Hmm, I wonder if someone could do a test. Play with a medium sized empire(maybe 15-18 cities, or is that a large empire?), a small empire and a large empire. When you hit Republic, invade a neighbour. Time how long it is before you get war weariness? Maybe also take into account the effect of luxury spending in the equation? Or is this just an incredible waste of time? As I have noticed(granted, I play on the easiest level, as I am no expert. Christ, I suck.) that for me, I get it after a minimum of 6 turns(but since this is late game, most of my cities have good coverage for improvements). Anyone think this idea is just a waste of time?
Just curious, s'all
Hey, whas tha pointy thing, and why is it sticking in the ground? And why is there a human head on it... Oh damn.