November 12, 2001, 17:37
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Beyond Alpha Centauri: Sign In Thread
Well here it is. Declare your intent to write and we can see if this thing can actually get off the ground. Please read the discussion thread to get an idea about who is wanting what. This is about fun and we have a big galaxy to write with.
Just to clear up on some points.
1. Don't forget that you will have to have some relations with other factions and empires. There should be an effort made to tie in with what is going on in other places, but don't let that stop you from developing the internal events within your faction. In a space empire, there will be billions that may never see another faction or alien unless they are at war.
2. Feel free to write about your groups relations with another factions but discuss it with whoever is in control with that faction first. I have learned that sometimes they may have a better idea or one that adds to your own.
3. Pictures. Whenever you can add a picture that stimulates the imagination. It doesn't have to be in every post, but sprinkle them around.
4. Have fun with it. Don't feel you have to make an X number of posts. If someone needs an answer on something just let them know in the discussion thread, pm or in the post.
5. List your planets and stuff but you don't have to go into detail about how many ships or soldiers you have. The lists will just help others when they write about your faction. As far as stars. If anyone here can identify all the stars, that would be great. But when you arrive there who is to say that the people wants to change the name. lol But just keep the number of planets and stuff resonable for your particular faction. Depending on the time we agree to start, I don't think that any factions will have a whole lot of planets. Take the Spartans for instance. They will have only 3 or 4 highly populated planets. The rest are going to be military garrisons and a small number of colonists. The PKs may have 4 or 5 and maybe more colonies. Same with the Morganites, but they would have many more mining interestest than the Spartans or PK. They may even have mining operations in other factions space.
6. Keep in mind that the Human Systems(as Sparta calls them) are not like Chiron used to be. There is a Human Council(Please someone come up with a better name  ) , but it is highly symbolic and has no way to enforce anything. Each faction is left to conduct their policy as they see fit and at their own peril.  There are areas of space that has no authority what so ever but then there are those that are highly protected.
7. Once again, have fun
November 12, 2001, 18:11
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I'm declaring intent to write for the Free Drones.
Should I be putting my planets and stuff in this post, or will there be a place for that later?
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
November 12, 2001, 18:16
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Some Constants
FTL Drive. Pretty much everyone uses the same type of FTL drive. The University may have better ones or maybe radically different ones. That is up to whoever wants them. Now each faction can attempt to improve their drives but lets say for the sake of consistency that they are mostly the same.
FTL drives are expensive. Usually only bigger ships have them. Smaller ships must either be carried inside or on rare models the small ship will be fitted with one. But it is difficult to do.
FTL travel is dangerous. A ship must have precise coordinates to use the FTL Drive. That means a network of NAV buoys designed to aid ships in using the FTL. When you use the FTL without NAV buoys, you have a 95% chance of flying into a star, asteroid field, or some other space body. It can be done, but it isn’t advisable. Special ships go out into unexplored space and set up NAV buoys for other ships. Destroying NAV buoys are considered very taboo. If your faction is caught doing it, you may find yourself on the receiving end of invasion.
Travel times. This is going to be a problem. If someone has a solution please speak up. But just use reasonable judgment. The Spartans can’t go from Sparta to Chiron in the blink of an eye. It takes weeks to make the trip.
FTL COMM System. Invented by the Cyborgs as a natural extension of their own communication with the collective. They freely gave the technology to other factions but are much, much more efficient at it then anyone else. There are rumors that they can listen in on some COMM traffic.
Earth wasn’t destroyed but did sustain heavy damage. They have rebuilt their cities and moved out into the Solar System. As of yet they have not made many inroads into deep space. There is some animosity towards the Chiron descended humans as to who is the rightful heir to humanity. They have taken to calling themselves Terrains. The factions have many names for them including Earthers And so on. Recently the Terrains have had problems with their lunar and mars colonies.
Progenitors-- The factions only eliminated the bugs on Chiron, the rest are out there somewhere and they are still looking for the manifolds. Caretakers and Usurpers are still fighting each other with no end in sight. Don’t expect much sympathy from the Usurpers, and don’t trust the Caretakers too much either.
Bree--Very aggressive and very anxious to move into the Human Systems. One human factions cannot beat them by themselves. The Bree are just too numerous and tough. The humans must secure help from at least on other faction to have a chance.
