November 14, 2001, 10:01
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Originally posted by Mr. President
Funny you should mention Chiron. I did a map earlier today of said planet around the year 2700 AD, basically showing important cities and giving a general idea of where each exiled faction lived. I'll try and put it up soon.
I think I mentioned in the other thread that Domai abandoned socialism-anarchism and threw his lot in with the Morganites after a severe civil war.
I actually liked Kass' Terran chronology. Each to his own.
That would be cool to see if you could zip a file. Of course the Spartans would have little official interest in Chiron since they abandoned it long ago.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
November 14, 2001, 11:32
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Well, then, who is the big CEO going to get into scraps with, and hopefully whip?
November 14, 2001, 14:35
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Well, the CEO can join the Spartans in relieving the PKs of some planets if he wants.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
November 14, 2001, 14:42
Local Time: 19:38
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Do you people actually read those page-long posts? :)
I did not have time to read it yet, but I do want to fix something. With "cyborgs" I did mean your hybrids LordLMP, but I could not find a proper word. Oh, and in Battlezone the Scions were quite agressive to me
"Could also have big Space Station colonies like the ones in the Gundam series."
Concurred. There's not that much living space in Sol. Could have the Terrans colonize some world, or system, but nothing big.
However, I think that planets that are like Earth or even Chiron to that matter, should be rather rare. Also most of them would be already alien homeworlds, and so out of human reach.
The start of the chronology was looking for it's purpose, so to say. Maybe squeeze WW3 in there...?
just some things in his feels typically stereotypical old sci-fi style
Well, that was what I was looking for, actually! 
The funny thing about cliches is, that at one time or another you run out of viable new ideas. That does not leave much choice.
You have some great ideas, and I will somewhat modify the chronology.
PS. I left parts of the chronology vague for purpose. For example, I doubt people at 2700's would have any sorts of clue about "People's Republic of China" or "United States of America".
About Morgan Industries: They merged with several aerospace companies (Rockwell, Lockheed, you name it) and larger investment banks soon after Unity launch. After WW3 they were practically the only ones having space-faring technology on Earth. When they started building space ships, Interplanetary Enterprises Inc. was born after some additional mergers. Basically, the big bad Multinational Corporation as thought of by creators of G-Police, and Fredrick Pohl.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
Last edited by Kassiopeia; November 14, 2001 at 14:51.
November 14, 2001, 16:50
Re: Do you people actually read those page-long posts? :)
Originally posted by kassiopeia
I did not have time to read it yet, but I do want to fix something. With "cyborgs" I did mean your hybrids LordLMP, but I could not find a proper word. Oh, and in Battlezone the Scions were quite agressive to me
Yes, when you attack them! and if you follow the storyline, you would know why they attack Pluto and find out they had no intention of Invading or destroying earth. Hybrids, fine...but they are not Cyborgs  And like i said, if they wanted to invade or destroy earth, they could of done so without trouble when ISDF got disbanded and forgotten.... Scions not aggressive  Humans are
Concurred. There's not that much living space in Sol. Could have the Terrans colonize some world, or system, but nothing big.
However, I think that planets that are like Earth or even Chiron to that matter, should be rather rare. Also most of them would be already alien homeworlds, and so out of human reach.
The start of the chronology was looking for it's purpose, so to say. Maybe squeeze WW3 in there...?
Makes sence to have WW3, sence that is why they built Unity!!! to send parts of humanity elsewhere to ensure the species survival, even after a Nuclear Holocaust which United Nations was predicting....which did happen and bit late...the 2070s best time for WW3.
As for habitable worlds....some are left overs from past old civilizations that dissapeared or destroyed... the Manifolds... terraforming from past civilizations...etc and rare. Oh and some left over worlds from the Proginator Empire ages before they got into civil war and blast each other back to the stone age.
Well, that was what I was looking for, actually! 
The funny thing about cliches is, that at one time or another you run out of viable new ideas. That does not leave much choice.
Exactly, your time line doesn't leave much room for creativity or factioning. And
PS. I left parts of the chronology vague for purpose. For example, I doubt people at 2700's would have any sorts of clue about "People's Republic of China" or "United States of America".
Saying my timeline idea wasn't?  I said China, not People's Republic of China....besides China changed their form of government before Unity left it seems...which indicates in Yang's profile as he was head of security of the Imperial Guard there before china change Government again :P I don't what kind of government the countries have, just mention what countries still exist before uniting into the World government of Earth.
