November 10, 2001, 11:34
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IFE - Infinite Forest Exploitation
Everyone has been complaining about corruption, and the problem it causes when trying to develop newly conquered or built cities far from your palace. Well, I have cracked the production problem.
My strategy, which I have dubbed IFE (Infinite Forest Exploitation) is simple.
When conquering other civs, whether you take their cities or raze them, you have an abundance of foreign workers. If you play like me, your core empire is already developed, and does not need these workers. But I have found a use for them.
In these distant cities that suffer from extreme corruption, do this.
1. Clear all forest square adjacent to the city. You should be able to rush a temple for a low cost after the bonus.
2. Put two workers each in three of the cleared squares.
3. Tell them to plant forest. (usually 5 turns with two workers)
4. Have them chop down the forest (usually 3-4 turns with two workers)
This method adds lots of production and allows you to defeat the corruption system. Here is the bonus you receive:
One cycle of the process takes 8 turns. If you have three sets of workers doing this, you get 30 shields every 8 turns, about 3.8 shields per turn. After you get a temple and your culture expands you can do this in 8 squares with a city of 12 without sacrificing any workable squares. In 8 squares, that's 80 shields every 8 turns, or 10 shields per turn. This makes building things a lot easier in these cities.
This method does not even include the cities' base production. Which once you have a courthouse, is about 2-5. So at maximum, the city would be getting 15 shields per turn.
You can also use this strategy in cities that do not suffer from corruption, thus increasing their productivity. If you have an abundance of captured workers you can just have them join the others and speed the process up. I currently have a game running where I have 6 workers in 8 total squares doing this. The process takes 6 turns total with that many workers. That's 80 shields every 6 turns, 15 shields per turn bonus for that city!
You complained about corruption disrupting production, I give you:
November 10, 2001, 17:32
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Your workers would spend valuable time in planting trees and chopping it down later. What's so exploitable about that? There are plenty other things a worker can during the same time period. I think building roads/railroads should have a higher priority.
November 10, 2001, 17:57
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Also note that different nationalities workers can do this at different speeds, and that later in the game , after some particular tech I dont remember now, they get 50% faster. Its in the manual somewhere.
Anyway , in my current game I have four workers set aside on each continent "lumberjacking". Two workers can plant a forest or cut it down in a single turn. Thats 2.5 shields per turn, per worker. So, if you need a particular improvement , just figure out the number of shields, and how soon you want it built, and send the appropriate number of workers to start "lumberjacking".
For example if you want to build an 100 shield improvement in five turns, you would need to assign eight workers.
Eight workers x 2.5 shields each = 20, x 5 turns = 100 shields.
I have also seen that you if you generate more shields than you need, the extra shields go to waste.
With all this in mind, it might make sense to go capture some workers from an industrious civ, since they work a bit faster. Unless of course you are playing as an industrious civ, in which case it would make sense to build any captured "lazy" workers into one of your cities, and have it produce another , quicker worker.
Last edited by Drago Sinio; November 10, 2001 at 18:03.
November 10, 2001, 19:56
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I've only skimmed over this strategy before, and it seems to me that having only one worker doing that is not good enough because of the cost. having more, like what SoulAssassin said, is more likely to produce these greater results. Industrious Civs workers work twice as fast, so thats another way to speed up this deforesting/reforesting
his method does not even include the cities' base production. Which once you have a courthouse, is about 2-5.
In a city with total corruption, the shield production will increase by max of 2 with a courthouse.
Im gonna go try it out to see if it is a viable strat. I'll be back tomorrow to post what I figured out.
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November 11, 2001, 01:31
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I play a 'builder' strategy. In my last game (American) just before I quit (Second easiest level, Space victory), I tried something. In ONE TURN I was able to plant forest, clear forest, generating 10 shields, and irrigate the square. Since it was late in the game, and I was industrious, I believe that this only took 5 workers. Does anyone know if these shields are subject to corruption?