Gorn--Not a whole lot is know about them. They do trade with human factions from time to time but don’t interact with them too much. They are blood enemies of the Bree and are in constant war with them. The Gorn are a little smaller than the Bree but have very advanced warships.
Tarn--Very reclusive race on the oppososite end of human space near the Believers. They have only been seen a handful of times in history. Believed to be peaceful since they have on two occasions saved human ships in distress. They appear to be almost human like.
Frall--Race of Nomadic spacefarers that appear to be peaceful. They have contacted Earth many times but have had little contact as of yet with the Chiron descended humans.
More Aliens?
It's a big galaxy out there. There is evidence that once this part of space was teaming with intelligent life, but something happened. The Tarn are most likely an old race. They may have been around to see what happened. And there may be more aliens out there hiding.
Please feel free to comment on any of this in the discussion thread. Everyone should picth in and contribute if you see something that doesn't make sense or could be better.
Last edited by Sprayber; November 12, 2001 at 18:27.
November 12, 2001, 18:17
Local Time: 11:38
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Originally posted by Mr. President
I'm declaring intent to write for the Free Drones.
Should I be putting my planets and stuff in this post, or will there be a place for that later?
There will be another place when we all agree just how detailed we should be.
Im the Spartans.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
November 12, 2001, 20:28
Re: Some Constants
I am interested in playing the Nautilus Pirates and have some influence with Terran Alliance's non-player factions/ make it look they are alive and doing things, without going to great detail......until someone decides to play them.
Originally posted by Sprayber
FTL Drive. Pretty much everyone uses the same type of FTL drive. The University may have better ones or maybe radically different ones. That is up to whoever wants them. Now each faction can attempt to improve their drives but lets say for the sake of consistency that they are mostly the same.
What about Warp type engines? it is more realistic to achieved according to Popular Mechanic  I agree too...the theory makes sence then "Hyperspace" in Babylon 5 and etc.... but of course hard to know where your warping have Nav buoys... also dangerous to directly in/out of the system unless you fly to the edge of the system....where you don't risk warping into a asteroid, meteor, another ship, etc..... Nav Buoys will use the FTL Comm technology.
As for travel times, I volunteer to organize it  just need an agreement as to using the stars we know....which makes sence if there is an Alpha Centauri....and Free Drones takes Vega  I am sure i can find a map of stars atleast withing 100 to 500 lightyears radious of Sol... I know that Alpha Centauri is 4 lightyears from earth  or if people prefer, can use Parsecs to measure distance. With distances, we can agree as to how fast the FTL drives are...establish common star lanes/trade routes using Nav Buoys and etc...... But for some aliens like the Fraal, they have deep space sensors to know where they are going
FTL COMM System. Invented by the Cyborgs as a natural extension of their own communication with the collective. They freely gave the technology to other factions but are much, much more efficient at it then anyone else. There are rumors that they can listen in on some COMM traffic.
Can have the Cyborgs as number one in the FTL Comm business
Earth wasn’t destroyed but did sustain heavy damage. They have rebuilt their cities and moved out into the Solar System. As of yet they have not made many inroads into deep space. There is some animosity towards the Chiron descended humans as to who is the rightful heir to humanity. They have taken to calling themselves Terrains. The factions have many names for them including Earthers And so on. Recently the Terrains have had problems with their lunar and mars colonies.
TERRAN is the proper spelling  and it is an alliance not dominated by just the location of the headquarters and their Terran Council, comprise of representives from Mars, Venus, the Belters, the Scions, and other colonies/groups in the Sol system...... don't think Earth as to much problems with the Luna by the time the game starts  Luna is so close to Earth and easy reach to pounce on any rebellions and blockading it.
Progenitors-- The factions only eliminated the bugs on Chiron, the rest are out there somewhere and they are still looking for the manifolds. Caretakers and Usurpers are still fighting each other with no end in sight. Don’t expect much sympathy from the Usurpers, and don’t trust the Caretakers too much either.
They may have more proginator factions...just unknown to others as they small and not as active in comparison to the Usurpers and Caretakers.
Frall--Race of Nomadic spacefarers that appear to be peaceful. They have contacted Earth many times but have had little contact as of yet with the Chiron descended humans.
FRAAL is the proper spelling.......yes, i am picky
More Aliens?