About Morgan Industries: They merged with several aerospace companies (Rockwell, Lockheed, you name it) and larger investment banks soon after Unity launch. After WW3 they were practically the only ones having space-faring technology on Earth. When they started building space ships, Interplanetary Enterprises Inc. was born after some additional mergers. Basically, the big bad Multinational Corporation as thought of by creators of G-Police, and Fredrick Pohl.
Yes, but rather a see a few Big Stellar corperations when they started going into space and rather not see ANY corperations controlling an entire planet like Mars. they may end up build stuff on it, but no Corp controlling Mars and become the Government too there  yes i am against capitalism  also, can there not be a short nickname? odd calling a big corp Interplanetary Enterprises  ...keeps reminding of startrek too.
The thing with SMAC/X is that it is sci-fi base on reality....on the most likely things they would get discovered in tech, etc... especially mention the star Alpha Centauri how much SMAC is base in reality stuff.
While there is a Earth vs Mars schism.... can have Corperation vs the Belters schism? I see the Belters like socialistic anarchists....merging pirate and free drone characteristics in a way. where the Corp is a capitalistic dictorship
November 14, 2001, 17:02
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Ok, the last thing I want is a fight over this. I'm sure agreement can be achieved,
Let's see. I don't want to be too spesific about WW3, just saying it happened and brought development down a century.
2061 - Unity launched
2065 - World War III breaks loose for reason not remembered. Nuclear missiles are launched, eastern Asia and northern America are contaminated wrost. Some radiation throughout the world.
2066 - 2068 Use of nuclear weapons ceases, but conventional weapons come to use. Extensive bombing wreaks havoc throughout the world. Infrastructure is severely hampered.
3600 million people die in 2066 - 2068, and increased radiation levels have caused est. 6500 million immature deaths from 2069 to the 2200's. Advancements in genetic engineering allow to repair damaged DNA and thus heriting diseases are quelled.
2109 - United Nations disbands itself as it has failed it's original mission (preventing nuclear war), but a new organisation called Restoration League establishes headquarters at Geneva, Switzerland and takes control of IMF, WHO and other former UN departments. Huge amounts of man power are funneled towards rebuilding the planet. World population at roughly four billion.
2442 - First self-supported space habitat established in Low Earth Orbit.
2461 - Scions contacted after an exploration flight to outer reaches of Sol. Dark Planet discovered. Scions discovered to be originating from a war in late 20th century, and are results of a larger super soldier experiment. Biometal-human hybrids. A conquest war by IE and Earth is planned upon, but arrival of Fraal motherships change plans. Terrans remain slightly xenophobic about Scions.
Can have an InEn skirmish with Belters there too. Lot's of time to fight many wars.
My timeline allows for these factions, make your pick (I assume Scions and Belters?), except that I call Terran Alliance and the leftovers unless someone insists on playing them:
Interplanetary Enterprises Inc. (Henceforth InEn)
- A pro-corporate capitalistic nation, controlling over two thirds of Mars surface. Some moons of Saturn.
- Human-Biometal hybrids. Control Dark Planet, some moons of Neptune and Uranus.
- A faction and the Sol OPEC of future. Control most deposits of FTL fuel minerals in Sol.
Mars Combine
- A republic, broken off from Earth. One third of Mars. Socialistic tendencies, don't exactly like InEn.
Venus ???
- Haven't got anything on that. Suggestions?
Terran Alliance
- A basically democratic community with police state tendencies. Capital city is Terrapolis, at Southern Africa. Controls Moon, colonies on Jupiter moons and loads of Self-Supported Space Habitats (SSSH).
Saying my timeline idea wasn't? (vague)
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
November 14, 2001, 19:09
Local Time: 11:38
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Posts: 503
Sprayber: Thank you! That's a much better idea. hypocrites, you can have the Believers.
November 14, 2001, 19:22
Originally posted by kassiopeia
Ok, the last thing I want is a fight over this. I'm sure agreement can be achieved,
Let's see. I don't want to be too spesific about WW3, just saying it happened and brought development down a century.
A century? back to 1970s type tech? ahhhh!  disco is back!!!
2061 - Unity launched
2065 - World War III breaks loose for reason not remembered. Nuclear missiles are launched, eastern Asia and northern America are contaminated wrost. Some radiation throughout the world.
