Deity OCC diplomatic win, 1415 AD
Just to give proper credits, the basis of this strategy was first suggested by someone on the Usenet newsgroup on November 7. That individual won the diplomatic OCC on the regent difficulty level. This post contains ideas that may be detrimental to your enjoyment of the game. If you did not like my previous victory post, then you will probably not like this one. If you do not think that this is a valid strategy, then don't use it.
Civilization: Zulu
Map: tiny
Opponents: 15
Other settings: all random
OCC seemed possible on a standard or huge map, but I prefer the fast pace of the tiny map so I abandoned those games. You are free to attempt the OCC on larger maps if you have the patience.
* Here are the self-imposed rules of OCC (One City Challenge):
- Cannot exploit known bugs such as infinite cash per turn
- Only one city permitted at all time
- Cannot capture or raze enemy cities
- No colonies
I chose Zulu since it is expansionistic and militaristic. The expansionistic quality gives me a head start with the cheap scout, which can move through the territory of other tribes without damaging relationships. The huts do not seem to return much better results because of this attribute though. The militaristic status will improve the units to elite and hopefully spawn a great leader faster.
[Stage 1]
Use your scout, worker, and settler to find an appropriate place to settle. You should only build the capital city on a hill next to the sea, preferably with resources or luxuries nearby. Once you find a location, send your scout to explore. Try to end each scout move on the top of a mountain or a hill for better visibility. Meanwhile, use your capital to build two more scouts for exploration. Once you locate three or more tribes, start to broker technologies between them. You may need to check at least every other turn for new technologies that you can buy and then sell to other civilizations. Writing is a good technology to get since it opens up several other technologies. Early on, try to save your money for unique technologies that only one or two civilizations have. If possible, try to spread the wealth around to different civilizations. You should trade for contacts with other civilizations as much as you can, without eliminating your ability to buy new technologies. You should never allocate any resources to your own research since you cannot keep up.
On the home front, do not use entertainers in your cities - increase the luxury rate to keep your people happy. Obviously, build roads to the nearby special resources. After the scouts, build exactly two warriors – save spearmen for when you have a barrack - for happiness bonuses. You should have a maximum of four units under despotism, not counting your initial worker. If you created three or more scouts, disband the extra ones to meet the quota. Any more units than four will start to drain your treasury. You need to save every gold piece for the major technology purchases. Your first building should be the granary - rush build it once the human toll is two units of population and your city size is at least three. Your next building should be the temple - rush it when the cost is one population. Do not build military improvements like the barracks or the wall yet, and definitely ignore libraries for now. Since you have explored the surrounding area with your scouts, there is no threat of barbarian invasion. The nearby rivals won't invade if you always give in to their tribute demands.
As soon as you obtain republic or democracy, then switch to it. You should ignore all other forms of government. If you can reach these forms of government, then you have probably survived the most difficult part of the game. At the point of republic, you should have pretty much all current technologies and have contacted most other civilizations.
[Stage 2]
Once you satisfy the following conditions, then it is time to try to spawn a great leader:
- You are a republic or a democracy
- You have contacted all other civilizations
- You have all the current technologies
- Your city size is twelve
- You have all improvements except possibly library, courthouse, or university
- You have a harbor
- You have at least two fortified units like pikemen or better - three is good
- You have at least one knight - two is good
- You have at least one catapult - three or four is good
Declare war on all neighboring civilizations regardless of your relationship. They will send units to attack your city. The most annoying are the fast units, but that is why you have the knight(s) to finish the job. Make sure that the knight can move back into the safety of the city walls during the same turn though. Don't worry about the city improvements getting trashed. Even if you can, you should never use conscription since the resulting regular units would take longer to spawn a great leader. Upgrade your existing units if you have the money. While waiting for a great leader, continue to trade with all other civilizations as before. You can usually get all the resources that you need through them. You can probably generate a great leader by 1000 AD or so.
[Stage 3]
Once you have a great leader, sign peace treaties with all civilizations that you are at war with. You should build some workers to cultivate your territory. You should make sure that all civilizations have all the technologies, even if you have to give them away for free. Try to sign right of passage agreement with everyone, even if you have to throw in some incentive. Do not agree to mutual defense. If any civilization makes any demands for tribute, give in to them. Try to have the diplomatic status of “Gracious” with most of the civilizations. Once you obtain fission, then rush build the United Nation with your great leader. You may wish to save the game before building the wonder. Once the wonder is complete, the computer will ask you if you want to hold elections - answer yes. You should win the diplomatic vote easily and thus the game. I managed to have one abstain, one against, and the rest for.