Ok, well, I decided that it was time for the French to go.
They had supplies of silk and furs that they were holding over my head for long enough, so I decided the best move was to take them and also knock the second most powerful civilization in the world down a few notches. I put four aircraft carriers, six battleships, two destroyers, and two transports filled with mech infantry and tanks near Paris.
It was at that time that I finally discovered Advanced Flight and so I decided to build myself a Helicoptor. Actually two. Well, I did. Then I put an infantry on them and decided to move them down to an island close to another French island. Then I tried to see what the range of the Helicoptor was. That damned island was PRETTY close, yet the Helicoptor was about three spaces out of range to even touch the closest tip. Ok, Fine.
My next thought was: I'll put it on an Aircraft Carrier and move it into range. No go. At this time, I was wondering just what these blasted Helicoptors were used for! Then I decided to build a Paratrooper. Same problem! Well, I finally found a use for them when I decided to invade a
Persian city, which was only a few spaces away from one of my cities where my base of operations was. It was useful because any other invader ground units would have had to use the unimproved movement rate... but still, the city was RIGHT THERE!
If the range was supposed to be so poor, they should have been left out. Either that or they should be allowed on Aircraft Carriers or should be allowed to fly to other spaces and then act in a limited range.
While I'm ranting I would like to comment on Cruise Missile. WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH THEM!

They can't be loaded onto transports, carriers, submarines or any sort of transport unit and they have a range that is ridiculous for a cruise missile. (2 spaces??

) They were great in Civ 2. Now they stink! The only thing I found them useful for was blowing up
my own territory! Good grief...
If your playing on a Pangea continent, these units
might be useful. I, unfortunately, was playing on an island map.
So don't use Helicoptors, Paratroopers, or Cruise Missiles.