Speed up Production
Here's something I tried that seems to work to speed up production without paying for a rush job. I started a new city in between 2 others controlled by the AI. I wanted my culture to increase so I might eventually persuade the other citys' citizens to join me. The first thing I told it to build was a temple, and it told me it would take 11 turns.
This was too long to suit me so I tried to hurry production on it but the cost was way too much to afford. This game was in the mid-1800's where riflemen had become available, and I noticed I had some extra sword men hanging around from a war about 60 years ago. I took some of them by boat to my new city and planted them all in the center square. I opened the city screen and saw many more shields still needed to finish the temple. I started to disband the sword men and each time I did it they were good for about 7 shields each. After doing this to 3 or 4 of them I had gotten it down to 1 turn for the temple. So that and maybe 2 or 3 turns to get the surplus sword men to the city adds up to 3 or 4 turns instead of 11.
I got the temple built pretty quickly, it didn't cost any gold, I got rid of a bunch of sword men I didn't need anymore. I want to try this in a high-corruption city to see if the results are as dramatic, or if the disbanding shields go to waste. Seems to be useful on the Monarch level at least.