It's a big galaxy out there. There is evidence that once this part of space was teaming with intelligent life, but something happened. The Tarn are most likely an old race. They may have been around to see what happened. And there may be more aliens out there hiding.
I would prefer to keep this game focus in only in one small area of the Galaxy... so can't have to many big notch aliens in such a area.....but can still maybe find worlds of aliens that aren't advance enough yet to launch stuff into space.......
November 12, 2001, 21:22
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I don't have a lot of time; but if you need a co-writer or part-timer for the university, I could do that- or I could do the aliens on strange lands- I have a lot of strange ideas that may fit aliens
-->Visit CGN!
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November 12, 2001, 21:48
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Answered LMP in discussion thread
Of course Darkcloud. Contribute all that you have time for. the University will be really important. Of course who is to say that they don't have wierd aliens there to study.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
November 12, 2001, 21:57
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Is this a role-playing game like the Chiron Chronicle, or a story-telling game like the Spartan Chronicle?
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
November 12, 2001, 22:15
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It's a hybrid.
Being serious now
There will be a lot of role playing such as Chiron Chronicles. But if there are no Peacekeepers and the Spartans are at war with the Peacekeepers then obvioulsy It will be in story foremat.
Basically what Im saying is yes its a role playing thread, but with lots of story element to it.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
November 13, 2001, 11:06
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I'll take the Pirates...if that's not taken, or if it is, I'll take the Morganites...and if they are taken, then I shall take the Progenitors. Just whichever one which is not taken in that list I'd like (since it seems the University, my top choice, is gone).
November 13, 2001, 11:22
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Originally posted by History Guy
I'll take the Pirates...if that's not taken, or if it is, I'll take the Morganites...and if they are taken, then I shall take the Progenitors. Just whichever one which is not taken in that list I'd like (since it seems the University, my top choice, is gone).
Pirates were taken by LMP but the Morganites are free or you and Darkcloud could work something out.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
November 13, 2001, 11:45
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Will be interested in playing Peacekeepers, but don't have lots of time to spend on it at the moment...
Unsure how long this will last...
"Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
-- Saddam Hussein
November 13, 2001, 11:48
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Originally posted by Guardian
Will be interested in playing Peacekeepers, but don't have lots of time to spend on it at the moment... 
Unsure how long this will last...
I was wondering when you were going to show up
Don't worry, we still have some things to work out just yet. But yeah, the peacekeepers are yours.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
November 13, 2001, 12:03
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"Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
-- Saddam Hussein
November 13, 2001, 12:33
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Let's see.
Is the Terran Alliance available? I'm on! LordLMP, if you wish, you can take some factions, but the centralized Earth goverment shall be mine. OK?
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
November 13, 2001, 12:44
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OK, I'll be happy enough with the Morganites...just as long as they get in a war once or twice, ho ho.
November 13, 2001, 12:47
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That can be arranged
Btw, I was thinking of a Babylon 5 -like Earth, but with the Mars and other Sol planets in the aforementioned Terran Council.
Oh, and the "Human Council", regarding a new name. Will it have the Terrans also onboard? How about relations with other races, are they handled by the PK's maybe, or a department of "Human Council"?
Oh, and I'm going now to write a Terran timeline from 2061 to somewhere in the 3000's.
What will be the exact date of story beginning?
Will we use the current calendar of ours, for the sake of simplicity?
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
November 13, 2001, 12:52
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Kassiopeia is beginning to sound like Lucky Luciano. When I have some spare time I'll write up a chronology going up to 3000 AD. I doubt that CEO Morgan would croak anytime soon, as he's got the money to afford special treatments to keep himself up and about. Besides, he intends to "live forever of course."
November 13, 2001, 12:58
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 I think the Morganites are more like them.
To encourage further use of pictures, here's Starship Saratoga, leaving Mars space:
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
November 13, 2001, 16:34
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Woah! How do you make those pictures?
BTW, I think that the Morganites should have a few scraps with the Drones, just because they are the complete opposites with each other.
November 13, 2001, 17:04
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You don't make them (I wish I could!), you search the internet for them.
OK, here goes:
2060 - Unity launched
2069 - Man on Venus
2071 - Man on various moons of Jupiter
2073 - Space race dies out.
2095 - World War III breaks loose for reason not remembered. Nuclear missiles are launched, eastern Asia and northern America are contaminated wrost. Some radiation throughout the world.
