Editing Units?
For all the bashing Ive seen CTP 2 get, I can't asgree with all of it. Was it great? heck no, but it wasnt awful. There were plenty of cool ideas in it, and something I loved was editing units. I can't do any programming, but it was SOOO easy! I loved it. I opened a little wordpad document named units, simply deleted the numbers of a/d/m of the units, and inserted what I thought they should be.
Now Civ3 is much better then CTP 2, but I really think some unit strengths are messed up, and I wanted to edit them. Battleship is too weak, marine is too weak, mech inf is too slow, list goes on... and I wanted to edit these units.... however, I was disappointed when I found no easy wordpad file like CTP 2, and then more disappointed when I couldnt even find a file of any kind named units, so that at least I could ask over a friend good with software to help me. Anyone know how I can easily edit the units? or is it not possible at this time or very difficult for anyone but a good programmer?