November 15, 2001, 22:51
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Civilization 3, and these boards
Hi, my name is Brian, I'm a 14 year old from Kansas and I'd like to say hello. I have been watching over these forums for a long time just seeing what people have to say. I haven't really found too much out about civilization 3 as I had hoped. Instead I see a lot of people whining about minor things that they personally don't like or problems that make the game imperfect. I don't own the game but I plan to get it no matter how many complain about it. I have never played a Civilization game before but it looks like great fun and something worthy of my money rather than some of the other mindless games of today  . I just wanted to say hi though and I hope to meet a lot of the members of the board who don't insult others and don't cry about problems over and over until they die or until the problem is fixed  .
So in return I would like to thank you for reading my post and ask that you might post some of the positive feelings you have towards Civilization 3.
November 15, 2001, 23:11
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Re: Civilization 3, and these boards
Originally posted by TheHobbit
I see a lot of people whining about minor things that they personally don't like or problems that make the game imperfect.
I hope to meet a lot of the members of the board who don't insult others and don't cry about problems over and over
I realize you are young, but 14 is old enough to know about irony.
November 15, 2001, 23:15
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| friendly of you
I said cry about problems over and over, for example, someone who says one thing and then gets ignored so he posts it again until he annoys people and starts a flame thread.
So much for friendly people right off the bat...
November 15, 2001, 23:17
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all I can say that for me, it has that just one more turn feeling.
I can't say it is addictive as civ2 where I stayed up to 4 or 5 in the morning playing.
But I played an entire game yesterday (standard map). The modern age is a bit tedious with pollution, but the game is addictive as ever.
The beginning is the really addictive part. It's a huge rush to get your empire laid down and stake out your land. Many early key wonders you try frantically to get. Very exciting. And the early warfare trying to push the ai back to expand your empire to a comptetive size (for me I like 20 to 30 cities). The warfare is exciting because while your civilization is concentrated on warfare others are researching extremely fast and building wonders. Then a mad rush to get infrastructure in place for democracy. This is the best part of the game for me.
Focus, discipline
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November 15, 2001, 23:20
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Re: friendly of you
Originally posted by TheHobbit
So much for friendly people right off the bat...
Well, right off the bat you described some number of people as whiners who cry over and over. Had you not also asked to meet people who avoid insults I would have left this alone.
I certainly am glad to have new people here. Just thought you could use some help before someone more harsh came along.
November 15, 2001, 23:23
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Re: friendly of you
were you expecting a hug after calling people whiners?
are you a dl?
Prince of...... the Civ Mac Forum
November 15, 2001, 23:29
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This board is different
I didn't name anyone in particular. It's not like I pointed my finger at you or anyone else specifically. Anyone posting after this ignore the temptation to insult me and try posting something useful. I don't wanna rgue, I just want to hear positive things about the game, is that too much to ask?
November 15, 2001, 23:31
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Re: Re: friendly of you
Originally posted by d_dudy
are you a dl?
I though about that as well. There are many here who freely insult others and tell them to shut up, only to get huffy at the less than polite response.
November 15, 2001, 23:34
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Re: This board is different
Originally posted by TheHobbit
I didn't name anyone in particular. It's not like I pointed my finger at you or anyone else specifically.
Interesting- CyberShy made the same argument. Seems like speaking in generalities prevents insults.
How about this: people who only want to say/hear good things about the game are rather pathetic. I don't know, sounds insulting to me.
November 15, 2001, 23:37
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Whats a dl?
I didn't insult anyone or tell anyone to shutup. I'm not even going to bother continue posting for a while. N.C and d_dudy your some of the most impolite people I have ever met, yes I'm pointing directly at you for once. Forget it, if you wanna post good things about the game I'll read them if not I won't even bother answering.
November 15, 2001, 23:48
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You think we're impolite? Call Zykla a whiner. (Or better yet, compare your comments to ours.)
Anyway, there are many, many examples of people saying nice things about the game. As a dl I'm sure you already knew that.
November 15, 2001, 23:49
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Hi Hobbit. You may have noticed, when you looked through the windows and saw the chairs flying, that this was not the best time to walk in through the door and yell "suckers!".  Although I, and many others, heartily agree with your impressions.
Something good about Civ 3? Well it is by far the best Civ style game I've played and I've played quite a few. (CoNW, SoA, CTP, EU, CivII, SMAC to name a few) What is good about it?
I like the fact that it seems to adapt to my playing style. If I want to go conqueror all over the AI it will let me but I'll pay the price. Corruption, unpopularity, thin culture, etc. If I want to play a peaceful trading/cultural game it will let me but I'll pay the price. Slow expansion, strong neighbours, stagnation, etc. When I balance those styles I get a balanced responce.
I like the combat system as it complements an excellent new resource system and, due to better unit balances, every combat at every age is the hair raising affair I think it should be. With the combination of the combat system, corruption, culture and strategic resources a game balance is struck and held remarkably. That is to say, that has been my experience in six games on a normal map on regent.
November 15, 2001, 23:52
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And hello, newbies.
November 16, 2001, 00:43
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Re: Re: friendly of you
Originally posted by n.c.
Well, right off the bat you described some number of people as whiners who cry over and over. Had you not also asked to meet people who avoid insults I would have left this alone.
I certainly am glad to have new people here. Just thought you could use some help before someone more harsh came along.
