I just finished my first full game. A space visctory at regent level in a close game. I am a Civ 2 addict and consistent winner at deity (of Civ 2 not 3

. Here's a random list of Good and bad Points IMHO. Despite my complaints...it is fantastic. I have no doubt that I will waste the next few months searching for better strategies than the CIV2 like strategies I used in the game.
Good Points
1. I love the game. It is definitely addictive. It feels far more strategic than Civ2. Having settlers cost 2 pop points makes deciding when and if to build them a real decision.
2. I like the new concepts associated with strategic and luxury resources. It feels great when you find and link up to new resources. Works much better than caravans.
3. Diplomacy screen is pretty good (better than anything yet - except some of the UN options in SMAC). The advisor is perhaps a bit too helpful.
4. The pace of the early game is great. There is real tension to get cities up and running yet still spread settlers. Do I let my capital get huge and start building wonders or do I cripple it's early growth by builing settlers?
5. War seems far mor strategic. You need to be focused and incisive - attacking one or 2 cities and suing for peace.
6. Culture is a great concept. Also, for the first time in the genre the borders seem to matter (and be respected unless war is imminent).
Bad Points
1. Corruption has been discussed. IM ok generally with it but maybe a few new tools to fight it would help. For example: ..but if you could build 3 wonders like the Forbidden Palaces it would allow some global expansion. Or make Courthouses work - but quite expensive. Or if a leader is nearby let him act as a reducer of corruption.
2. I'm worried that I may eventual bore of the game as it bogs down in the later stages (like all Civ games). I don't think I'd ever pursue an all-out military strategy as I'd get too bored waiting for all the units to be moved. I built a navy just to kill the 10 English ships that wated 30 seconds moving back and forth very turn. I tried to turn of all the options for seeing enemies move but...... I can't ever imagine playing on a map above standard as the late game turns take forever. They need the option like in SMAC to speed up movement/attacks etc. (the above is not caused by a poor computer).
3. War weariness seems crazy (I was in Democracy). As I was leading my game. I was only on one continent shared with the Romans, whom I was slowing conquering. I initiated only one battle - with Rome. However, several times the other AI (non-Roman) would all attack me and I would have riots in my cities (especially the cities with captured Romans). In a few cases it was impossible to stop as 2 of the AI wouldn't asnwer me. Ultimately I had to make generous deals with 5! Civs to get peace back. I agree I should have a huge problem if I attack the Romans and I have Roman cities but otherwise it was just silly.
I like the concept...but it shouldn't be crippling if you don't start the war.
4. No terraforming. This reduces micro management which is good...but sometimes we need to change the landscape. I would have likek a Public works type concept for this (or just pay cash). i.e. 5 turns and $100 makes a plain into grassland.
5. No wonder movies. C'mon. I'd even take the old ones.
6. No Go-to-City function.
7. Should be able to group units for movement (even if they aren''t an army) this just redcues micromanagement.
(Fix 6 & 7 and we'd all save a lot of time.)
8. Should be a way to shift food or production between cities like maybe one crawler/caravan type unit per city.
9. As mentioned in other posts.....Global Diplomacy Options like in SMAC are sorely missed.
10. Also I can't believe they excluded tailored governments a la SMAC - it was a great and fun idea.
11. More governments a la CTP
12. Display screen that put relative benefits of each government side by side so they were easy to compare a ala CTP.
13. Multiplayer
14. More numeric details in the manual on how lots of things work. (Culture, etc.)
Regardless it's a great game.