seriously consider a proper counter argument, there would be something constructive that firaxis can either consider putting in the patch, or at least reasonably neglect.
"this is just a game" is just red herring, get it?
November 10, 2001, 09:12
Local Time: 16:26
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Originally posted by CB2034
never satifisfied kids.... hmmm....
now personally i like the game however,
if post on a message board make u angry u could also be called a child cybershy or u are definately not emotionally mature. Its gotta be one of the two.
Im not sure but im guessing u probably voted for Gore as well, that is if u were old enough to vote at that time. I cant help but think that your post was flame bait however, i felt the need to post in order to let u know how childish and immature u sound.
'u'? 'i'? 'Im'? ROFL! You're not coming across as particularly mature yourself...
November 10, 2001, 09:17
Local Time: 17:26
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Posts: 16
It's not whining, it's just that, some of the ppl here waited long for the game to bereleased, they couldn't await the day when the game will be released. And yes, when waiting, and reading every f*ucking news on the net about this game, you build up your excpectations, and the the game is out, you run to the store, get it, you are happy like a little kid, and then you start playing, spend some 20 30 hours for the game, just to come to a point where you see that theres to much things that start to dissapoint you.
And then it nerves you, and you ask yourself why this game, that you really want to like, want to play, just have too mayn flaws here and there.
And some ppl take it really emotionaly, BECAUSE they are fans of the game, and only thing they want is to share their feelings with other civers.
But as always there will be some trolls and flamers here, to just burn down these, who dare to be honest about the game.
November 10, 2001, 09:40
Local Time: 16:26
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I agree with cybershy, theres far too many lamers posting rubbish topics about civ3 being bad beacuse it dosen't have wonder movies for example (morons)
I also disagree about the AI being too smart.. it can never be too good, sometimes it can place a city for strategicreasons to repair units or stop you expanding, to find resources, not just to make hundreds of population points..
We need more positive forums, people tend to just post negative things all the time - its the bad tside of human nature
November 10, 2001, 09:47
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There are no positive things.
There are things brought up from civ2 and theres new things that dont work.
Thats about the gist of it.
I like it though.
November 10, 2001, 09:54
Local Time: 17:26
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You seem to be so incredibly fond of your own opinion. Anyone else's opinion is clearly but a nuisance, as opposed to your godlike untouchable one.
Cybershy is not American. He lives in the King(Queen)dom of the Netherlands, as is clearly visible. He is stuck with Queen Obelix, the mother of Prince Beer.
Don't f*** with me or my country. At least we're realistic and *solve* problems such as softdrugs and euthanasia. Some other countries seem to be so conservative and afraid of concepts they have been raised and indoctrinated with that they would actually rather shove them away so they won't see the actual problem based on any opium religion rather than to do anything about it. It's like wiping the dust under the carpet instead of throwing it in a dustbin[/Pro-Dutch-Babble]
November 10, 2001, 10:12
Local Time: 08:26
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Re: Adieu
Originally posted by Yoleus
Quite nice! A completely free attack on other people opinions. You sure are a smart guy: you truly understand that the "right of speech" is actually bullshit. You know that "politeness" is really a waste of time, do you? 
You go first and lone into my ignore list.
Thanks for clearing this up. I have been under the impression that free speech was a two way street, it's ok to whine, and it's ok to speek out against it. But now I see that whining is free speech, speeking out against whining is not free speech. I'm glad you straightened that out for me.
November 10, 2001, 10:34
Local Time: 16:26
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Posts: 110
Good point!
And I use my freespeech aswell.
There are problem but nothing that can justify saying civ 3 is not good.
Stop winning you English no good Knigits.
"Your mother was a hamster and yor father smell from elderberries."
Go away English knigits...
November 10, 2001, 10:39
Local Time: 17:26
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Originally posted by Matte979
Stop winning you English no good Knigits.
"Your mother was a hamster and yor father smell from elderberries."
Go away English knigits...
I fart in your general direction!
To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks
November 10, 2001, 10:41
Local Time: 10:26
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Hmmm...I think I am the one that posted that the game was broken, and I don't recall being a settler or a kid. I also don't recall having any problems beating the AI so far in civ3.
"Mal nommer les choses, c'est accroître le malheur du monde" - Camus (thanks Davout)
"I thought you must be dead ..." he said simply. "So did I for a while," said Ford, "and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks. A kept myself amused all that time jumping in and out of a gin and tonic."
November 10, 2001, 11:04
Local Time: 11:26
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I come to these boards mainly for the entertainment value, this thread in particular is a barrel of laughs.
well better get back to the game
November 10, 2001, 11:27
Local Time: 16:26
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Posts: 225
An apology
Originally posted by John-SJ
Thanks for clearing this up. I have been under the impression that free speech was a two way street, it's ok to whine, and it's ok to speek out against it. But now I see that whining is free speech, speeking out against whining is not free speech. I'm glad you straightened that out for me. 