I think you, he and everybody else got that from your initial post, NC. It detracts from the sarcasm if you explain it right afterwards. (Poor form...)
November 16, 2001, 00:50
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If you've never played the game before, you will think its great. The only people who are seriously dissapointed are the core gamers. Mostly, the core gamers are usually the posters as well. Which explains why a disproportionate amount of the posts are complaints.
November 16, 2001, 00:57
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Hmm... it seems that politeness and hospitality are not respected very much these days...
Hi Hobbit, and welcome to Poly.
Civ3 is one of the best civ-style games that I've played. It has some flaws, and those flaws need to be fixed in order to enhance our gaming experience.
But the core game is solid and fun, and if this is your first time playing a civ game, then you'll be addicted to it in a very short time.
Once again, welcome and enjoy...
To the others: see? it is not that hard...
November 16, 2001, 01:10
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November 16, 2001, 01:27
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In order to give suggestion, I think you need to have the game. The more you play the more things to talk about.
I play all Civ game from 1 to 3 if there is four, I'm for it too.
November 16, 2001, 02:33
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A dl is a double login. Technically it's a horrible crime on these forums, but unofficially the mods tolerate it on occasion most notably (IIRC this is ancient history to me) StewartSpink's dl Infatuation.
Get used to everybody with a King or above, and some of the Princes, accusing you of being a dl. For some reason they think that new people never come to this forum, in spite of the incredible growth its experienced lately.
Other than that welcome, and the best thing I can say about Civ III is the diplomatic trading model, and the AI. I have my pet peeves, but I have them about every game.
November 16, 2001, 03:14
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First, welcome
Second, don't mind n.c. as n.c. can be a bit "interesting" in behaviour (xpecting flames).
Third, get Civ3. As has been said, it may not be as much an upgrade as other games were (SMAC, Civ2 maybe), but it's fun to play and keeps you at it.
I recommend getting Civ3 and developing something of a thick skin on this forum. If you do, you have double-won.
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November 16, 2001, 03:36
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TheHobbit , welcome to Apolyton
opoios exei ti miga migiazetai.....
November 16, 2001, 03:51
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TheHobbit, welcome.
November 16, 2001, 04:20
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TheHobbit: Don't mind the whiners, they'll grow out of it sometime.
Come seek refuge in the Off-Topic with all of the cool kids.
I'm predicting about maybe 2 more weeks of incredible whining threads before they start to become less fashionable.
And then we can really use the forums.
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November 16, 2001, 06:24
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How about this: people who only want to say/hear good things about the game are rather pathetic. I don't know, sounds insulting to me.
your world is quiet black-white, isn't it ?
Everybody that holds either a black or a white opinion about civ3 is rather patathic. I prefer realistic opinions above anything else.
BUT it's more annoying if people have an extreme black opinion about something (since it insults people (Firaxis, developpers) and it gives a negative atmosphere) then if they have a 'pathatic' white idea about civ3. (however, they could be annoying too)
Anyway, why are you still here n.c. ?
Get your @ss to the civ2 forums and cease fighting here. Your point has been made. Civ3 totally sucks and deserves it to be returned
Formerly known as "CyberShy"
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November 16, 2001, 06:34
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TheHobbit: If you want some more positive stuff, check out the "stories" forum - there's some quite fun threads in there.
November 16, 2001, 08:09
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GP- TheHobbit didn 't seem to catch on. In fact, the only one who I know did are you and d_dudy. Folks like Alexnm, CyberShy, Asher and Earthling7 clearly missed the point. Maybe you can explain the concept of insults and time sequence to them.
CyberShy- That was an example of the kind of statement you and others make in reverse (not my opinion). Your negative reaction proves my point the this sort of thing is insulting. Apology accepted.
November 16, 2001, 08:33
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n.c. How about this: people who only want to say/hear good things about the game are rather pathetic. I don't know, sounds insulting to me.
that's what you said.
In fact I agree, but I wonder why you do'nt project this on the opposite side (people who only want to say/hear bad things about......)
that's my point.
Formerly known as "CyberShy"
Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori
November 16, 2001, 09:18
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if you dont like them, dont go to the ot, man!
on a side note, welcome...
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November 16, 2001, 14:36
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Originally posted by n.c.
GP- TheHobbit didn 't seem to catch on. In fact, the only one who I know did are you and d_dudy. Folks like Alexnm, CyberShy, Asher and Earthling7 clearly missed the point. Maybe you can explain the concept of insults and time sequence to them.
Maybe we saw the point but didn't feel like squabbling over it?
Besides, you say that and then you say:
CyberShy- That was an example of the kind of statement you and others make in reverse (not my opinion). Your negative reaction proves my point the this sort of thing is insulting. Apology accepted.
I dunno about you, but you whiners sure have one hell of a negative reaction to the game.
What I don't understand is why you just can't say: "Well, I didn't like it. Back to Quake I go." or something?
Why do you feel the need to come in here and spam your opinions constantly?
Let the real players have some fun, shoo.
"I'll never doubt you again when it comes to hockey, [Prince] Asher." - Guynemer
November 16, 2001, 17:03
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Gee Asher, you're right. The next time a frigate sinks one of my nuclear subs (AGAIN) I'll just smile and be a good sport about it. I'm sorry if I upset anyone with my critisms in the past.
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