November 12, 2001, 22:50
Local Time: 10:40
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The rise of the first Reich
In the year of 4000 Before Christ, an able leader became the ruler of several nomadic tribes. He united them and called them Germania. He was known as Bismarck.
Those were dark times and not much is known about them. Here are those few facts that have lived through the history in the form of ancient scripts. The first contact was made with the Russians. Some time later, as map-making was discovered, it turned out that the tribes leaved on a continent that is now known as North America. The two tribes coexisted peacefully and shared their technological advances. Peace ruled the pre-historic pangea. But soon an English scout was spotted. The kind-hearted Germans offered their friendship and support, but the vile-natured English denied all Bismarck's attempts to be friendly. Later, much later they paid for it.
For now there only were some minor battles, which lasted through the whole Ancient era. The Judgment day came, when Germania acquired the knowledge of Chivalry from their friends, the Russians. At approximately the same time, they found a map of the whole southern continent. It turned out that the English were sandwiched between the Germans and the French. This was a critical moment in the history of the world, for Bismarck decided that it is time for action. The English had only one supply of horses, and did not yet have the knowledge of Chivalry. The Chancellor's plan was to cut the supply of horses off the English empire before they could start building knights.
At first the advance of German army did not meet much opposition. The cities of Oxford, Coventry and Liverpool fell into German hands almost immediately. But as the troops approached the city of their goal, the Chancellor had stop and think. For that city, the only one that had the supply of horses, was also the capital of the English empire. Its name was London.
Bismarck met with his Military advisor, known as Adolf.
Bismarck: - So tell me, Adolf, what are we to do now? What are the forces defending London? Can we defeat them?
Adolf: Easily, sire. But we could extort some money from the British before. That would help us greatly. I also suggest that we ally with the French, before the English do that.
Bismarck: So be it!
The Chancellor of Germany met with the Queen of England and demanded tribute. She was furious and rudely denied further audience. Naturally, Chancellor, felt that he needed to respond to that rudeness. Some more years, knights, and catapults, resolved the matter: London became a new German colony, known as New Berlin, for it had a Forbidden Palace built in it.
Some two centuries of uneasy peace and extortion of money from the puny English followed. Presently, a new threat showed up on the horizon. The German scientists discovered the secret of Gunpowder (even before the Chinese, who, along with the Indians, the Japanese, and the Greeks, were known to inhabit the eastern hemisphere). But the scouts reported, that Germania has no sources of saltpeter! England had one source (of course, due to their lag in technology, they didn't even know that). Bismarck understood, that he had to work fast. He had to take the city with saltpeter away from the English before they could use it. The city was named York. Luckily, there were no other cities between New Berlin and York. Unluckily, York was the new capital of the English empire, since the fall of London. Therefore, it was heavily garrisoned. Despite that inconveniency, as the Chancellor stated it, it was "time to kick some behind!"
And he started doing exactly that. He sent numerous knights backed up by catapults to assault York. After a couple of years under siege, the town (it had lost a lot of its citizens to bombardment) fell. Of course, at first, the citizens tried to resist the new occupants, but some 8 divisions of elite knights and uncounted catapults garrisoned within the city walls helped them overcome the cultural barrier.
Bismarck was ready to sign a peace treaty with the English, since he had always felt that war is useless and he had achieved his goal for now - he had a source of saltpeter, while the English didn't. But a German traveler compiled a list of the most powerful civilizations. England stood last… This, coupled with the discovery of metallurgy, which allowed for the production of cannons, convinced the German Chancellor in the necessity of further English conquest. The last three English cities on the continent of South America gave in to the efforts of knights supported by cannons, easily.
Presently, the French decided to help the Germans (They understood that now they shared the border with the mighty Germania, not the English). They proposed a mutual protection / right of passage package plus the map of the remaining English settlements. Yes, by now the Germans were in the industrial age. Riflemen and cavalry were ready to what seemed like the last days of war. Indeed they were, because the last three English villages, located on an island now known as Greenland, fell to a group of two German knights and two cannons with one good old-fashioned catapult even before the modern troops could try their might on the British.
That was the end of the first World war and the beginning of the new era of global peace. The first Reich rose to power with the revolution that overthrew King Bismarck and gave power to president Bismarck of German Democracy.
What will happen next? Will the German war machine turn its eyes to the French, who are now the weakest civilization on Earth? Or will they coexist peacefully? And what about the Russians in the north?
