Local Time: 00:14
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 2
overhauled techtree crashing FW 2.78
i'm attempting to overhaul the FW techtree so that it incorporates some futuristic techs. the structure is similar to that of CTP2..
but in order to do this, i've been forced to use the extra U1....X7 techs in the rules.txt.
now whenever i try to use this rules.txt in the game, it crashes. i can load a game and view the new techs, but then it will crash when the turn ends.
i've checked and rechecked rules.txt quite a few times and i can't pinpoint the problem. i'm sure its the techtree that is the problem.
here is the tech portion:
Naval Aviation, 4,-2, Rad, Nav, 2, 0 ; AFl
Writing, 4, 2, nil, nil, 0, 3 ; Alp
Advanced Infantry, 4,-2, AFl, CA, 2, 0 ; Amp
Optics, 3, 1, Uni, Chi, 1, 4 ; Ast
Age of Reason, 4, 2, Che, MT, 1, 2 ; Ato
Urban Planning, 4, 1, Eng, Gue, 2, 4 ; Aut
Banking, 4, 1, Uni, Tra, 1, 1 ; Ban
Concrete, 4, 0, Mas, Tra, 0, 4 ; Bri
Stone Working, 5, 0, nil, nil, 0, 4 ; Bro
Religion, 5, 0, nil, nil, 0, 2 ; Cer
Chemistry, 5,-1, Inv, Ast, 1, 3 ; Che
Bureaucracy, 4, 0, Lit, Feu, 0, 2 ; Chi
Criminal Code, 5, 1, Esp, The, 2, 2 ; CoL
Vertical Flight, 5,-1, Rad, Cor, 2, 0 ; CA
Internal Combustion,5,-1, Ref, E2, 2, 4 ; Cmb
Communism, 5, 0, Ind, nil, 2, 2 ; Cmn
Computer, 4, 1, E2, Dem, 2, 4 ; Cmp
Cavalry Tactics, 7,-2, Hor, Gun, 2, 0 ; Csc
Bronze Working, 5, 0, Hor, nil, 0, 4 ; Cst
Corporation, 4, 0, The, MP, 2, 1 ; Cor
Infantry Tactics, 5,-1, War, nil, 0, 0 ; Cur
Democracy, 5, 1, CoL, Ato, 2, 2 ; Dem
Economics, 4, 1, Dem, Ban, 2, 1 ; Eco
Radar, 5,-1, E2, AFl, 1, 0 ; E1
Mass Transit, 5, 1, Dem, Cmb, 2, 4 ; E2
Modern Metallurgy, 4,-2, Ato, Iro, 2, 4 ; Eng
Nanomachines, 6, 0, SFl, nil, 3, 4 ; Env
Nationalism, 2,-1, Rep, Gun, 2, 2 ; Esp
Explosives, 5, 0, Gun, Ind, 2, 4 ; Exp
Feudalism, 4,-1, Mas, Hor, 0, 0 ; Feu
Jet Propulsion, 6,-1, Rad, Eng, 2, 4 ; Fli
Fundamentalism, 3,-2, U1, CoL, 2, 2 ; Fun
Fusion, 3, 0, SFl, U3, 3, 3 ; FP
Genetics, 3, 2, Rob, Med, 3, 3 ; Gen
Electricity, 4, 0, Ind, nil, 2, 4 ; Gue
Gunpowder, 8,-2, Uni, Inv, 1, 0 ; Gun
Tool Making, 4,-1, nil, nil, 0, 0 ; Hor
Industrial Rev., 6, 0, X7, Eng, 2, 1 ; Ind
Alchemy, 6, 0, Eng, Lit, 1, 3 ; Inv
Iron Working, 5,-1, Bro, Tra, 0, 4 ; Iro
Arcologies, 4, 1, Aut, Tac, 3, 2 ; Lab
Digital Encryption, 5, 0, PT, Lab, 3, 3 ; Las
Plasma Weaponry, 7,-2, FP, U3, 3, 0 ; Ldr
