Your crazy saying CIV 3 AI is good. SMAC AI is far superior in everyway. You can edit the AI personality to a pin point in SMAC.
Theres about 30 different things you can do....make AI friendly to player, other AI or backstaber...use atrocitys,wont use...militaristic,economic,expansionist,builder.. .the list gos on.
Once you figure out the AI in Civ 3 thats it...there all the same every time
Theres about 100 variations for each shell of a unit and alot make drasticly differnt units
Units in ciz 3 are just wee upgrades to older real special abilitys.
Civ 3 has about 40 different units...SMAC has about 500 different
You know i was wrong to think CIV 3 would be an upgrade to SMAC and MOO.. When i look back in the day CIV was a simplistic game.. This is a little bit of an improvment of the first and thats good.. The games decent but i have been spoiled by playing such a superior game design that is SMAC...
Will they make real good games ever again?...every game i buy from this industry is realy $h1t games..the only games that ever got my intrest for over a month were ....MOO, Romance of the Three Kingdoms (for the original nintendo...all other versions sucked), SMAC, Everquest, Baldurs gate and the Fallout series (save the last Fallout game to be released).
MOO,SMAC and ROtK i have played for so many years and they are still fun...