Play with the Aztecs. I just finished a game on a standard map with 8 civs, one of them being the Aztecs. By the time I met them, I had already made nice with the Babylonians. The Aztecs, being the bastards they are, went with their usual "Give in to our demands or die repeatedly in increasingly gruesome ways" attitude toward first contact. Needless to say, I told them to take a hike and they declared war on me.
So I call up my Babylonian pals, who happened to be between me and the Aztecs, and signed an alliance against them. Next thing I know, the Babylonians are pulling every other Civ on the map into the fray. To make a long story short, that was the start of a very long period of AI aggression all the way up until the industrial age and not just against the Aztecs. Everyone was fighting everyone else, except me...too busy building culture and researching technology.
The Aztecs stayed at war with me throughout most of the game, though they never could get to me as they would have to go through every other Civ to get at me. Eventually, they started effectively pounding the Babylonians into extinction, so I took it upon myself to help out. Between the two of us, the Aztecs were eliminated completely. During the next few turns, peace treaties were signed by everyone still left and there hasn't been another war since. Damnable Aztecs.