Being a good ****-tator
Just a few notes on what I have noticed on the very popular scenario of Rush Building under Despotism. Its great once in a city (Regent level), perhaps to get that temple or library out but if you use it too much it will bite you in the butt.
Here's why: Every time you work a few people to death you anger the remaining citizen. If you have no luxurys connected to you cities and you do this once you will loose one square of production due to unhappiness or your people will riot at pop 3. If you rush a temple,the happy person cancels the effect of the rush and you see no effect.
However lets say you have no luxuries and you rush build a library, temple, and granary all at the same city size 6. The citizens of the city would work 3 tiles and three entertainers are required to keep everybody quiet. The loss in future production is signifigant, especially in core cities, and not to be overlooked
My opinion: Kill wisely, only rush build temples were your borders call for it, otherwise head for republic and play nice.
Has anybody else had similar experiences??? Please state the level you are playing at as I know this makes a difference to ones ability to observe this phenomena, at lower levels more people are born content.