I am sorry I gave you this impression. That's not what I meant, really, and I apologize if I sounded intolerant.
I will now try to expain myself. IMHO, there is a kind of "border", which depends on factors as your culture and traditions, between "legitimate opinions" and "deliberate attacks". To cross or not to cross this border is up to each one (the poster) sensibility, but everybody else (the readers of the forum, in this case) are involved in the action, so a kind of politeness-based self-limitation is welcome. The press too has this problem-dilemma.
For instance I think Admiral PJ's post in this thread is an opinion (which I even share, to some extent!),
while CyberShy's one is an attack. Please note that I SHARE CyberShy's point of view when he claims for a more costructive criticism, it's just the violence I feel that I do not like.
The ice was here, the ice was there, the ice was all around: it cracked and growled and roared and howled like noises in a swound!
November 10, 2001, 11:58
Local Time: 10:26
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Posts: 89
Cybershy, the truth is we've got here about 85% of a very great game. That leaves a lot of room for whining.
"Is it sport? I think it is. And does affection breed it? I think it does. Is it frailty that so errs? It is so too." - Shakespeare, Othello IV,iii
November 10, 2001, 12:23
Local Time: 08:26
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Originally posted by Matte979
Good point!
And I use my freespeech aswell.
There are problem but nothing that can justify saying civ 3 is not good.
Stop winning you English no good Knigits.
"Your mother was a hamster and yor father smell from elderberries."
Go away English knigits...
Neegh! Neeeegh!
November 10, 2001, 12:48
Local Time: 11:26
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As diplomatic as always CyberShy
I have no signature.
-Bob Dole
November 10, 2001, 13:05
Local Time: 16:26
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Well, firstly, I personally like Civ 3. I have been played Civ 2 almost non-stop until I got Civ 3, and I don't think I will go back. Of course, Civ 3 isn't perfect, but its still quite polished. There are a couple of small flaws, and the lack of editor and multiplayer, but other than I think that its a great game, and by far the best civ game yet. And it is true that a lot of people are whining about little niggles and trying to make up problems just so that they can complain (I don't know why people do this, but its certainly not uncommon).
However, I have to say that CyberShy's first post was very rude. Also, it is ageist. CyberShy, I would ask you to remember that while you may technically be an adult and others (including myself) are not, that does not make your opinion more valid. The chances are that there will be many "kids" on this board who are both far more intelligent and mature than yourself.
Ok, finally, speaking as an Englishman, I would like to say that the Netherlands' social policies are for the most part very good. Probably more than half of the teenagers of the UK are technically criminals for having tried cannabis. I think that if more countries implemented the liberal policies of the Netherlands, then the world would be a much more fun and relaxed place. I know the UK certainly would. I know that was off topic, but I thought that Zoetstofzoetje could use some support.
Never underestimate the healing powers of custard.
November 10, 2001, 14:20
Local Time: 10:26
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Originally posted by Earthling7
It's only a game (sadly).
Why do so many people say this?
It's not *only* a game. Some of us devote a majority if not almost all of our free time to this game. So it's only a game?
Besides the necessities of life, what makes life worth living other than what makes us happy? If I wasn't able to divert myself from the hellish aspects of most of life, life wouldn't be worth living.
Civ is more than a game to many of us.
November 10, 2001, 14:28
Local Time: 10:26
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Re: Re: Adieu
Originally posted by John-SJ
But now I see that whining is free speech, speeking out against whining is not free speech. I'm glad you straightened that out for me.
This isn't precisely relevant to when you are referring to what he is saying, but there is no free speech in this forum. Read the forum FAQ.
Posting on this forum is not a RIGHT, it is a PRIVILEGE that can be taken away.
November 10, 2001, 14:36
Local Time: 11:26
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Posts: 107
Ladies and gentelmen, we got ourselves a troll here.
Of course, us being a generation, so precisely categorized by the troll, that is never satisifed by what they get, we can safely say that his comments are not flamey enough.
Now go back to the hole you crawled out from, because you need a patch! We will complain to your mother and father for releasing you without enough playtesting.
November 10, 2001, 14:37
Local Time: 10:26
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Originally posted by Pembleton
Why do so many people say this?
It's not *only* a game. Some of us devote a majority if not almost all of our free time to this game. So it's only a game?
Besides the necessities of life, what makes life worth living other than what makes us happy? If I wasn't able to divert myself from the hellish aspects of most of life, life wouldn't be worth living.
Civ is more than a game to many of us.
Pembelton: Here's an idea. How about working on making your non-gaming life less hellish and perhaps then you will see that Civ3 is truly a game of fun?
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