Foreign Advisor's report (and suggestion for patch)
In Civ2, the Foreign advisor's report was very informative. It listed each civ's name, personality, capital and other cities, treasury, discovered techs, and what tech it was currently working on.
In Civ3, all you get are a bunch of circles with faces and connecting lines. To get most of the above info, you actually have to start negotiations with that civ (silly); other info you can't get at all.
I suggest that a new function is added to Espionage options after you have an embassy with a civilization - Report, perhaps costing a bit of gold. It would be something like the following:
Civilization Name
Special Abilities: X and Y
Unique Unit: X (not researched/available/obsolete)
Golden Age: started in X/laster from X to Y/not happened yet
Wonders: wonder X (city A), wonder Y (city B), ...
Treasury: X gold
Researching: tech X
Advances: (list of discovered techs follows)
civ X: polite/cautious/whatever (list of diplomatic agreements like peace, war, etc)
civ Y: like the above
(list of cities follows, with capital marked)
If some lists are too long (advances/relations/cities) they can be made into buttons which bring up separate windows listing them.
The above addition would drastically improve the availability of information in the game and would be of major help in diplomacy.