The great library is my current favorite. Why?
Highest culture of any great wonder I have seen, more than 10, I think it is 15 or so.
It gives you godlike amounts of money-
set science slider to 10%
sit back and enjoy the ride until you reach education!
I was reaching +100 gold/turn in the late ancient age, enough to rush buy infrastructure into my empire.
I conquered another civ using my immortals which got me a great leader, I used the great leader to rush in a forbidden palace, I used to extra energy from the new empire to research literature first, I switch production to Great library, now I have high culture and CASH!
Easily the biggest wonder, this netted me 2000 cash, not quite sure exactly how much... I now have advanced infrastructure in a large empire.
I am not a big fan of granaries unless I designate a city as a "settler producing city" in which they are very important, my cities tend to grow a lot or not at all.