2066 - 2068 Use of nuclear weapons ceases, but conventional weapons come to use. Extensive bombing wreaks havoc throughout the world. Infrastructure is severely hampered.
3600 million people die in 2066 - 2068, and increased radiation levels have caused est. 6500 million immature deaths from 2069 to the 2200's. Advancements in genetic engineering allow to repair damaged DNA and thus heriting diseases are quelled.
For one who says he doesn't want to get into details, he posts how much people died
2109 - United Nations disbands itself as it has failed it's original mission (preventing nuclear war), but a new organisation called Restoration League establishes headquarters at Geneva, Switzerland and takes control of IMF, WHO and other former UN departments. Huge amounts of man power are funneled towards rebuilding the planet. World population at roughly four billion.
2100s: There may be an organization called Restoration League, but various space capable neo-nations, along with some corperations, go off colonizing the Sol system due to lack of natural resources and population simply fed up the wreckage of earth, so go to start new society elsewhere.
2200s: lot of colonial friction start between nations and corperations. which lead to one single Sol wide war....only a few coventional skirmishs on earth. Restoration League collapses, but nations are capable to finish the rebuilding themselves.
2300s: Mars and its moons declares independence from various nations on Earth... Those nations not please and combine forces to try retake Mars and its moons... InEn stays neutral, but sells weaponry and supplies to both the Nation forces and (mostly) Marsian Rebels/Revolutionaries (still can't see a Corp controlling most of Mars  why not simply control most of the mining operations, construction, and the economy of the Mars Combine? besides, don't own stuff at other places in Sol?). eventually, the Nation forces retreat Mars and its moons. Mars Combine is formed, comprising Mars and its moons. They operate a socialistic democracy, but tolerate InEn as they did help them. The nations of Earth unites as the nationalistic/imperialistic Earth Alliance or whatever. so creating the Earth-Mars schism.
This also leads to other declaration of independence few other colonies like Venus, Titan and Pluto....aswell as various places among the asteroid belt. InEn tried to stomp the Belter rebellion, but failed miserably and simply started negociating trade deals with various Belter groups.
Also, how about a civil war in the Mars Combine, between socialistic government and capitalistic InEn that last a few years in the ealry 2400s? InEn still have stuff on Mars, just they have lesser influence in the Mars Combine government and its people....aswell as smaller security force on mars.... Mars Combine rules Mars and its moons, not InEn which would be the point of the civil war.
2442 - First self-supported space habitat established in Low Earth Orbit.
Low Earth Orbit? ain't that pretty close and dangerous...especially if the SSSH is something like the space colonies in Gundam?
2461 - Scions contacted after an exploration flight to outer reaches of Sol. Dark Planet discovered. Scions discovered to be originating from a war in late 20th century, and are results of a larger super soldier experiment. Biometal-human hybrids. A conquest war by IE and Earth is planned upon, but arrival of Fraal motherships change plans. Terrans remain slightly xenophobic about Scions.[/quote]
They find out about their origins after the Fraal Mothership (only one and some escort) prevent the Earth and Mars (Mars Combine ships...besides, what does a corperation get out of eliminating the Scions? possibly tech and etc, but Earth and Mars more interested in simply wipe out the surface of the Dark Planet clean...)
also, about 5-10 years afterwards, Fraal informes both Earth and Mars, aswell as the Scions, of Chiron and its recent success in inventing the FTL drive...and also tld them they (University) succeeded a test drive into the Sol system,, but jump back before the Univ ship sticks around to realize Humanity is thriving in Sol.
This starts a race among the major faction in Sol (Earth, Mars Combine, InEn and the Scions) to first develop the FTL Drive in Sol.
After Earth succeeded in developing the FTL drive, testing it by a near instant warp from Earth to Mars...soon, rest gets the tech :P Also realize that the special mineral needed for their peticular FTL drive is mostly only found among the Asteroid Belt and later discovered (mid or late 2500s, when the first Venus FTL ship was built), on Venus aswell....but for now, the Belters got the spotlight in Sol and soon realize they instantly got a lot of influence in Sol now. At first, the Belters refused to provide the minerals which causes Earth, Mars and InEn to try and take the asteroid belt, mainly the sources of the special mineral.