This sure sounds like a powerful exploit, especially late in the game when you have a lot of workers standing around doing nothing. I would think that there should be a rule that you can not plant and clear in one turn, or is this somehow less powerful that I think it is?
November 11, 2001, 06:08
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Originally posted by Transcend
Your workers would spend valuable time in planting trees and chopping it down later. What's so exploitable about that? There are plenty other things a worker can during the same time period. I think building roads/railroads should have a higher priority.
1. I don't think Firaxis intended the player to have an army of workers giving a 15 shield bonus per turn to a city. To exploit, is to take advantage of something.
2. My entire empire is already irrigated/mined/roads/railroads. And that is the whole point. The workers have nothing left to do. You would know this if you read the post in its entirety.
November 11, 2001, 06:14
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Originally posted by Lawrence of Arabia
I've only skimmed over this strategy before, and it seems to me that having only one worker doing that is not good enough because of the cost. having more, like what SoulAssassin said, is more likely to produce these greater results. Industrious Civs workers work twice as fast, so thats another way to speed up this deforesting/reforesting
I forgot to mention, I was playing France (Industrious and Commercial). That's why I was able to work so fast.
In a city with total corruption, the shield production will increase by max of 2 with a courthouse.
Again, France got a better bonus for corruption, that's why I said 2-5, depending on palace distance.
Im gonna go try it out to see if it is a viable strat. I'll be back tomorrow to post what I figured out.
Just remember that you need a ton of workers for this strategy to really be advantageous. I would recommend timing the process in such a way that you get a 10 shield bonus per turn. Then, if you have an extra group of workers doing this, maybe every 8 turns you get a 20 bonus. Ordering around all the workers gets tedious, but I would definitely utilize this strategy if MP every comes out.
If my opponent has the same amount of cities as me, and we are at war, I will eventually win because I can pump out more units than he can. It is important to protect the workers though, if you are at war.
November 11, 2001, 06:16
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Originally posted by RalphTrickey
I play a 'builder' strategy. In my last game (American) just before I quit (Second easiest level, Space victory), I tried something. In ONE TURN I was able to plant forest, clear forest, generating 10 shields, and irrigate the square. Since it was late in the game, and I was industrious, I believe that this only took 5 workers. Does anyone know if these shields are subject to corruption?
This sure sounds like a powerful exploit, especially late in the game when you have a lot of workers standing around doing nothing. I would think that there should be a rule that you can not plant and clear in one turn, or is this somehow less powerful that I think it is?
These shields do not get affected by corruption. Again, if it is late in the game and you have tons of workers standing around, put them to good use and IFE.
November 11, 2001, 12:41
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This is a good strategy for using the workers in the long run, but in the short run I just build a city up to size 6 and rush modern armor in 1 turn (using communism). If you are not in communism or despotism this is a great use for workers though!
November 11, 2001, 13:08
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OK heres what I found with an industrious civ
In a city with no corruption, one forest will yield 2 shields a turn. It takes 8 turns to chop down a forest. While that is going on, you harvest 2*8 or16 shields. When you chop it, you get 10. It takes 10 turns to reforest, you you lose 10*2 or 20 shields. So in the end, you gain 6 shields.
In a city with total corruption, one forest will yield 0 shields (wastage) Clearing it takes 8 turns. You get 10 shields. Rebuilding it cost 0 shields (total corrpution) and 10 turns. So you infact get 10 shields every 18 turns. Which is not very good. So you need to put multiple workers to make this strat useful.
This could work, but you will need more than one worker doing this. (exaclty what SoulAssassin said)
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November 11, 2001, 15:35
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doesn't help at all for wonders or forbidden palace =(
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November 11, 2001, 16:18
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This is all interesting, but entirely beside the point. The fact that we are all devising these elaborate workarounds tells you that the corruption system is f**ked! Until someone, Firaxis or third party, comes up with something more reasonable and realistic, we will continue to have to plan our entire game strategy around corruption.
