Originally posted by Aragorn
You are right, Bree is a Human city. In fact it could be a seperate civilization, with 4 possible cities. Th population is half Hobbit and half human. A suggestion on what to do with it.
BTW, what shall I do with the city Tharbad? ShalL I make it a city from the forgotten kingdom af Arnor (dunedain)
If it is to be Arnor's only city, don't bother, give it to Gondor. Otherwise, combine it with Bree, and the other 3 human cities perhaps (Esgaroth on Long Lake, and...?

It depends how many civs you want. There isn't really much point making it too complicated. I think probably I would give Bree and Tharbad to Gondor, and the other human cities to a "tribal" civ, or nearby races.