Do all agreements last 20 turns? Is there any way to see how many turns are left in a diplomatic agreement? Or when it is ok to break them without sullying your reputation? I asked England to declare war and bribed england 200 gold and she made peace 6 turns later and my diplomatic advisor calls here a liar and a cheat now. But does this same rule apply to the initiator of the deal? The one who paid the bribe?
You are at war with Germany and you ask India to declare war on Germany, you give India 300 gold and India declares war. Then you make peace with Germany 3 turns later. Will your reputation suffer? or is that ok?
I am a little confused about this. If you were the briber I don't see why that would hurt your rep. But I am not for sure.
Any way to see time remaining on diplomatic agreements? Any way to tell if a country has broken one with you? Sometimes I can't tell how mnay turns it lasted.