All you masochists who insist that this ridiculous, poorly thought out design decision is a "challenge", knock yourselves out. I'm putting C3 on the back burner until I can enjoy it properly- instead of just following the obvious, narrowly defined corridor that Firaxis has herded us into.
November 11, 2001, 17:23
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I just tried another technique in a new game. I started the IFE progress in the beginning of the game with my own workers. I quickly found the Japanese and surrounded their nation with cities. I left some space for them to expand, and every time they go in the direction with settlers, I capture them. It's 1760 BC, I have 7 cities and 18 Japanese workers IFEing my capital. I have every building I can build and every wonder in that city. I am currently pumping out Horsemen to conquer the continent. If you IFE early and surround other CIv's, you can "harvest" workers when they try and expand. I'm playing on Regent BTW. I've found two other Civ's and they don't like me because I keep cancelling my treaty with the Japanese. It doesn't matter because I have 14 Horsemen going after them.
November 11, 2001, 20:16
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This concept has been around for awhile: it's called 'Lumberjacking' for obvious reasons (though 'IFE' is just as adequate a term). This works really well if combined with forced labor: just keep chopping down forests until you can complete the project with a 'reasonable' sacrifice in population. It's ideal for both building infrastructure and building a massive army in a very small period of time.
Of course, it does nothing to solve the problem of lost commerce from corruption.
Happy lumberjacking!
November 12, 2001, 08:45
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this wasn't what firaxis intended
This truly is an exploitation that Firaxis didn't think all the way through. When I first saw it, I was worried about its exploitative purposes.
Hey Firaxis, here's a simple fix.. Don't allow forest "planting" to be sped up by adding multiple workers. Depending on how you wrote your code that should be easy or hard to implement.
The problem with this being a viable strategy is that it takes a lot of tedious micromanagement. Obviously trees can't grow faster, with the more labor you add to planting them!
Who wants to sit around lumberjacking all the time? If this is a designed strategy, then Firaxis should add a feature that sets your worker to "Lumberjack mode" so we don't have to maintain it ourselves. Personally I think lumberjacking imbalances the game. However its not as bad as you think because you still have to pay support costs for all those workers. And if your Despot or Communist, those workers are still taking up a chunk of your "free army support" that you could be using for other units. So in that light, maybe this isn't imbalanced. But for the sake of gameplay, Firaxis should NOT reward players that are willing to spend 5 minutes per turn micromanaging their army of 50 workers to lumberjack.... uggg
I think that the game would be better off actually, to just remove the 10 shield bonus for clearing trees altogether. Think about it. If you have some of your citizens on a forest, and it produces shields, that basically means those citizens ARE lumberjacking.
The corruption should be toned down. Maybe if it is, then people won't waste their time with lumberjacking. As it is a very cheesy loophole that the game designers and playtesters missed.
November 12, 2001, 09:48
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There is an automatic clear forest command, Shift-F, though you would have to plant manually. That might reduce the micro management. Also if you have four workers assisgned to lumberjack one city, you could save a little micro management by having them each work a different square. That way you only need to issue orders every other turn, while still getting ten shields per turn.
Lawrence of Arabia: after you get a certain tech: ( replaceable parts? ) an industrious worker takes only two turns to plant or clear forest, not 8.
November 12, 2001, 10:14
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Now I have something for my hoards of idle workers to do. Seems a bit of a cheat, but relatively minor. Certainly building your infrastructure takes priority. I'm currently playing a modern age, continent wide empire and my most northern cities are doing the one shield/turn thing. And my workers have nothing to do but be on polluton patrol as I'm all built out.
If you do Shift-A (automate w/o destroying previous improvement) and your worker goes to a city and does nothing it means you've completely built out your infrastructure than I think IFE is a fine way to get production going in the one shield corruption plagued cities.
