That is what Queen Elizabeth told me in a diplomatic episode she and i were having....roflmao

I could not believe she said that to me...i was lauging for 20 min after that...had to take a break, i could not concentrate after that one...
What happend to get that response...i opened the diplomacy screen only to view our active negoations...i agree w/someone else that they need to have a screen where you can view those w/o opening channels to civ leaders........once i got that info....i did not talk to her...i just hit never mind to close out the screen and she said that to me.........she was saying it, it seemed to me....because here i summoned here for negotiations but once we get sitted for talks...i say nevermind im leaving!!!! She says in response to that rude action well :Just three words:Take your medication!
Now this brings me to a point here...somewhere in this forum i read where someone was worried about opening the diplomacy screen only to get info like i did then click nevermind to close it out...if that would cause an ai civ to get annoyed w/that, you know where you call them up to talk whatever thne quit.....well if you ask me...that possibly could be the case w/the remark she made to me!!!!!!!!
Just wanted to share this funny episode here and to bring to light the possibility, at least in my view, that continually opening the diplomacy screen w/ai civs and not negotiating etc,,,, could have affects on how they act and respond to us, we could be irratating the civs a bit.....if so...then we need a screen implented that show active diplomatic agreements and other infor...w/other civs etc..............