The answers wait to be uncovered.
November 13, 2001, 14:50
Local Time: 18:40
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We're waiting, Chansellor!
Great AAR!
Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. -Isaiah 41:10
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. - Zephaniah 3:17
Get The List for cIV here!
November 14, 2001, 12:46
Local Time: 17:40
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Location: Lund Sweden
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Very good, if you lose will you still write the next episode? Or maybe you will just reload....
It's candy. Surely there are more important things the NAACP could be boycotting. If the candy were shaped like a burning cross or a black man made of regular chocolate being dragged behind a truck made of white chocolate I could understand the outrage and would share it. - Drosedars
November 14, 2001, 21:51
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I want more! And some screenshots would be good.
November 17, 2001, 00:46
Local Time: 10:40
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The last days of the First Reich
Here is more:
Despite great success in Anglo-German war, Bismarck decided to postpone his planned attacks on Russia or France ("whichever comes first", he said). The main reason being that Germania was now a democratic country and its citizens would not tolerate prolonged war conflicts. Other, minor, reasons were: - Russian military forces were considered stronger than that of Germania, and uncounted knights were seen roaming the borders.
- France was an ally and had a mutual protection pact with Germania.
Well, the result of such deduction was that Bismarck decided to wait till his scientists found a new, even more destructive, machine of war. Even though he did not know that, he thought about the mighty Panzer.
Under Democracy, President Bismarck led his country to much greater prosperity than was expected before. Germania was now acknowledged as the world's cultural and technological leader. The net income rose to more than 100 gold per turn, and Chancellor was thinking about increasing the financing of his scientists to further improve his Fatherland's lead in technology over other civilizations. But suddenly terrible things happened. The only two significant supplies of coal his country had ran out. At first, he was shocked, but then his scouts told him, that there was a supply of coal near an isolated Russian town of Riga.
At the same time, his scientists told him that they were working on the concept of Motorized transportation and predicted that by the time they finish the project, they will have a surprise for him. Him was exhausted by the surprise with coal, but agreed to wait. He understood that his country needs railroads built as soon as possible and hurried the smart ones using all the methods he knew. And as soon as they were finished and showed him their 'surprise', the following conversation occurred between Chancellor and his Prime Scientific Advisor - named Sid:
Sid: Herr President, allow me to show you our latest invention. We call it the Panzer.
Bismarck: Whoa... !!! All your bases are belong to us!!!
Sid: Excuse me, sir?
Bismarck: I mean, what do you think, could we use it for taking Riga?
Sid: Well, I am not Adolf (your military advisor), but, as far as I am informed, the best Russian unit is the Cossack. In other words, our tanks will suppress them easily.
Bismarck: Oh yeah... Can I ride this baby?
Sid: Well...
Bismarck: I mean it's an order. I want to try this "machine" of yours.
Sid: Yes, Herr President.
The remainder of the conversation has little significance at the moment. The fact is, that at the moment the empire is building Panzers in most available cities. As soon as enough force is amassed, Russia will part with its supply of coal. And Riga...
Of course, it seems like the First Reich will be overthrown by communist rebels, if the war turns out to be longer than expected... But, oh well, the more glorious will the rise of the Second Reich be. As soon as the war is over, that is.
To be continued.
PS: Wille: Yes, if I lose, I will write about it. Only then will I reload 
Last edited by vovan; November 17, 2001 at 00:59.
November 18, 2001, 22:25
Local Time: 10:40
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 5,725
On the brink of war
The year was 1950 AD. The place - Russo-German border, between the cities of Heidelberg and Riga. Seven divisions of Panzers, backed up by three artillery battalions and some five squadrons of bombers in Heidelberg and Munich, were ready to invade the Russian territory, take over Riga in lightning-quick fashion and acquire the precious coal. President Bismarck himself was in Heidelberg, ready to lead his troops into the battle. (Indeed, he was so confident in the might of his tanks that he was ready to 'risk' his own life.) Bismarck's plan was ready:
"One last demand from the Russians, a bold one. Of course, they will refuse. We then take Riga, and sue for peace. Give them anything they want, just to stop the war. For we are a democracy - people are pacifist - they don't like wars. Even the ones that benefit the Nation. Maybe, even give Russians some of our technology. A generous amount of money is also ready. And a couple of villages, taken from the English during the last war. And if they refuse... Well, communism awaits our Fatherland in that case."