November 12, 2001, 10:14
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I think you guys are wrong, that firaxis put these options in the game and foresaw this 'exploitation'. Look at the evidence supporting this claim: you clear forest and get 10 shields, you can plant new forest, and the 10 shields from clearing can't help with a wonder or forbidden palace(what about other small wonders?) or normal palace.
Also, once you have your 'lumberjacks' in place, it doesn't really take that much micromanagement(at least timewise, maybe your fingers get tired, you can quickly assign tasks to them with the keyboard  ). While your cities are limited to size 12 you can use this strat to work the other squares. Remember, the worker is a population unit. I do agree that the fact that it is all but essential to do this because of corruption being ridiculous is a problem.
Another thought, while corruption is so ridiculous, it seems that Militaristic and Industrious civs are going to be choice for the faster workers to IFE better and the increased likelyhood of getting leaders to rush things that can't benefit from IFE. I'm currently using the french, but after this game I may go to using the Militaristic Industrious civ. My elite units have won soo many battles and not one leader has been generated.
November 12, 2001, 10:29
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I just wanted to add in my two cents...
I am persia and tend towards the laying of railroad on every square... since i am in late game (1700 AD), and its hard to declare war, i have railroaded the whole place and have close to 100+ workers left to use...
so i lumberjack - at even 20 workers to a square... 2 to clear, 2 to plant, gains me 50 shields... i can force produce libraries and aqueducts in corrupt cities and newly conquered cities. i was even able to forcebuild a cathedral. cathedrals are around 160 shields needed - the force build took A SINGLE TURN with half my workers...
Remember 4 workers = 10 shields...
32 workers = 160 shields = cathedral
Compare this to the 3 X shields in gold for forcebuilding- which is 480 gold... those 32 workers only cost 32 gold... over a 90% savings in cost.
I just have to say that lumberjacking is more micro managment but much much cheaper than trying to forcebuild an improvement.
November 12, 2001, 13:38
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I think a way to fix IFE would be to make shields from harvested forest subject to corruption, just like regular production. Who is to say our little lumberjack friend isn't going to walk away with some of the extra lumber himself?
November 12, 2001, 16:25
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I'd be willing to bet that this "seems" better than it is.
a) Someone proved that is IS effected by corruption
b) Aren't you paying PER TURN for that worker in gold? Why not forget the workers and make extra per turn and then buy the stuff? You won't get a headache, and you probably won't lose that much production if you're in a high corruption city.
c) That being said... the best point on this thread is that you shouldn't be able to create old growth forests more quickly just because you have a bunch of people planting trees.
November 12, 2001, 16:48
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I think a way to fix IFE would be to make shields from harvested forest subject to corruption, just like regular production. Who is to say our little lumberjack friend isn't going to walk away with some of the extra lumber himself?
I want to see that in real life. A group of lumberjacks feel that the company isnt giving them their due. So they cut down an ancient redwood, tie it to their chevy and haul it away.
I guess that would supply a few years worth of firewood. Bit tough on the car though.
November 13, 2001, 00:34
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Re: hmm...
Originally posted by SirSebastian
I'd be willing to bet that this "seems" better than it is.
a) Someone proved that is IS effected by corruption
I must have missed that proof. In my games, when a forest is cut down, the 10 shields are added directly into the production box, not that turn's production. Hence incorruptible.
b) Aren't you paying PER TURN for that worker in gold? Why not forget the workers and make extra per turn and then buy the stuff? You won't get a headache, and you probably won't lose that much production if you're in a high corruption city.
Not if you're using captured workers. You don't pay the little suckers. Best possible use for Industrious civs is the nice slave workers they provide ya.
c) That being said... the best point on this thread is that you shouldn't be able to create old growth forests more quickly just because you have a bunch of people planting trees.
This is true. But while we can...
November 13, 2001, 02:31
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SoulAssassin and some others have indeed struck upon a very useful solution for combating waste in the empire. With as little as 5-6 workers you can easily contribute 10 shields toward your city every turn.