2096 - 2098 Use of nuclear weapons ceases, but conventional weapons come to use. Extensive bombing wreaks havoc throughout the world. Infrastructure is severely hampered.
3600 million people die in 2075 - 2078, and increased radiation levels have caused est. 6500 million immature deaths from 2075 to the 2200's. Advancements in genetic engineering allow to repair damaged DNA and thus heriting diseases are quelled.
2119 - United Nations disbands itself as it has failed it's original mission (preventing nuclear war), but a new organisation called Restoration League establishes headquarters at Geneva, Switzerland and takes control of IMF, WHO and other former UN departments. Huge amounts of man power are funneled towards rebuilding the planet. World population at roughly four billion.
2152 - the ability to artificially shorten the radioactive period of substances is discovered. In the following thirty years, radiation levels are downed by 20 percent. World population over four billion, but over half of them in countries that are to be covered in flood water, or already suffer starvation.
2247 - First war after World War 3. A biological pathogen is released into the ecosystem. 900 million die, irreparable damage to crops. Extinction of animals and plants increases even more. World population falls below three billion.
2286 - A private international company manages to build a space ship. It sends the ship to Mars and claims it is private property.
2288 - After a long debate RL agrees to hand over the company (titled Interplanetary Enterprises Inc. Believe it or not, you will hear of this later on  ) a percentage of Mars in exchange of several colonization ships. The Restoration League Colonization Act, or the Second Colonization Act, takes place.
2292 - Ten thousand people, as healthy and free of radiation as possible, land on Mars to build first colony there.
2310 - Aforementioned colony finished.
2332 - Lunar colony completed.
2403 - Earth population five billion. 1 percent offworld.
2406 - RL President proclaims in the City Hall of New York (300 000 residents) that the RL is soon ready in it's task of rebuilding the world after WW3.
2407 - 2410 Earth faces a period of serious internal problems. As a result RL is abolished. World goverments found a temporary goverment called United Goverments of Earth and Territories. U.G.E.T. falls after three months of ruling, and Earth is once again without a centralized goverment, divided into a dozen factions. Mars breaks off, as does Luna. Interplanetary Enterprises is considered as the solemn ruler of Mars, and it's CEO is the leader of over 30 million people. At that time the Mars colony is a wide series of domes and covered canyons ridges etc. that have been pressurized, and underground facilities. Oxygen can be extracted from the atmosphere, and the polar caps can be used to hydrogen and water. So, Martians are self-sufficient if they're numbers aren't too big.
2415 - CEO of IE announces start of Mars-wide terraforming program. People are supposed to be able to walk on the planet without protective gear in 800 to 1200 years. It is considered more a policitical decision then an actual operation.
2422 - Three large factions start to gain most power on Earth, and in a year all other minor factions have been annexed to them.
2455 - Naturally, the aforementioned begin war. The two weaker join against the largest one, and for some time they gain leverage and territory very quickly. Nuclear weapons are not used, since the humans on Earth have developed a phobic fear of them.
2458 - Interplanetary Enterprises intervenes with it's own forces. They are not big in numbers, but have very advanced technological applications. The war, now called imaginatively World War 4, stagnates into a stationary combat, with random skirmishes here and there.
2461 - The humanity must combine it's forces under a common enemy - The Scions. Nobody has heard of them, but they claim to be biometallic cyborgs that live on the tenth planet of the Solar System and that some long forgotten large nations had created their race. Nevertheless, the Scions declare that they want areas on both Earth and Mars. The humans refuse, and again the human is in war.
2462 - the Scions overwhelm the small research stations at Jupiter and Saturn and their moons. Interplanetary Inc. begins to produce "space nukes", nuclear devices that can cause serious damage to ships even in vacuum, behind everybody's backs. As the Scions pass the asteroid belt and head for Mars, IE silos in Mars launch hundreds of MIRV space nukes to the Scion fleet. A large number of them is destoyed, the remnants are cannon fodder for Earth ships.
2463 - Scions sign peace treaty and share their information and tech with humans. The tenth planet, "Dark Planet", is revealed to be an abandoned alien colony with loads of mysterious machines etc. around.
2468 - After another uneasy political period, Earth founds the Coalition of Planets. Interplanetary Inc. joins it whilst keeping some autonomic rights, as do the Scions. Scion technology is applied to Mars terraforming, which is now expected to finish sometimes in the 3100's.