Gaians shows up in 2515 during the belter war...and made contact with some Earth ships. Earth possessive attitude argue that they belong to earth, Gaians refuse and etc...and then abruptly, but peacefully, leave the Sol system back to Alpha Centauri to inform the rest of the factions that humanity is thriving and exactly what they talks about with the people of the Earth Alliance ship.
After the Gaian contact, Sol smart up.....Earth/Mars/InEn stops trying to take the belt....someone proposed to form an alliance...which soon spawn the Terran Alliance, comprising Earth Alliance, Mars Combine, InEn, Venus, the Belters(they are quite rogue like), the Scions, and other colonies.
what do you think? is it that okay with you kass?  InEn will still have alot of influence in Terran Alliance and have various holdings throughout the Sol don't need to simply control most of Mars  InEn would be the biggest corperation in to Morgan Interstellar of course  they pretty much get control of the ship yards around Earth and Mars for the alliance, next a few smaller big corperations.
Can have an InEn skirmish with Belters there too. Lot's of time to fight many wars.
My timeline allows for these factions, make your pick (I assume Scions and Belters?), except that I call Terran Alliance and the leftovers unless someone insists on playing them:
what do you think of the revision of your recent revision?  merges both your and mine idea of the timeline...and left a lot of room to fill in... all the history don't have to go into details, just generally what happened.
Interplanetary Enterprises Inc. (Henceforth InEn)
- A pro-corporate capitalistic nation, controlling over two thirds of Mars surface. Some moons of Saturn.
It is a corperation... so why not simply various holdings throughout the Sol system, but don't completly control any moons and planets? leave room for the Mars Combine faction, which is weakened by a Corperation  They would still dominate the markets of Sol and have quite some influence in the Terran Alliance.
- Human-Biometal hybrids. Control Dark Planet, some moons of Neptune and Uranus.
Only the Dark Planet, Scions not interested in anything else really in Sol...won't share to much tech, especially how to reproduce Biometal. (hey, because of biometal which they were created and their near extinction by Braddock). They still don't completly understand how the biometal works (despite being hybrid to it), but they have learnt how to reproduce it.
- A faction and the Sol OPEC of future. Control most deposits of FTL fuel minerals in Sol.
OPEC? Belters are socialisticly government ruling them...but the Belter groups still work together when needed. Mainly only control the Asteroid Belt, and live among it. which also mean half-nomadic. Despite having quite some influence in the Sol system because they control most of the FTL fuel minerals, they are considered Rogues and not well respected.
Mars Combine
- A republic, broken off from Earth. One third of Mars. Socialistic tendencies, don't exactly like InEn.
Mars Combine rules Mars and its moons, have a socialistic democracy. Don't like InEn since the civil war, but tolerate them.. they mainly this serious dislike of Earth and its"style".
Venus ???
- Haven't got anything on that. Suggestions?
Venus keeps to themselves, don't get involve in any conflicts unless it effects them and no one seriously interested in trying to take over Venus, with its harsh environment. the people of Venus are considered crazy by many, as well as quite spiritual. They operate unique small yet strong fleet of ships, mainly of Corvette to Frigate size...built of unique resrouces found on the surface of Venus. Venus produce some of the best gauss (impact) and plasma cannons in the Sol system too. They also provide a portion of the FTL fuel in the Sol system, which theirs is considered like purer then what they get from the Belters. In general, Venus don't have that much influence in the Terran Alliance and not seriously interested in its politics. They join the alliance simply because they were invited.
Then there is also Titan and Pluto....but they are small and don't have much influence i would think the alliance...but they can be some of the Sol factions.
Terran Alliance
- A basically democratic community with police state tendencies. Capital city is Terrapolis, at Southern Africa. Controls Moon, colonies on Jupiter moons and loads of Self-Supported Space Habitats (SSSH).
Practicly dominated by Earth in a sence, which Mars dislike....which may cause a civil war in the alliance if Earth goes overboard.
No. [/QUOTE]
November 15, 2001, 13:05
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Sounds like it's coming up nicley! Now just let me get the pieces up together.
A century? back to 1970s type tech? ahhhh! disco is back!!!
 yes, a serious drawback
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November 15, 2001, 16:55
Local Time: 19:38
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2060 - Unity launched
2065 - World War III breaks loose for reason not remembered. Nuclear missiles are launched, eastern Asia and northern America are contaminated wrost. Some radiation throughout the world.
