Greetings all,
Well here's the situation. It seems that my friend who has been just getting into CivII has been having some odd problems. But he just moved away from me so I can't look at his problem myself.
He emailed me saying that he just freshly installed CivII on his folks computer. But for some reason he is getting very odd movement values for his unit: Settler moves up to 4 times on grassland!
So, says I, its obviously a problem with your rules files... I sent him a fresh one, but no difference. So on instant messenger I take him through the directories so he can locate his rules file. I take him down to the units section and he reads the stats off to me... they are
exactly what they should be!?!
All the terrains had normal values as well. He did not set any settings to 2x move or 2x prod or anything like that... he took me through setting up a new game and he is doing it right.
I simply know of no other place in the game that would be effecting the units' movement than in the 'rules.txt'. So what could his problem be? He reinstalkled as well, to no avail. I wish I could sit at his 'puter to get a better take on the situation. I have also had no luck at getting him to sign up at Apolyton.

I'll send him the link to this thread so he can monitor it.
Thoughts? Suggestions?
Thanks fellas,