Such was a note from Bismarck to Adolf. Chancellor wanted his Military advisor to read it and tell him what he thought. Of course, Adolf agreed - what could resist our tanks?
Just in time when everything was ready, Bismarck contacted the ruler of Russia:
Catherine: "The mighty Russians salute you."
Bismarck: "Same to you, Catherine. Let us make a proposal now."
Catherine: "We are always open to trade with you, Chancellor."
Bismarck: "No trade this time. Give us the knowledge of Amphibious war, all your money, and 40 gold/turn or suffer the consequences!"
Catherine: "We will give you what you want this time. But in the future, remember, the Russians will not be bullied! Good bye, Chancellor."
Bismarck was shocked by the response of the Russian leader, who has never before given him what he demanded, even if it was a small token of friendship that he wanted from her - to assure their mutual safety. In fact, Chancellor was so amazed, that he called off the attack for an undecided period of time and tried to find the reason of such strange behavior. In fact, the search was not too long. A brief survey of the map of Russian territory showed that Riga had the only supply of coal in the whole Russian empire.
Indeed, coal was a rare luxury on this continent! Chancellor was happy: if he takes the city now, he would inhibit the development of his closest neighbor greatly, and later, as soon as he finds another supply of coal, he would sell it to Russians at prices as high as they will be able to pay. Indeed, the situation was getting better.
Bismarck was once again ready to start the well-planned invasion, when a messenger came. He brought two news to his leader. One was that the source of saltpeter was exhausted near the city of Strausberg (former Canterbury). This did not bother Chancellor too much, since he was informed of existence of two more sources of this resource within the borders of his country. The other news brought great happiness and satisfaction to the man's heart, though. A new source of coal was discovered near the colony of Newcastle! In fact, the Chancellor was so grateful to the forces of nature, which brought the much-needed relief to his country and removed the need to struggle, that he called off the attack altogether and spread his forces throughout the border cities for better defense.
The discovery was very lucky, indeed, since several circumstances were against the war. - Since Riga was the last Russian supply of coal, a distinct possibility existed that the Russians would not cease fighting till either the last of them is gone, or they get the city back, and then some.
- Some of the inner cities were not defended very well, and if the Russian Cossacks were able to get behind the defense lines and deep into German territory, nothing could stop them from getting hold of major cities, since the lack of coal prevented railroads from being fully developed, therefore effectively cutting the attacking forces off the defensive front.
- War would slow down the development of Germania.
- And finally, Communism did not seem like a very good idea to Bismarck. In fact, he did not think it was a good idea at all.
In this manner, the Russo-Germanic war was prevented, and peace was kept between the two superpowers.
To be continued.
Last edited by vovan; November 18, 2001 at 23:04.
November 18, 2001, 23:21
Local Time: 10:40
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 5,725
The last days of the Reich
Peace continued to rule the world. A series of Mutual protection pacts, involving all countries, assured any declaration of war to become an instant suicide. So, President Bismarck concentrated on domestic improvement. The new supply of coal allowed his country to produce a fully developed railroad system. As a result, industrial output of the cities increased along with the Germania's Gross Domestic Product and income. The Fatherland continued to hold a leading scientific position in the World, along with the Japanese, who were the country's only match. All the effort was thrown on the development of a new humongous project - the spaceship, which was destined to reach the stars and give the Germans an upper hand in the colonization of the other worlds. As soon as three parts of the future ship were finished, though, the Chancellor received the news that the Japanese were starting to build their ship. That worried him somewhat, since the Japanese were known to have a greater producing capability. His feeling that something was not going right was further reinforced, when he was told that a Japanese spy was caught and executed in Berlin. In fact, he decided to plant a watchful eye in the Japanese capital, too - and succeeded. He found out, that the development of the spaceship was still in the beginning phases and there was nothing to worry about. For now, at least.
Spies from the other capitals of the world reported that not a single other country had even started the project. One of the first nations to understand that there was no way to stop the Japanese, other than brute force, was India. They broke their Mutual Protection pact with the Japanese, and declared war on them, dragging China into the conflict with them. The Chinese proposed a military alliance against the Japanese to the Greeks, who couldn't resist the offer. The Greeks did their part by involving their allies - the French and the Russians - in the war.
Germany was now the only country that did not participate in the global extermination of Japanese, but that did not last long, for their brothers - the Russians - requested that they abide by the rules of their agreement and declare war on the Japanese. Bismarck was forced to enter the war.