The efficiency of the strategy increases with the industriousness of your particular civilization, your level of development (as workers get more efficient with certain techs), the use of captured workers, the level of corruption around the particular city, and the opportunity cost of the tile.
In my game on the huge adapted Civ2 map, my American Civ starting in America (by chance!) had colonies in Japan and Korea that despite my best efforts could only manage one shield per turn but with two settlers I planted in one turn, cut in the next and got 10 shields every other turn. It was the difference between getting a temple in 12 turns or in 60! There was no corruption effect. This clearly seen in cities generating just one useful shield per turn as you watch your completion time tick off ten turns per exploit.
It was also extremely effective having captured Aztecs deveop all the cities left behind in remote Canadian tundra. Too many workers with nothing to do by this point in the game, too large and thus corrupt, an empire, too important resources to raze the cities, and too risky to leave them undeveloped and low in culture.
IFE in this case worked fantasticly.
It's a shame that most of my time late in the game (Cultural Victory in 1975 ironicly) was spent planting and lumbering, though. That's not much fun.
So sombody please tame waste in the first patch!
November 13, 2001, 13:11
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An idea I have for fixing IFE would be to create a variable called "fertility". Here's how it would work.
In real life, deforested squares are not as fertile as other squares due to increased erosion from the lack of foliage. This variable would be assigned to each terrain square and would decrease or increase food and/or production. If you deforest a jungle, the grassland would not produce as much food as a naturally occuring grassland.
You could also add some new technologies and/or buildings that would effect fertility.
The way fertility would affect IFE. As a player plants and deforests, fertility would lower the amount of shields yielded from deforesting. Each time the player does the IFE cycle, the fertility goes down. But over time, if the player doesn't exploit the area, the fertility would slowly go up. This would create a new environmental aspect of the game.
In addition to fertility, I think workers should be given the "resource crawler" ability in SMAC. Cities in real life, especially in the modern age, don't harvest all their food and production from their immediate "radius". If there is a moderately sized piece of land in the middle of a continent, the player should be able to just send workers to that area to farm and send food to a target city. This would enable real life mega cities to be created and it would make the game more fun. This could adversely be a solution to the corruption problem. If the player is allowed to lay claim to an area, then building cities to extend the cultural "claw" wouldn't lead to widespread corruption due to too many cities. Cities could be placed solely by important resources and then the surrounding areas could be "claimed" by the player. Maybe a feature could be added to the diplomacy model that would allow the AI and/or other players to recognize the territorial claims. This would prevent "settler" races to control large sections of land. It would also prevent the AI from putting cities in the swiss cheese style holes in your empire early in the game.
November 13, 2001, 14:22
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By IFEing in the beginning, I start the unit per turn mania early. It snowballs with each worker/city I capture. By producing a mobile unit per turn per city, I can conquer everyone. When MP comes out, I will have perfected it.
November 13, 2001, 17:07
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It's better to liquidate your workers for military units. In deity, you don't have the luxury of time that it takes to build up this kind of IFE'ing.
Good luck.
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November 13, 2001, 21:27
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Originally posted by SoulAssassin
By IFEing in the beginning, I start the unit per turn mania early. It snowballs with each worker/city I capture. By producing a mobile unit per turn per city, I can conquer everyone. When MP comes out, I will have perfected it.
Don't you think that humans will be more careful with their workers? Especially if they know they're playing an IFE'er? Either that, or they're going to be doing the same thing.
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November 14, 2001, 07:59
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Originally posted by SandMonkey
Don't you think that humans will be more careful with their workers? Especially if they know they're playing an IFE'er? Either that, or they're going to be doing the same thing.
Humans will make more mistakes than the AI. They always do.
November 17, 2001, 00:24
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This isn't an exploit
I am pretty sure Firaxis intended forest to be used as a way of rushing production.
From the Civ3 manual Rush Jobs
To rush a job without using either of these costly methods, you normally have two options [ disband units]... The other methods is to clear forests in the city 's radius. The resources gaine from this action go straight into the contrstuction project.
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