because they wanted to prevent people from doing what you like to do
fundy was too powerful at that. I know I did it all the time in civ2
It is still possible in civ3. I could have done it in my last game, but felt it would be too tedious. I would have to build all the units with my core continent cities as corruption would be too bad to build infantry/mechs overseas.
And I probably would have to raze some cities. Once I fully destroy a civ, I don't have to worry about losing my city back to them

. So the last few cities I take I would keep.
war weariness can be a problem, so it is imperitive to take the city once you move troops into his territory. Although you could switch to communism or something (although corruption stinks with commy as well).
one of these games I will do it. I just didn't want to manage all the units. It was easier to build a spaceship
P.S. I was on a standard map. Doing this on a huge map, might be impossible