Presentation 7/10
I really like the box and I think it presents itself well, I also got Empire Earth free with the game - thats the good side. What I didn't like was the installation, it is too simple. The start menu when you insert the CD is damn amazing and looks like a genuine Civ game.
Graphics/Sound 8/10
I like the graphics, but they are way too small, i'm not even sure if it's playing at 1024x768 - it looks much higher. The leader renders are awsome and I still think Joan D'Arc looks the best. The music sounds alright, but i'm still stuck in the bronze age so i'm not sure what its like later.
Diplomacy/AI 10/10
This is the diplomacy I always wanted, simple, easy to use and challenging AI proposals make it really fun. I really like it when you piss a civilizaion off they'll ally with 3 others and run you over. What I hate is that all your opponents build the same wonder at the same time, it reminds me of CTP2 too much. The barbarians are cool, same with the goody huts, I also like how Firaxis have implemented the advisors.
Features 6/10
All those features from Civ 1 are awsome, but the game just doesn't have enough features without scenarios and multiplayer.
First Impression 7.7/10
9.1 with multiplayer and scenarions, I would also like to see my elite archer be destroyed by a conscript warrior with an explenation at least in the patch.

The game is too much like CTP2, but has too many new features to affect the gameplay, however what does affect the gameplay is the game speed, it runs just a bit too slow, if they can make it run at least 30-40% faster in the expansion, with multiplayer and scenarions I would give the game a 9.6.
I'll write a review when I've played the game enough to make a proper judgment.