Greek News Service
FROM THE GREEK NEWS SERVICE, NOV. 11, 1903- President Alexander the Great appeared this afternoon at a decommissioning ceremony for the 12th Mounted Cavalry Division, known more often by their chosen name, the Black Centaurs. The division is the last horse mounted unit on active duty and its flag is being transferred to the Military Academy in Knossos. Though the 12th is being decommissioned the flag and the riders will be used in ceremonial events and color guards.
The black Centaurs got their name during the Egyptian Conflict of 1823 at the famous battle at the Buhen Pass. Pinned down in the mountains and outnumbered two to one by Egyptian archers, the Centaurs held the only road leading to the town of Buhen and eventually destroyed the Egyptian forces despite horrendous odds. Even the Egyptian Generals congratulated the Centaurs for their skill and bravery at that battle.
The members of the unit now have been retrained and reequipped as the 561st Tank Division. Their commander, General Omar “Kick Ass” Gilgamesh had these words to say about the change in his unit: “I’m saddened to turn over the standard of the Black Centaurs, but their time is done. I’m also proud of the men and women in my command….they’ve made this transition well, and we’ll be on active ready status within a month.”
They may have to be sooner, some analysts say. The Southern Bloc….France, Germany and Japan….have been increasing their saber- rattling lately. The French are demanding that the Island of Green Plains be returned to their control, and French naval vessels continuously violate the zone of control. The Island of Green Plains, once a French possession, was lost to them in 1864, when they attacked Grecian Ally China. In response and in accordance to the Mutual Protection Pact between China and Greece, Greek Marines and Artillery occupied the three French cities on the Island. The French were using them as staging points to assault Chinese holding across the Dire Straits. Peace has been fragile since then and many military experts fear that the Southern Bloc may be planning an attack. They also worry that the Egyptians have been mobilizing for war near Buhen, hoping to take advantage of the situation should France and Germany attack.
When asked if the Roman Empire is to enter into a Mutual Protection Pact with Greece, the President commented that “the Romans are our neighbors and friends. We’ll certainly come to their aid if they need it, but no official request has been made.”
The President went on to say “ We desire peace, but its better to be safe then sorry. I’ve signed an official order to increase our naval power and speed up our missile program now tat we have discovered a source of uranium. We would never use nuclear force first, but the Southern Bloc has to understand we mean business. If they start a war, they’ll pay a price….and it will be high.”.
"I know nobody likes me...why do we have to have Valentines Day to emphasize it?"- Charlie Brown