2066 - 2068 Use of nuclear weapons ceases, but conventional weapons come to use. Extensive bombing wreaks havoc throughout the world. Infrastructure is severely hampered.
Advancements in genetic engineering allow to repair damaged DNA some century later and thus heriting diseases are quelled.
2119 - United Nations founds a specific organisation to oversee rebuilding, called Restoration League.
2135 - Large Earth nations able of space travel launch small colony craft to establish foothold in other Sol locations, like Mars, Moon and Venus. At the same time, a multinational corporation called Interplanetary Enterprises succeeds in buying land and assets from the nations controlling Mars surface areas.
2152 - the ability to artificially shorten the radioactive period of substances is discovered. In the following thirty years, radiation levels are downed by 20 percent. World population over four billion, but over half of them in countries that are to be covered in flood water, or already suffer starvation.
2247 - Prolonged friction between colonial worlds and their native lands at Earth result in colonies ganging up against Earth. Earth nations begin co-operation to retake offworld assets, and Restoration League becomes a military alliance. The result is a large space-based war. InEn holdings on Mars remain unharmed, as they supply both sides with funds and have kept the Mars economy growing enough to maintain a military fleet.
2286 - After continueous losses Restoration League falls after internal problems, as many countries started to pull out of the war. Earth rebuilding continued.
2288 - Colonial worlds declared independence. Stagnated by the war, Earth can not resist.
2292 - Mercenaries, Free-lancers and other "undesired" elements start to rapidly flee both the colonies and Earth. They are traced to the Asteroid Belt, where these disliked rogues begin mining the asteroids and forming clans amidst themselves. They are known as "Belters".
2301 - After many accusations of raiding trade ships, independent Mars (the socialist republic Mars Combine), Earth and some other colonial worlds dispatch a joint fleet to "punish" the Belters.
2303 - With their tactics especially designed for and experience of asteroid belts, the Belters repel the attacks. Raiding begins to calm down.
2305 - Earth and co. give up on destroying the Belters, but place some short distance sensors and patrols near the Belt to regulate Belter traffic.
2343 - The Combine tires of extended InEn control of the planet and launches a military campaign to drive InEn away. Corporate holdings are seized and all personnel imprisoned or executed.
2348 - Earth nations intervene (after being persuaded by InEn), warning Mars that InEn is a free corporation etc. InEn withdraws from Mars, but some of their assets remain behind and operational, keeping InEn still one of the largest mining companies on Mars.
2360 - An InEn exploration crew discovers large deposits of valuable ship-building minerals on some asteroids in Callisto and Ganymede, moons of Jupiter. They try to colonize and fully control them, but Earth lands with a fleet and informs InEn that the moons will be governed by Earth, but InEn can mine, if taxes and such are paid to Earth. InEn agrees.
2379 - A strange ship is seen near Pluto, but no idea is found of it's origins.
2403 - Earth nations decide to pool all economical and military assets to a joint authority.
2411 - An unidentified ship contacts a Coalition patrol ships. The ship comes from the tenth planet of Sol, Dark Planet.
OOC: I for one will not be answering your questions on Scions. Address LordLMP.
2418 - Earth Coalition, Mars Combine, Venus, Pluto, Titan, and Scions form the Terran Alliance. Alliance headquarters based on Earth.
2424 - Through the Scions, the Fraal are contacted. Some tech is traded. Terran Alliance hears of Chironians and the fact that they have discovered FTL travel. Earth's own FTL project advances with a long step.
2427 - Earth makes first FTL journey, but the mineral used to produce FTL fuel is very rare.
2430 - The Belters find asteroids rich of FTL minerals. They slowly start to bring it to the markets when it's as expensive as possible, but after some while Terran Alliance finds out about where the minerals can be found.
2433 - After careful planning, Terran Alliance backed up by InEn attempts once again to take over the Belt. Extensive nuclear bombing is used, much to horror of the home front.
2434 - But the Belters have grown much in strength, and even nukes don't do serious harm to the scattered lot of them. However the Earth citizens begin protesting the war.
2435 - With no results, but numerous losses, Terran Alliance settles in trading the mineral from the Belters.
2439 - The Belters are accepted to the Terran Alliance, but are still considered "bastard children".
Terrans do an FTL flight to Capella, 42 LY from Earth in the constellation of the Charioteer.
