October 30, 2000, 06:22
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New Giga-Map of the World
I've created a very detailed and very large map of the world. If you are interested you can find it in the maps section of my civ2 page. Please tell me what you think of it.
October 30, 2000, 07:11
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I've just downloaded your map.
I will post my comments this evening.
It looks like some nice piece of work !
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
October 30, 2000, 17:52
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I've looked at your map. It's a good one. I shall try to play it when I got time. But those gigarandom maps are tough nuts to crack on for me.
I'm very glad to see world maps blossom. I am preparing yet another one. In my opinion, the more there is, the more everybody can be pleased.
Three remarks : 1) there is many islands, I like that. 2) maybe there is too many mountains everywhere, but this is a swiss talking to you, 3) I think the northern hemisphere is a bit overstreched. (Maybe you should download Mercator's mapeditor, revert, extend and revert again to get a 127x250 map with a larger artic ocean, I'm not sure).
But it's a good one, and I'm looking forward to see the scenario that should go with it.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
October 30, 2000, 19:59
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I'm going to download it A.S.A.P. I'll comment later.
What if the Hokey-Pokey is really what its all about?
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October 31, 2000, 07:10
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Before I download it, is it a gigamap, only for MGE/ToT or can I use it with my good old FW?
October 31, 2000, 09:10
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(BeBro) - It's a gigamap. You will need MGE or ToT run it. Sorry. If you are interested you can try the other maps on my site, they are not gigamaps.
November 29, 2000, 18:08
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OK, I reviewed it and it is really good. My main problem is that around Persia are lots of buffalo resources.
What if the Hokey-Pokey is really what its all about?
Save the whales, collect the whole set!!
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November 29, 2000, 19:34
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It's great! Maybe a few too many hills and not enough desert in central and western Australia (just my opinion).
The one thing that irritates me though (about most world maps actually) in the inclusion of the Panama and Suez canals. In the real world it took years of effort to construct them, you shouldn't get them as freebies. The first thing I do with any world map I download is to fill them in, if I want to move ships through I found a city ('Panama' or 'Port Said') on the new square and do it that way.
Anyway that's just a personal gripe, great map!
November 29, 2000, 21:13
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My God that map is fantastic. Thanks for cutting off the top, which is unpopulated in most scenarios. Maybe some river squares for Detroit/Buffalo in the Great Lakes. And why is the Volga navigable?
[This message has been edited by Michael Daumen (edited November 29, 2000).]
November 30, 2000, 03:22
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Why is China so small?
December 1, 2000, 08:37
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You guys are never satisfied with world maps.
There's already three good one :
Johan's, Capo's (the diplo.mp) and mine (the original gigamap.mp avalaible at Apolyton).
I'm slowly and painfully making a maxi (143x229) world map. I'm already waiting for your critics ...
My next idea, but I don't have time yet to put it in order, would be a collective giga world map, with everybody contributing to the area he knows well. Anyone interested ?
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
December 1, 2000, 08:54
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Thanks a lot for your comments on my map. I'm going to make an updated version of it and then it's good to know what improvements other people want.
Your comments:
Many Islands - I like it to. Unfortunately I'll have to delete a lot of them. I recently found out that a map shouldn't have more than 64 different land masses (stupid AI).
Many Mountains - I'll think about that.
The northern hemisphere is a bit overstreched - Yes it is. That's for better gameplay. There is mostly ice and water south of Australia and Cape Horn. Most civs start in the northern hemisphere. That's why it's a lot bigger than the southern hemisphere.
Buffalos in Persia - I'm going to try the Map Editor program and see if I can delete special resources in places that shouldn't have rich resources.
Western Australia - Thanks for the information. I guess you are right. I've never been to Australia. Only used my atlas.
Suez and Panama canals - I've thought about that. I think I agree with you and maybe I'll fill them in. The reason I included them is 1) because it should be easier to find their locations if you make a modern scenario. And 2) If the canal is a city only one civ can use it.
Cutting off the top of the map - I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm going to change the most northern parts. Alaska/West Canada and East Siberia will be repainted. My brothers didn't like that the North-East/West passages weren't included. Also those parts are strange on my map.
Rivers at Detroit/Buffalo - (Niagara?) I think I'll add rivers there. Thanks.
Why is Volga navigable? - I don't know why I made it that way. Seems strange when not Mississippi/The Nile/The Amazon are navigable. I'll change it.
Small China - Do you think so? I made it just like it was in my atlas. Maybe it seems small because there are so many mountains and deserts. Or maybe it's because it is not so far from the equator. The more remote a part of the world is from the equator the more oversized is it.
Julius Brenzaida - Maxi (143x229) world map: Wow! I'm looking forward to seeing it. Also I wish to thank you for the gigamap idea. I never thought of it before your post some months ago.
Thank you all for your comments. I can't make the updates to the map before Christmas so if anyone has any more comments please tell me, there is still time.
[This message has been edited by Johan T (edited December 01, 2000).]
December 11, 2000, 01:13
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Johan T,
I just downloaded it and took a look. Wow! That is nice. I love these huge maps!
I look forward to MaxiWorld too!
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December 11, 2000, 04:53
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Posts: 679
Great Map!
Yet as with Gigaworld the desert between Mexico & US Borders is almost non-existant. Illegal aliens die of heat all the time trying to sneak into the US crossing that desert.
Needs a south pole too. Otherwise great map.
[This message has been edited by Pyrodrew (edited December 11, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Pyrodrew (edited December 11, 2000).]
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