New Tables for Wonders and City Improvements
I have put together some new tabes as Excel2000 spreadsheets. They are for Great Wonders, Small Wonders and City Improvements. They contain all of the info on these topics. They tell you the requirements for building, the effects of building, the cost, and the cultural points per turn. I found the tables in the manual to be totally insufficient for in-game use, so I created my own, based on what is in the Civilopedia. I use my tables at times when I need to make a selection and can't access the Civilopedia from within the particular screen asking me to make a selection. I have done this for every Civ game I own, but this is the first time I'm able to share it with the Civ community.
I will also be making up a table for Units in the same fashion. Just haven't gotten around to it yet.