2447 - A joint colonization effort of Earth Coaliton and InEn is directed to Capella (Which has a Mars-like planet, surprisingly not colonized). Mars Combine does not join as they don't have the strength to upkeep an offworld colony.
2458 - The colony of Capella II is established.
2477 - Human population starts to exceedingly grow as SSSH's are built to Earth orbit. They start small, but evolve into large habitats.
2491 - A war between Alliance and Breen. Gorns are contacted for an alliance, to no avail. Breen assault to Capella is repelled.
2515 - Gaians scout ship enters Sol and discovers humans. Terran Alliance has it's very first argument regarding the heritage of Unity. Gaians refuse to submit under Alliance rule, but no shots are fired.
2518 - Cyborgs arrive in Sol to sell their FTL Communicator. Terran Alliance accepts the offer, and after hearing of Chironian success it issues in
2522 - the "Heritage Declaration". In it, they demand that all Chironborn submit and join the Alliance and Earth goverment. It is noticed throughout the colonized areas, but basically ignored.
2555 - Terran Alliance launches several exploration missions around it, only to find out that the Chironians and aliens have gotten there first. Capella II remains only outer colony of Sol origin.
2632 - An unknown ship is detected, this time in Scion space. It remains unidentified, and appears to monitor Dark Planet from a distance. When a Scion scout tries to encounter it, the ship engages an unforeseen drive system and disappears in the blink of an eye.
2647 - A terraforming project on Io fails catastrophically. The Io Disaster costs the lives of several thousands of people from all Alliance factions, and the word "terraforming" has a bad ring for the next couple of decades.
2679 - Mars Combine openly questions the prominent position of Earth Coalition as the hegemon of Terran Alliance. The Combine puts forward a motion to transfer Alliance Headquarters from Terrapolis to an SSSH orbiting Saturn. The Coalition proves to the Alliance session that an SSSH would be a very dangerous location for the centre of Sol bureaucracy, and that Terrapolis has an old tradition of being the homestead of several alliances's headquarters, for example the UN in the 2100's. In the end, the Combine motion is not even voted upon.
Sol Factions:
Earth Coalition
Mars Combine
Interplanetary Enterprises (InEn)
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
November 16, 2001, 00:14
Now, the Terran Alliance history is better...but only two things now i problems with
concerning the Scions and the Belters.......and slight detail concerning declaration of independences.......
Belters not simply comprise of undesirables from earth and colonies, but some mining operations or whatever use to be controled by some nations of earth, some stellar corperation and InEn.... but declared independence, but of the asteroid belt were ignore since Earth Nations concentrated mainly in trying to retake Mars and its moons......... and InEn may of tried slightly to retake its holdings in the belt, but failed/couldn't/whatever..... so adding to the Belter socialist anarchistic culture  so only some groups of Belters, mainly of the undesirables, went pirating, raiding, etc........ while the rest stay among the belt.
As for the removed the whole thing og Earth, Mars and sort of InEn trying to eliminate the Scions base on paranoia, rumours, exagerations, etc.......  after some battles against some Scions raids on various Jupiter and Saturn moons along with Pluto (does Uranus and Neptune have moons? if not, good area for SSSHs  ) The combine Earth/Mars Fleet finds and arrive to Dark PLanet, with the intention of either capturing it or nuke it. But Fraal mothership intervenes  Then Xenophobia of the Scions still strong for awhile, but the xenophobia tones down by the time of the formation of the Terran Alliance and practicly none by the time game starts.
