Last night, I got an Idea: Since there is an eight flag (the brown one) in the cities.gif, what will happen if I insert number eight as civcolor for one of the civ's in the rules.txt.
I tried and, well the game didn't crash (good sign

) and it still didnt crash when I chosed the manipulated civ (the romans in my case).
But when I started I got the purple (seventh) flag.
Although I considered the Idea lost after this (although it might not be totaly over, anyone out there who can handle a hexeditor?) I also tried to edit the game.txt, I edited the "chose competition" dialog, and add an eight row. When I tried it in the game and chose to play whit 8 tribes I got seven. The new line was actually considered to be the last one.
So when I chosed the last one I could play whit 2 civ's (normally the limit is at 3), working downwards I could limit the number of civs to 1 (myself) this way. Although this is a new feature, it is quite the opposite of what I was trying to do and totaly usuless (unless you want to play a game whit only one opponent that is).
When you hit 0 the game crashes.