Theben, the problem is that ToT uses 16bit and/or 24bit gfx, but civ2 only 8bit gfx with max. 256 colors, so converted gfx from ToT always loose quality.
However, you can minimize the losses with Photoshop or a similar software, but this is a lot of work and requires some training. The trick is to modify the source pics so that most of their colors are similar to the colors of the standart civ2 palette, then the results will be better, e.g. the civ2 palette has many grey and blue colors, but only a few red tones, so a source pic with more blue and grey will be converted better than another with more red.
And if you really want good conversions you can try to replace "lost" colors with other colors from the civ2 palette by hand, but this is even more work...