Vavonsim suggested this in another thread. Is this an okay compromise? If so, I will edit the rules I posted before when I come back on Monday. This weekend I won't have access to a computer.
I just looked at the "panel of judges vs. vote" poll. Seems like it is 50% vs. 50%. So how about this:
The jundges choose 5 stories they think are the best. Then they make a poll and the users choose the best story. This takes care of these problems:
-The polls are not too long - not all stories are included.
-Easier to read.
-Faster to grade.
Formerly known as Masuro.
The sun never sets on a PBEM game.
Vavonsim suggested this in another thread. Is this an okay compromise? If so, I will edit the rules I posted before when I come back on Monday. This weekend I won't have access to a computer.