And so the First World War began. Everybody against the Japanese and the Japanese against everybody.
Bismarck took a couple of Japanese island cities and was quite satisfied with the war, for he now believed that nothing could prevent him from being the first to enter the space race, when an abrupt end to his career came. President Alexander called for a United Nations meeting and was elected the Secretary-General with 5-2 votes in favor. Even though the vote was anonymous, all the world leaders knew that the two votes against were that of Bismarck and Tokugawa, who voted for themselves...
On the party held to celebrate the inauguration of Alexander all the former leaders of their countries were present. Even Elizabeth of the English was there. She had been waiting for this moment for a long time - since her country was put out of existence by German knights. She had been hiding in the remote city of Newcastle, and dreaming of this day. She came up to Bismarck and said to him what she desired to say all this time:
"You spent all this time trying to beat me... See what you've got in return? Ha-ha-ha."
The poor woman was taken to the Psychiatric Clinic of New Berlin soon thereafter. All the time spent in disgrace had its tremendous effect on her nervous system. About a month after the event the great Bismarck ended up in the same place. The two of the once world's greatest leaders spent the remainder of their lives together with Napoleons and Newtons in the Clinic.
Alexander Bismarck
Historical University of New Berlin
November 20, 2001, 01:38
Local Time: 16:40
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Posts: 75
Re: The last days of the Reich
Funny but interesting story.
It takes alot of discipline to play through for that long only to find you get beated by the annoying United Nations wonder. This has happened to me once too, when I first started playing. I still think you should have tried to take over the world
November 20, 2001, 12:02
Local Time: 16:40
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 8
Great story!!
Wow, that was really entertaining. Kind of inspiring me to write a story of my own.
Thanks for the good read.
November 3, 2002, 21:07
Local Time: 17:40
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Location: Staffordshire England
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Quite enjoyable vovan, dont keep us waiting to long for your next story
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
November 3, 2002, 22:09
Local Time: 10:40
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Posts: 5,725
Wow, that's got to be the longest period between two posts in one thread:
20-11-2001 and 03-11-2002
Didn't think I would see this thread up on the top again. Hehe. Thanks for bringing it back, ChrisiusMaximus.
That other story... Well, I'm having somewhat of a writer's block right now. I've gotten to the part where I should write big battle scenes (three of them, according to my plan), and it's just not my thing. So, I am reading the epic battle stories right now to get some inspiration.
March 3, 2004, 22:47
Local Time: 16:40
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
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Wow, that's got to be the longest period between two posts in one thread:
20-11-2001 and 03-11-2002
Try 04-11-2002 and 03-03-2004
This is an interesting one vovan. I like the new sig look, btw.
March 4, 2004, 08:35
Local Time: 10:40
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Originally posted by SKILORD
Try 04-11-2002 and 03-03-2004
Originally posted by SKILORD
This is an interesting one vovan.
Thanks.  This was my first story around here, so it's not so hot, but well, it's a beginning.
Originally posted by SKILORD
I like the new sig look, btw.
 Thanks to you. I figured your layout was good, so copied it over. 
March 4, 2004, 16:50
Local Time: 11:40
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Don King of the Apolyton HLA Movement
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Glad this got pulled back up, vovan. Very enjoyable story, and a decent prod for me to flesh out what I've been kicking around lately... a comprehensive national history from one of my games.
"They say if you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. But if you teach a man to fish...then he has to get a fishing license. But he doesn't have any money, so he has to get a job and enter the social security system. And he has to file taxes, and you're gonna audit the poor son of a ***** because he's not really good at math. You pull the IRS van up to his house and take everything. You take his velvet Elvis and his toothbrush and his penis pump and that all goes up for auction with the burden of proof on you because you forgot to carry the 1. All because you wanted to eat a fish, and you couldn't even cook the fish because you need a permit for an open flame."
- Doug Stanhope
March 5, 2004, 20:55
Local Time: 16:40
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Location: Don't you feel silly now?
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Originally posted by vovan
Thanks. This was my first story around here, so it's not so hot, but well, it's a beginning.
Ahhh, we should try to dig up the first story I posted here. I guaruntee you that 'A History of Persia and her Neighbors' is noticably less... good.... than my present stuff. We all had to start somewhere ad this wasn't a bad start at all.
Yeah, it seems to get the job done.
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