2490 - The Coalition starts massing a colonization navy to make an expedition to some other solar systems, including Alpha Centauri. This project is aborted as the Fraal are contacted, with the Scions as mediators.
2491 - Fraal tell humans that the mythological mission to Alpha Centauri had flourished, and that the Chironians are nearing FTL travel. The Fraal divulge this information in exchange of studies on Dark Planet, but the only mineral deposits to fuel the engine are on the asteroid belt, inhabited by a half-nomadic faction called Belters. They are humans that have gone free-lancing, mining the asteroids for a living. Suddenly the Belters find themselves in control of great power.
2492 - After resultless negotiations the Coalition attempts to take over the belt. Belters defend themselves with their specialized ships and manage to keep the invaders out causing great losses to both parties.
2493 - It is agreed that the Belters start selling the FTL mineral, in exchange of a prominent place at the Coalition and high payments in form of energy technology etc.
2501 - First Sol-origined FTL flight. A ship travels from Earth to Mars in minutes (?). An attempted revolution and a resulting civil war cause delays and no new FTL ships is built for years.
2515 - Gaians scout ship enters Sol and discovers humans. Coalition has it's very first argument regarding the heritage of Unity. Gaians refuse to submit under Coalition rule, but no shots are fired.
2516 - With all new commons threats around, the Coalition of Planets decides that the Earthborn are not only humans, but Terrans. Terran Alliance "forged" between Lunar Republic, Interplanetary Enterprises Inc., Mars Combine and Scions. Scion-Terran co-operation gains depth.
2521 - Consciousness ships arrive in Sol. Once again, in exchange of examining Dark Planet (The place is becoming a tourist attraction!  ) they issue the famous FTL COMM system for the use of Terran Alliance. Slowly, bit by bit, information of other races and Chironian success are carried to Terran ears. Also, contact with the Fraal is given to Cyborgs, and soon they too have the FTL Communicator.
2555 - Terran Alliance gives the "Heritage Declaration". In it, they demand that all Chironborn submit and join the Alliance and Earth goverment. It is noticed throughout the colonized areas, but basically ignored.
2560 - Finally, Venus is colonized.
2570 - 2690 Various wars: Small Lunar-Earth skirmish, space only. Two wars with Breens, resulting in a "neutral zone" populated with non-aligned worlds (B5 anyone?). In the second one, a short pact with the Gorn is signed. Spy operations particularly in PK and Spartan empires. University is also penetrated, and some interesting but wuite non-applicable weapons tech is procured.
Note on the FTL COMM: Has any of you read Ender? What was the name of the superfast communication system there?
Other note: It is expectable that the Morganites support IE Inc.. Pirates, Belters? Spartans, Mars?
The Scion and Fraal idea is fitting in nicely.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
November 13, 2001, 17:23
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I'd be interested in doing the Believers, but this looks like a big job, so if others would like to do them too, I'd be interested in collaborating with them.
November 13, 2001, 23:24
ahhhhh!  Kass...... Scions are humans! originally.... just humans merge with Biometal..... will give descriptions to both of them.... but they are not cyborgs  and they are not interested in Invading Earth and rest of human colonies in Sol... But i can see how they could see them as they don't look like humans anymore...but they are still humanoids and are origined from humanity from a forgotten secret war in space between USA and the Soviets (National Space Defence Force [uses NASA to procure funding and resources...aswell from the US military] and Cosmo-Cosmonaut Army [CCA]) When the Scions have been discovered, the Scions isn't prepared or have some space force to invade the human colonies, despite what the rest of the Terrans thinks. So Scions will onyl be able to defend themselves and launch various raids on the moons mentioned. The Scions will of course tell humanity of their true origins. Makes sence to have the Scions being the first to contact the Fraal...but humanity should still have records and alien fantasies of big black eye aliens  Yes, interested in having "influence" as to what the Scions is doing until someone plays them....same with the Belters.