what do you think?  oh and may still have a bit of room for some nations to have some colonial skirmishs
Terraforming Io? thought they could be just as crazy as the Venus colonists? Io is volcanic ice moon. The only most likely habitable moon is Titan, as it is green and seems to jungles or something. (for all we know, maybe some animal or/and sentient life)
Also have a perfect idea for the Terran Alliance's main capital ship, the Terran Battlecruiser from Starcraft  design is cool and we can change the weaponry  then we could also have Babylon 5's starfury like starfighters
talking about starcraft, thinking of having the Protoss (another all-time favourite race)... but farther away and maybe introduce them later in the game...... Protoss base on the characteristics in Starcraft, just no Terrans to show and colonized nea their Space and no Zergs (well maybe, but Protoss defeated them after a long bloody war). anyway, thats later
If you people want to know, my all-time favourite races are:
-Scions from Battlezone 2
-Protoss from Starcraft
-Mechalus from Alternity
-Fraal from Alternity
-Jem'hadar from Startrek
-Klingons from Startrek
-Orcs from Warcraft (imagine them space/FTL capable  )
-Elerians from Master of Orion 2
-Darloks from Master of Orion 2
along with other secondaries.......oh don't forget my self created Macky
Now, here is my all-time favourite sci-fi human societies:
-the Clans from Battletech
-the Tribes from Starsiege: Tribes
-the Belters base on the Belters from some internet game
-Nautilus Pirates from SMAX
-Data Angels from SMAX
-Free Drones from SMAX
-Draconis Combine from Battletech
-Mercenary/Pirate cultures from Battletech
-Kingdom of Manticore from the Honor Harrington books
-Grayson from the Honor Harrington books
-Venus society base on the Venus from some book i read a long time ago.
and etc....
November 16, 2001, 17:03
Local Time: 19:38
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The name is Earth Coalition. "Federation" passed my mind, but somehow the letters S and T started to crawl into my thoughts.
Originally posted by [LordLMP]
what do you think? oh and may still have a bit of room for some nations to have some colonial skirmishs
Agreed. You can do the Belters and Scions description, since you'll be the puppet master of them so to speak. I would have to be a very powerful telepath to get it all straight.
Terraforming Io? thought they could be just as crazy as the Venus colonists? Io is volcanic ice moon. The only most likely habitable moon is Titan, as it is green and seems to jungles or something. (for all we know, maybe some animal or/and sentient life)
My point was trying to extract some minerals from within the vulcanic layers, not making it habitable.
I can't remember if the probe Cassini has already landed on Titan. Or if it was even Titan it was supposed to land on.
Yeah, except that these Battlecruisers will be slightly faster, though maybe they could be able to hover over ground 
What would the Yamato Gun be? A huge whoopass Ion cannon?
I think ship design comes in when we agree on the FTL drive system. Then could have large motherships for long distance, though they'll be only used for Sol - Capella and Inner Planets (Mars, Earth, Venus) - Outer Planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, DP) travel.
Final question: Are there any Battletech books? I tried to play Mechwarrior 2 once but the doggone thing didn't install itself.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
November 18, 2001, 19:55
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Location: New York State
Posts: 503
This looks great. I won't have the time to participate,  but I can see this is going to be a classic.
November 18, 2001, 20:17
Local Time: 11:38
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: In Exile
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We will miss your participation Natan. Feel free to jump in anytime you can, if even to write something small. Always appreciate your insights and fiction.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
November 19, 2001, 17:52
Local Time: 17:38
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Wünderland
Posts: 543
Wowa! You can write all these absolutely fantastic ideas into a book and get lots of $$$  But then it will need to be split equally between you all...
BTW, please, I'd like to do a small fiction part for this grand project, if there is any space available. Iof so WHAT exact spaces are left? PLZ, this is my chance to shine!
... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
... Pain is an illusion...
November 19, 2001, 23:11
Local Time: 11:38
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Location: In Exile
Posts: 4,140
Cybergod: Of course there is room.
places availiable
Hive for sure.
I don't know if Guardian still wants the PKs
Of course if you just want something small, you can take the part of an independent planet or maybe a new faction? As long as they aren't overpowered no one will have a problem.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
November 20, 2001, 10:35
Local Time: 18:38
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 1,005
Originally posted by Sprayber
I don't know if Guardian still wants the PKs
Hey! What are you talking about??!?
Originally posted by Sprayber
Well, the CEO can join the Spartans in relieving the PKs of some planets if he wants.
Damn Spartans always cause trouble...
If the CEO and whoever else wants to join them, go right ahead... -But be warned that we shall make no distinction between Spartans and those who harbor them....
"Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
-- Saddam Hussein
November 20, 2001, 11:22
Local Time: 10:38
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Location: A bleak and barren rock
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*Uses Mob Don voice*
Well, OK, Mr. Guardian, is dats da way ya wants it. Da Spartans, you know, dey are da guys who buys up just about all our stoff, Drones too, ya know? So, since we make der money for 'em, what dey sez goes, ok? You know? You fine with dat?
November 20, 2001, 14:06
Local Time: 11:38
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Posts: 4,140
Ooops, I just didn't know if you were going to have time.
