I've played civ games for a long time now and won each time at with clear differences. But with this game i'm in big trouble!! Call to power2 was a piece of cake compared with civ3 .
Set up my game = Huge world , Large continents, 5 opponents ,American
It seems that i am behind in science , number of cities , wonders,everything!!! It don't seems to work with fast city building , speed up science, fast exploring , enough military support. My opponents seems to build cities in a incredible tempo !! By time i've build 5 they have like 10 cities. Switching as fast to Republic , then to democracy doesn't help me either (i was the first to switch. Only in CASH!! The wonders are also build before me !! I am now like in 1450 having like 30 cities or more ,democracy could only build the great library !! having like 750 points while all my rivals having 1300 or more points!!!
Positive Note : i have (a lot )of cash (more) then adversaries and my territory is more finished (road and irrigated,mines)
Noticed also that my adversaries are building there cities closer one to another. Trade income seems also more difficult with my opponents. Diplomacy is ok Peace with everybody. Im like 2 or 3 techs behind opponents., with highering my Science to 60 or sometimes 70!!
If anyone can help me ,please give me good strategic advices