I have an idea that we all play the same game and see how we do. I will email the same first turn save game to everyone that emails me (2.7 megs about). We will then all play the same game and compare scores, stories and strategies. We can post results on this thread.
Rules are thus
1- No reloading game for better results. Can reload for honest mistakes.
2 - No obvious expliots or cheats (million gold cheat or infinite trade by breaking own roads, etc). If you think its cheesy dont do it. This is for fun. It will probably be funner reporting the craziest story or strategy then just having the highest score. I personally wont even use Infinite Forest trick.
First Challenge map set up
Emporer (I only play Emp but if most prefer Monarchy I can change it. If you get wiped out fast no big deal, just for fun)
Random Starting Civ
Standard size (I like Huge but between turns takes too long for slower comupters)
Max Civs, all random
All other options in middle
Roaming Barbarians
Im hoping to get at least 10 people to play the same game. Please post any comments here on how to improve the rules or a better way to distribute the save game.
Ghengis Thom