And the Spartans aren't causing trouble. We are just making the Galaxy safe for humans. We may have to "use" resources from other factions but we are only looking out for your best interest.
Guardian, did you look at the PK related events in my timeline located on the sign in thread. I tried to be vague and I tried to have the two pretty much even. I see the Spartans occupying space farther from chiron and closer to alien space than the PKs. The drones are somewhat near the Spartans and the Pks are kind of in the middle of human space. You of course can add events and ill edit them in.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
November 20, 2001, 15:28
Local Time: 17:38
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Location: Wünderland
Posts: 543
I'll post some neww fiction to the forum soon - then I'd like to be in charge of the Sokallu (not a big race - just a bunch of "people" looking for their lost ancestry, as you'll see). Otherwise, if they're overpowered, I'd like to do just maybe a trade advisor to Morgan or something  or maybe an independent planet? All will be seen soon.
BTW, I really like the storyline! But you can't expect the top nations of today to be the same top nations in 100 years...  (or can you?  )
... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
... Pain is an illusion...
November 20, 2001, 15:29
Local Time: 19:38
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Location: Aperture Science Enrichment Center
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Cybergod: I am sure that something in Sol system can be arranged. Maybe could have some action having Titan break off from the Coalition, mayhaps?
Afterthought: There it goes again. Luciano and me must be soul mates or something.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
November 20, 2001, 16:38
Local Time: 11:38
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Posts: 4,140
Well the factions kind of dispersed across space for awhile and did there own thing. They came back and some factions like the Pirates and data angels are scattered and not really centralized like the Spartans or Pks are.
I think your idea is cool actually. humans? not really sure which faction they came from and maybe some claiming them to be lost colonies. Im sure that somewhere along the way ship loads of people were lost or forced to land on other planets other than the ones they were intended to.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
November 21, 2001, 04:15
Local Time: 18:38
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Bergen, Norway
Posts: 1,005
Originally posted by Sprayber
Ooops, I just didn't know if you were going to have time.
That's okay. To be honest, I'm not sure about this myself yet either, but I'll try to make time...
And the Spartans aren't causing trouble. We are just making the Galaxy safe for humans. We may have to "use" resources from other factions but we are only looking out for your best interest.
Ya right...  (Sounds a lot like what the nazis used to say to the people they conquered...)
Guardian, did you look at the PK related events in my timeline located on the sign in thread. I tried to be vague and I tried to have the two pretty much even. I see the Spartans occupying space farther from chiron and closer to alien space than the PKs. The drones are somewhat near the Spartans and the Pks are kind of in the middle of human space. You of course can add events and ill edit them in.
Haven't had time to look at it seriously just yet, but I'll get around to it some day soon (I hope)...
Originally posted by Sprayber
The Pks have many planets, they just use Chiron as their admistrative capital. Maybe they still hold on to the dream that they represent the UN or something.
You're kidding, right? We are the UN!
Originally posted by History Guy
*Uses Mob Don voice*
Well, OK, Mr. Guardian, is dats da way ya wants it. Da Spartans, you know, dey are da guys who buys up just about all our stoff, Drones too, ya know? So, since we make der money for 'em, what dey sez goes, ok? You know? You fine with dat?
Yeah, I'm fine with that. Of course, if you weren't such a complete pain, you could have been trading with us and with the Spartans / Drones, but I suppose you wouldn't want that...
"Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
-- Saddam Hussein
November 21, 2001, 05:52
Local Time: 11:38
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: In Exile
Posts: 4,140
Everyone please use the new dicussion thread to continue your discussions. It's just that we need a one thread so everyone can get what they need without checking two threads.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
November 21, 2001, 18:38
Local Time: 17:38
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Wünderland
Posts: 543
Originally posted by Sprayber
I think your idea is cool actually
( applause...) Thank you, thank you...
Only joking, but to really determine whether it is suitable, the full story of the Sokallu will be posted, soon, at the thread (which is pretty obvious to find  ). If this idea goes through, the Kallu will never be involved in any sort of "act", as they are "beyond" primitives, at least they say. Only when the Sleepers are starting to wake will they be heard of again.
If you don't know what the hell am I on about, visit the thread often...
If the idea DOESN'T go through, I will be most pleased to do the Titan Colony Administrator (who is mixed up in some activitites  )...
... This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality...
... Pain is an illusion...
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