Scenario Idea - Dystopia
The goal of most games of Civ seems to be the creation of the best society ever. Why not create the _worst_ society imaginable?
Working from the paranoid rants of net.loons, one could create a scenario, set in the present day, in which secret conspiring groups (the Freemasons, the Pope, the International Financiers, the Communists...) try to take over the world, using devious methods, and create the worst world imaginable.
City improvements: Flouridated Water (it's mind control, don't you see!), Secret Alien Base, EMF Emitters, High-Tension Power Lines, Cloning Lab, Underground City...
Units: Men In Black, UFOs, Assassins, CIA Lackeys, "Fellow Travelers", Hippies, God-Fearing Americans...
Wonders of the World: Database of All People, One World Government, UN, Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Pentagon, Brainwashing Satellite, The Face on Mars, Faked Moon Landing...
Governments: Mafia Rule, De-mock-racy, Oligarchy, Aristocracy, Theocracy, Faceless Bureaucracy...
Feel free to pick it up and run with it! (I'd do it, but I'm overwhelmed by the idea of working with the tech tree.)
EchoPapa's scenarios are available at the ACS Mac Site
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