Got myself a dilemma here. As the Japs I was sly enough to put fortifications between all of the cities I had along my border with them peace-lovin' Indians, and while still at peace staffed those fortifications with 2 each of Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery.
Well, we went to war, and the most amazing thing happened: his Cavalry came triapsing past each of my Fortifications without so much as a free shot from ANY of the units in ANY fortifications. Not ONE! Kinda makes having fortifications completely useless if they don't get free shots and people can walk right by `em.
Page 84 of the Civ III manual states "A unit stationed within a Fortress has its defensive strength increased by 50%, and it gains the ability to take "free shots" at passing enemy units." That's all it says, and it's not happening in my game.
What gives? Do the units have to be fortified when they're in the Fortification for this to work? If so, how come my Infantry didn't get free shots?
Has anyone run into similar problems?