Paper, 5, 2, Alp, Cer, 0, 4 ; Lit
Neural Interface, 4,-1, Sup, Gen, 3, 4 ; Too
Adv. Naval Tactics, 5,-2, MP, Exp, 2, 0 ; Mag
Hullmaking, 6,-1, Whe, Mat, 1, 0 ; Map
Domestication, 4, 0, nil, nil, 0, 4 ; Mas
Mass Production, 5, 0, Ref, Eco, 2, 4 ; MP
Geometry, 4,-1, Wri, Phi, 0, 3 ; Mat
Modern Medicine, 4, 0, SE, Cor, 2, 1 ; Med
Cannon Making, 6,-2, Gun, Iro, 1, 0 ; Met
Masonry, 4, 0, Cst, ToG, 0, 4 ; Min
Tank Warfare, 8,-1, Cmb, Cor, 2, 0 ; Mob
Monarchy, 5, 1, Cer, Phi, 0, 2 ; Mon
Printing Press, 4, 1, Uni, Iro, 1, 2 ; MT
Drama, 4, 0, Cer, nil, 0, 2 ; Mys
Naval Tactics, 6,-1, Map, Met, 2, 0 ; Nav
Nuclear Power, 6,-2, Stl, Roc, 3, 3 ; NF
Fuel Cells, 3, 0, Stl, Rec, 3, 3 ; NP
Philosophy, 6, 1, Mys, Tra, 0, 2 ; Phi
Physics, 4,-1, Ato, Mat, 2, 3 ; Phy
Smart Materials, 8,-2, Lab, Env, 3, 4 ; Pla
Supersonic Flight, 6,-1, Fli, Dem, 2, 0 ; Plu
Global Comms, 4, 0, Pot, NF, 3, 2 ; PT
Woodcutting, 5, 0, nil, nil, 2, 1 ; Pot
Aerodynamics, 5,-1, MP, Cmb, 2, 4 ; Rad
Railroad, 6, 0, Eng, Ban, 2, 1 ; RR
Conservation, 2, 1, Rfg, Gue, 2, 2 ; Rec
Oil Refining, 4, 0, Ind, RR, 2, 3 ; Ref
Global Economics, 3, 1, Cor, Fli, 2, 1 ; Rfg
Republic, 5, 1, Tra, Chi, 0, 2 ; Rep
Robotics, 5,-2, NF, Tac, 3, 4 ; Rob
Guided Weapons, 6,-2, Cmp, E1, 3, 0 ; Roc
Emancipation, 4, 0, MT, nil, 1, 2 ; San
Ocean Faring, 4, 1, Map, Chi, 1, 1 ; Sea
Nano-Assembly, 5, 1, Rob, Las, 3, 4 ; SFl
Space Flight, 4, 0, Fli, nil, 2, 3 ; Sth
Pharmaceuticals, 4, 2, Esp, Ind, 2, 4 ; SE
Quantum Physics, 4,-2, Cmp, Phy, 2, 3 ; Stl
Superconductor, 4, 1, NP, Tac, 3, 3 ; Sup
Adv. Composites, 4,-2, Rec, Plu, 3, 4 ; Tac
Mass Media, 5, 1, Eco, E2, 2, 2 ; The
Horse Riding, 4,-1, Wri, Tra, 0, 0 ; Hor
Trade, 4, 2, War, Lit, 0, 1 ; Tra
Classical Ed., 5, 1, Chi, Mat, 1, 3 ; Uni
Agriculture, 5, 0, nil, nil, 0, 1 ; War
Ship Building, 4,-1, ToG, nil, 0, 4 ; Whe
Ballistics, 5,-2, War, ToG, 0, 3 ; Wri
Future Technology, 1, 0, Pla, X5, 3, 3 ; ...
Theology, 3, 2, Phi, nil, 1, 2 ; U1
Nanowarfare, 6,-2, Ldr, Env, 3, 0 ; U2
Chaos Theory, 3,-1, Cmp, Gen, 3, 3 ; U3
Unified Physics, 5,-2, U3, Las, 3, 3 ; X1
Cybernetics, 6,-2, Too, X3, 3, 2 ; X2
Gene Therapy, 4, 1, U3, Gen, 3, 4 ; X3
Human Cloning, 3, 2, Gen, X3, 3, 4 ; X4
Global Defense, 5, 0, Plu, E1, 2, 1 ; X5
Cryogenics, 6, 2, X4, Min, 3, 4 ; X6
Agricultural Rev., 3, 1, Bri, Feu, 1, 1 ; X7
any help would be greatly appreciated