Suggestion: culture-only improvements
I was reading a book I purchased recently, "The Seven Wonders of the World", by John & Elizabeth Romer, and learned that many ancient cities built bronze colossi, just not on the scale of the Colossus of Rhodes (the "bronze colossus" in Civ3).
Anyway, this gave me what I thought was a good idea. Civ3 needs an improvement or two that is simply built for culture without any other game effects.
What about the following:
Colossus, cost: 40, culture:1, maintenance: 1, requires Bronze Working
Monument, cost: 40, culture: 1, maintenance: 1, requires Masonry
Obviously, these improvements compare unfavorably to Temples, which cost 60, provide 2 culture, and give happiness effects. Since no one will play a high priority on building these, I don't think it would unbalance the game -- but it would provide an additional option for cultured game styles.
"Barbarism is the natural state of mankind... Civilization is unnatural. It is a whim of circumstance. And barbarism must always triumph."