I was hoping to having a Earth-Mars schism.... like a schism between Europe and the Americas (after recently declaring independence and all). Also have WW3 in the 2070s...making the UNs predictions of WW3 accurate enough and still think they made the right decision to have sent UNS Unity. After some decades to recover, rebuild, and few more skirmishs...renewed interest in space due few remaining natural resources on earth.... so in the early to mid 2100s, nations that survived WW3 (Like USA , Canada, England, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Russia, China, combined Middle East, Japan, Australia, newly formed/united nation(s) in South America], Mexico, some newly formed/united nation(s) in Africa, etc), started to first colonize Mars, with help of a big corperations (wondered what happened to the Morgan Industries CEO Morgan left on Earth  )
By the 2200s, war breaks out between some various alliance blocs of the nations (like for example, Western Alliance, Eastern Coalition, etc) after years of colonial friction in the Sol system. Can also have a few big CorpoNations in space that controls a big percentage of mining operations in the belt and etc...and help out the nationalistic wars in the Sol system like ala Starlancer. By 2300s, wars stop.... Mars colonies and on its moons combinely declare independence from the nations of Earth. So like the American Reovolution, the nations don't like that and send a force to try to retake mars and its moons....but fail at the end..... that would be the cause the schism between Earth and Mars.... Earth unites into a world government.... (probaly the only colonies the succeed in retaking is Luna as it is close to earth...and doesn't make sence to be independent) having united Earth vs united Mars type wars/skirmishs later on...especially over the rest of the holdings in the sol system controled by the earth nations... some colonies like one on Titan declare indepence and Mars supports and recognize it....... while this goes on, in the background, the big corperations profit or whatever during the wars and occasionally have skirmishs/problems some nations of earth and with Mars. the mining operations/communities throughout the asteroid belt start forming this Belter like culture...making the people there quite rough. they pretty pieces by pieces declare "indepence" from the corperations and some nations.... Corperations annoyed and try retake without help from Earth...who simply gave up to seriously try retaking any colonies and so on to declare independence. Corperations fail miserably to lack of military hardware and hard to retake the belt.... so Belters have their independence....but form the belt society is pretty much anarchistic (don't take it negatively like so many people in this world. just means a country/etc without a goverment, no state. so doesn't always means total chaos) some groups form trade deals with the corperations, earth, mars, and other colonies....other groups into piracy and so on.... so the Belters are not well respected
some crazy group of people succeed in colonizing Venus and succeed in surviving in its harsh environements. Earth, Mars, etc pretty much ignore them until later on...when Venus start trading unique mineral resources from its surface. Venus doesn't have a big pop in comparison to Earth, Mars and other colonies, their small fleet of hardcore ships (small corvette to frigate ships are uniquely built on Venus...quite maneuvable and fast...and well armormed) with some of the best plasma/slug cannons in the Sol system.
Sometime in the 2400s, first contact with the Scions by whoever and wherever in the Sol system.... Scions developed a different language, but still minorly use english...with bit of scion language accent and they do so sound like stereotypical aliens (can provide wavs as examples of the alien effect sounding of english). The first contact wasn't very peaceful and humanity in Sol started fearing possible alien bunch of rumours, misinformation, exagerations, etc.... without realize the Scions use to be human and are from earth orginally.... (just some dude called Braddock experimented in fusing Biometal with human beings to make super soldiers)... doubt any human will believe a scion at first, with paranoia and etc run eye....... The Scions were obersving from a distance of the what humanity is doing in the Sol system since the 2200s....but kept quiet knowing how they will be treated and simply want to be left alone.... but now, the Scions are force to defend themselves and to make sure the human forces avoid finding the Dark Planet.... the Scions don't have some huge fleet of ships like the humans think... just few strong and slightly advance ships of about frigate size (metallicly organic like, in a dark gothic sort of way...but not alive, just the effect of Biometal, which the Scions learn to reproduce during their isolation). Scions distract, and also "may aswell acquire some stuff and information to anylize" with raids on some of the Jupiter and Saturn moon colonies and Pluto. Eventually, of course the combine Earth and Mars forces find the Dark Planet and sent a combine fleet of ships to try to take it over, preferably destroy. While Scion ships dies in defence of their world.... a Fraal mothership arrives out of nowhere into orbit of the Dark Planet, with their saucer/triangle like Scouts/Corvettes as escort...
Scions got into contact with the Fraal during the 2300s...where some Scion ships steathily observing human activity in the system discover a few fraal ships doing the same....which they started playing cat and mouse without contact or weapon fired.... eventually, Fraal contacted the Scions and had peacecul first contact. Few technogies exchange, but a lot of knowledge and history exchange about each other..... after that, the Scions respect the Fraal while the Fraal respects the Scions.... until the Fraal discovers that the humans discovered the Scions and later, the Scions sent a distress call to the Fraal for help.... so a Fraal Mothership came just in time to prvent the human forces to bombarbed the Dark Planet with MIRVs, and etc...
negociations start between the humans and scions, with the Fraal as mediators in the Fraal mothership....which awes both the humans and scions alike of its size and mostly likely powers.
