hey guys
I'm kind of wondering if the Espionage option of Sabotage Production works
-I'm playing on Regent as the Americans building The United Nations (4 turns left till completion)
-Japan also is building the United Nations and they are 1 turn away from completing it in their capital city of Kyoto
-so I decided to sabotage the production in Kyoto (needed around 3000 gold to accomplish this but had only 2100 gold, so I removed all of my troops from one of the cities I conquered from the English and sold the city back to English for something around 1000 gold. Going to take it back by force in 7 turns

-SABOTAGE SUCCESSFUL it tells me, Japanese has to start the production over.
-Investigated the city of Kyoto, saw that the production of the U.N. need 17 turns till completion
-I celebrate!!!
-next turn ----- Japan has completed the The United Nations in Kyoto
I do not believe they could have rushed the project because it's a Wonder. Even if it was possible they have no gold to accomplish it
Please tell me what you think the problem is before I start out another turn