Additional Unique Units?
As far as I can tell , there is no reason a civ cannot have two or three UU's. You might want to consider adding some more to the existing civs, to give them more flavor. I would tend to limit the number of UU's that can trigger a golden age, though.
I've been working on some ideas, based on four UU's per civ. Here are the lists for a few:
Hastati (replaces Warrior and Spearman, available at start) 1/2/1 cost 10 (upgrades to Legionary) Comments - Hastati is Latin for Spearman, and this unit gives the Romans extra defense early in the game and moves the Legionary into the defense upgrade path.
Legionary (replaces Swordsman and Pikeman, Iron Working) 3/3/1 cost 30+Iron (upgrades to Musketman) Triggers Golden Age
Ballista (replaces Catapult, Mathematics) 0/0/1 [6/1/1] cost 20 (upgrades to Cannon) Comments - the Romans were historically good at sieges.
Cataphract (replaces Knight, Chivalry) 5/4/2 cost 80+Horses and Iron (upgrades to Cavalry) Triggers Golden Age. Comments - this was the Byzantine / Late Roman unit of choice
Eagle Warrior (replaces Warrior and Chariot, available at start) 1/1/2 cost 10 (upgrades to Horseman) Comments - this replaces the current Aztec UU. Eagle Warriors were foot soldiers trained for speed.
Jaguar Warrior (replaces Archer and Swordsman, Warrior Code) 3/2/1 cost 30 (upgrades to Heavy Jaguar Warrior) Triggers Golden Age. Comments - this unit is basically a Swordsman available earlier and with no special resource requirement.
Heavy Jaguar Warrior (replaces Longbowman, Feudalism) 4/3/1 cost 50 (upgrades to Rifleman) Triggers Golden Age. Comments - an upgraded version of the Jaguar Warrior, basically a slow Knight, and doesn't require Iron.
Mounted Jaguar Warrior (replaces Knight, Chivalry) 4/3/2 cost 70+Horses (upgrades to Cavalry) Comments - a Knight that doesn't require Iron.
Spear Impi (replaces Spearman, Bronze Working) 1/2/2 cost 20 (upgrades to Pike Impi) Comments - the old Zulu UU. Impi simply means regiment.
Sword Impi (replaces Swordsman, Iron Working) 3/2/2 cost 30+Iron (upgrades to Pike Impi) Comments - a fast Swordsman, could be quite useful.
Pike Impi (replaces Pikeman and Longbowman, Feudalism) 3/3/2 cost 40+Iron (upgrades to Musket Impi) Triggers Golden Age. Comments - a fast and versatile unit not much inferior to the Knight, but much less expensive.
Musket Impi (replaces Musketman, Gunpowder) 4/4/2 cost 70+Saltpeter (upgrades to Rifleman) Triggers Golden Age. Comments - the last in the line of fast Zulu foot units strong both in offense and defense.