Humans simply couldn't hate the Fraal, as they so peaceful, so friendly, so wise, willing to share information and of course, have big arse motherships which humans and scions rarely see....only during near armageddon like conflicts between the human factions and scions... especially between Earth and Mars  (Fraal galactic peacekeepers almost). humans learn during the negociations of the Scions origins, with comfirmation by the Fraal, and of the secret forgotten biometal and scion wars during the 1970s and 1990s. Humans also learn that the Fraal did visit earth before humanity started getting into space.... So after that, Scions pretty much gets left alone...but still have occasional humans want to destroy them and humanity made contact with a true alien race.
so sometime in the 2500s, Fraal finally decide to inform Earth and Mars...the two major human factions in Sol... about the success of Unity and Chiron in vague way...... with that news, it pretty much stop a lot of the conflicts in the sol system. Earth, Mars, Venus, Scions and other independent colonies form the Terran Alliance....having its headquarters on earth....where earth can easily influence the alliance....especially with this all Terrans (they give up calling themselves humans during the 2300s) should be united into star nation, etc.... but the alliance still quite loose and still have Earth vs Mars dislike which is quite noticeble in the Terran Council....Mars arguing that Earth is try to control all of the human colonies again, just different). Belters are represented in the Council, but vaguely as the Asteroid Belt still doesn't have a formal governent, meaning still in a Anarchistic state..... some big corperations (CorpoNations?) also represented (or maybe they have merged by then) in the Council.... So while united, they started preparing for deep space colonization and so on.....which leads to inventing FTL drive (slightly different from one invented by University, but still warp drive like and similar)... later, Gaian scout ships arrived.... (before that, only a single University FTL prototype ship which didn't stick long enough to discover the thriving conflicting humanity...and the Fraal could of known this with their Sensors and why they decided to Earth/Mars of Chiron). Gaians refuses the idea that they or even the rest of Chiron belong to the Terran Alliance.... which starts the problems between Terran Alliance and the Chiron Factions. By the time Terran Alliance started sending FTL capable colony ships....they find that the Chiron factions have expanded a lot...and that they barely left much good worlds to colonize in the area.
what do you think? i know you choose to play the Terran Alliance and sorry for pretty much redoing the Chronology....but yours doesn't seem to leave much room for "factions" in the Terran Alliance.... Scions are not agressive or try to invade the Sol system with a non-existant large fleet.... the factions in the Terran Alliance would be Earth, Mars, Venus(not influence and don't try to), some or single Corperation(s), the Belters, the Scions (don't seriously get involve in alliance matters and won't share any of their military type tech, especially Biometal...Fraal won't give anyone advance tech that could be use for military applications), Jupiter/Saturn moon colonies, Pluto, Mercury, etc...
Could also have big Space Station colonies like the ones in the Gundam series.
Another thing i would like to say, I don't like the idea of the Peacekeepers to solely control Chiron. Pirates still control most of its seas, Cult, Gaians, and etc... still operate bases on it.......
sorry for long post.
November 14, 2001, 00:05
Local Time: 11:38
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Since this has turned into another discussion thread, ill just go with the flow
The Pks dont' solely control Chiron. The do say its their capital, but the Drones still have bases there, and the Pirates and some others maybe,(Gaians, Cult,) The Pks have many planets, they just use Chiron as their admistrative capital. Maybe they still hold on to the dream that they represent the UN or something. I would say(but is up to the individual writers) that the Morganites, Universtity, Cyborgs, and Spartans have completely moved off of chiron. They still have maybe a few representives to the symbolic Human council(Anyone come up with a good name for this yet?) Maybe Morganites still own certain lands but all in all they moved out long ago.
Also, some one can come up with a new faction. Just keep them resonable and come up with a good history for them. I think in 5 or 6 hundred years some other people have broken off.
For those that don't have a lot of time. you can control and independent planet or soemthing.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
November 14, 2001, 00:08
Local Time: 11:38
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Originally posted by Natan
I'd be interested in doing the Believers, but this looks like a big job, so if others would like to do them too, I'd be interested in collaborating with them.
