Things I've Observed
First time poster here, long time fan of Civilization. Started coming to the site when I got Civ III. Anyway, I have some things that I've observed while playing the game. I'm working my way up from chieftan to the harder and harder difficulty levels at the moment. I've played about 6 full and complete victorious games, all either diplomatic or space race victory (I'm too big of a weenie for all the war).
In the process of playing these games as well as Civ III I've observed a few things which bother me. First thing is that does anyone remember how in Civ II there could be canal like things? I'm talking about 4 tiles (2 water, 2 land) set up like this:
Land | Water
Water | Land
Ships could pass between the lands, and land units could cross the water. I thought this was terribly neat, because it simulated the usefulness of the Suez and Panama canals. The only thing which sort of is the same as this is building a city surrounded by water with only 2 land on opposite sides of the city such that your ships can pass through the city from one ocean to the other. The problem with this is that no matter what level of allied-ness you get, you can't allow your friends to use this passage. I think decreasing the time it takes to go from ocean to ocean is a very interesting twist on the rite of passage thing. That and the ability to stack your allied units. British and American infantry worked together in WWII, why can't they be in the same space in Civ III? I think they should change the rules, add a new Ultra-right of passage, reserved only for one's best friends, or else bring back the canal-ish water/land routes.
Does anyone notice that the AI's idea of expansion is to place a city in a space unoccupied by another city, no matter WHAT circumstances surround that city placement? I once had a little hole of non control in the middle of the game I'm playing now. Both the Zulus and the French tried to settle there. It was very annoying to have to station military units to deter other Civs from being silly. This happens more and more as the game gets harder. My ideas for expansion isn't to fill up every spot of land with cities, even if the land isn't very useful or valuable.
I also think that workers and settlers should get increases in speed either from a high level tech or from a WoW. Maybe a seperate one for workers and settlers. Engineers from Civ II had movement rate 2 and were very cool because of that. As workers update their graphics and their work speeds, there should be an upgrade to their land speeds too.
It would be intersting if when you took a civilizations capital that there were more bad effects than just having to quell resistance. Does anyone remember "French partisans take to the hills outside Paris!" (replace French and Paris with whatever civs and capitals you want). That was neat in Civ II, and lends an air of realism.
Oh and I hate how battleships I build lose EVERY TIME to attacking destroyers. That has been fixed by some people, but its really annoying.
Well anyway, I'm just curious if anyone else has similar sentiments.
Gareth King
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."