Natan. Have you considerd taking on the role of an independent planet or a smaller new faction?
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
November 14, 2001, 04:27
Local Time: 02:38
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Funny you should mention Chiron. I did a map earlier today of said planet around the year 2700 AD, basically showing important cities and giving a general idea of where each exiled faction lived. I'll try and put it up soon.
BTW, I think that the Morganites should have a few scraps with the Drones, just
because they are the complete opposites with each other.
I think I mentioned in the other thread that Domai abandoned socialism-anarchism and threw his lot in with the Morganites after a severe civil war.
I actually liked Kass' Terran chronology. Each to his own.
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
November 14, 2001, 04:59
Local Time: 16:38
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Posts: 166
Gaian post.
I really like your chronology too, kass!
I especially like...
2515 - Gaians scout ship enters Sol and discovers humans. Coalition has it's very first argument regarding the heritage of Unity. Gaians refuse to submit under Coalition rule, but no shots are fired.
I think we have agreed to start in 2700. I will try and write my own Gaian timeline in accordance with other people's. Since it is around 2700, I wanted to call my faction the Star Children of Gaia, to reflect their new way of life and beliefs. But they'd still be the Gaians.
Is the Gaian capital city on Chiron? Although I'd like the Gaians to have a substantial population, they are not the empire building type and wouldn't have much of an army. I can see them having lots of small colonies on friendly planets, plus their own planet, hopefully. I would also like them to do research into making organic space ships, to fit with the Gaian ethos.
November 14, 2001, 06:33
Local Time: 19:38
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 16
I'd be interested in doing the Believers, but this looks like a big job, so if others would like to do them too, I'd be interested in collaborating with them.
Natan, I'd like to take believers as well
November 14, 2001, 08:55
Re: Gaian post.
Originally posted by Alynzia
I really like your chronology too, kass!
I especially like...
2515 - Gaians scout ship enters Sol and discovers humans. Coalition has it's very first argument regarding the heritage of Unity. Gaians refuse to submit under Coalition rule, but no shots are fired.
I think we have agreed to start in 2700. I will try and write my own Gaian timeline in accordance with other people's. Since it is around 2700, I wanted to call my faction the Star Children of Gaia, to reflect their new way of life and beliefs. But they'd still be the Gaians.
Is the Gaian capital city on Chiron? Although I'd like the Gaians to have a substantial population, they are not the empire building type and wouldn't have much of an army. I can see them having lots of small colonies on friendly planets, plus their own planet, hopefully. I would also like them to do research into making organic space ships, to fit with the Gaian ethos.
Gaians will have fun talking with the Scions then, whenever they get the chance
November 14, 2001, 09:09
I am not saying we should follow exactly my timeline of the Terran Alliance...just i modified mines with some kass ideas.... just some things in his feels typically stereotypical old sci-fi style :P ...with not much room for factioning in the loose Terran Alliance. also don't want the Scions to be considered agressive and trying to invade the Sol system....which if they did have that intention, they could of taken over Earth long time ago before humanity seriously started colonizing the sol system and have ships around.
WW3 shouldn't happen to long after Unity left...else Unity people wouldn't have the sence WW3 is coming and the problems shouldn't last until 2090s for ww3 to start......2070s atleast is best decade fr WW3 and start of colonization into space in the early 2100s....while at the same time recovering from WW3. Hey, wreck they made on earth is enough reason to go elsewhere to colonize...and due to few remaining natursl resources.
Atleast the bigger stronger nations of Earth survived WW3 and started colonizing space.....the by the time of Mars independence, the nations pretty much United to try and retake Mars and other colonies that are declaring independence....which eventuslly formed a new World GOvernment on Earth....and starting the Earth-Mars schism which last for centuries....and both distrust each other even when they are in the Terran Alliance together, so two big factions there in the Sol system.
Also added the Corperations....but seriously doubt any Nation space capable nation allow a Corperation claim and control an entire planet....unless Earth really got suck up into Capitalism and allowing Corperations rule the world and claim worlds/moons....the dread of the anti-capitalists/globalization
... my dread. But they can still play a big role in Sol, claim various mining rights, and etc...but don't seriously control a planet or moon, especially Mars!!!
Just my point of view and not allowing this sci-fi taken over my capitalists
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