January 6, 2002, 03:03
Local Time: 10:55
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Q-can you have a naval blockade?
A-yes, position your ships in every square around the city you
wish to blocade. this only works if you are at war with them
Q- can you blockade by blocking roads?
A-not that i can see, but pillaging them would do it
Q-why do small, weak civilizations attack me randomly?
A-war is declared when a civ has to pay tribute, but they cannot. war is the way to end a trade deal nonpeacfully
Q-why is there no culture, or cultural buildings in cities i'v conquered?
A-when a citie changes control it's old culture is disgarded.All cultural buildings are destroyed.
E-an Egyptian city with 1000+ culture is captured by the Chinese. the Egyptian culture of 1000+ does not give any bonuses, because you are chinese.
Q-how do i get cities to celebrate the king?
A-it most have no unhappy citizens and have more happy citizens than content ones
Q-what does this do?
A-it lowers corruption and waste
Q-do you have any advice on hostile barbarian tribes?
A-yes, move your unpramoted units near it, but don't attack it. they will attack your unit, thus, maby, promoting it.
January 7, 2002, 20:40
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Q: I'm tired of clicking on the "GoTo" command for my units and/or click/mouse-dragging the unit to it's destination. Is there an easier way to move units, especially for stacks of 'em?
A: When a unit is activated, place your mousepointer at the destination you want and hit the [G] key and left-click the mouse.
This works especially well for a stack of units you want to move to the same square. Put the pointer in the square you want all of the units to move then "[G]; Left-click" in quick succession for the entire stack.
January 7, 2002, 20:43
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Q: Is there a faster way to contact another civ than using the foreign advisor screen?
A: Yes. Hold [Shift] and press the [D] key. Click on the civ you want to contact.
January 7, 2002, 21:13
Local Time: 11:55
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Q: I remember reading in one of the threads that workers can be put on pollution clean-up duty only. Is this true? If so, how is it accomplished?
Q: I've looked for items in the editor that affect pollution, but I don't see any. Is there are way to still include pollution in the game but tone down its effects?
January 8, 2002, 05:53
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Originally posted by Colonel Kraken
Q: I remember reading in one of the threads that workers can be put on pollution clean-up duty only. Is this true? If so, how is it accomplished?
A: Yes, it's true, although I found it by mistake... hehehe. Just press Shift-P, and they just keep cleaning pollution.
I think this question has already been answered before in this thread, but it's never too much to give a little help, is it?
January 15, 2002, 16:25
Local Time: 16:55
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Posts: 1
How to control all cities disorder at once?
Q: It kinds of boring to go to each city and change their disorder status one by one. I wonder if there is a way that I can change cities disorder on all disorder cities. Thanks
A: You can, sorta; just raise the entertainment rate for your civ. Suddenly next turn you will be deluged with reports of disorder ceasing, and WLTKD starting all across your empire.
(Hurry) Use the governor. Right-click on a city, select "Talk to governor". Select Yes on the first box "Use governor to handle citizen moods" and Yes to "In all cities". Also check the box "Make this the default for new cities".
Last edited by MarkG; June 3, 2002 at 04:51.
January 15, 2002, 23:07
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Q: Does anyone know if the AI's get leaders? -- lordjulius
A: Yes, the AI gets leaders. I've killed an AI leader, and I believe I fought an AI army in battle as well. I don't know how the AI uses leaders, however.
-- adaMada
Civ 3 Democracy Game:
PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
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January 22, 2002, 22:53
Local Time: 09:55
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Re: Possibly dumb question
Original question by bchampion
Q: Is there a keystroke equivalent to clicking the "next city" and "previous city" buttons from the City Window?
A: Yes, you can still use the left and right arrow keys to move through the cities while in the City Window. You can also use the '4' and '6' keys on the numeric keypad.
January 23, 2002, 01:51
Local Time: 11:55
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Posts: 178
Originally posted by zorbop
Q-can you have a naval blockade?
A-yes, position your ships in every square around the city you
wish to blocade. this only works if you are at war with them . . .
The way navies are handled in Civ III stinks.
Privateers and submarines are, in reality, designed to attack TRADE (merchantmen), not warships. I could have dozens of privateers or subs directly between two enemies' harbors - but it would not effect trade at all!!
Privateers should be able to do this on orders with or without a war.
The prescence of large numbers submarines, privateers, or any warship, unchallenged on trade routes should hurt the other civ's trade, if not cut it off.
Also, navies did NOT historically muck around bombarding "improvements". Wooden warships certainly did not do that.
Even worse, bombers SHOULD be able to sink warships. According to Sid's system, they can only bombard and therefore cannot sink ships. And that is idiotic.
Much of the naval system is worse than even Civ II.
January 24, 2002, 22:22
Local Time: 09:55
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City Borders
Q: Is there a way of showing city borders?
A: ?
Q: Is this thread helpful?
A: Yes. I learned at least three things just reading down to here.
Many are cold, but few are frozen.No more durrian, please. On On!
January 25, 2002, 02:22
Local Time: 10:55
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Posts: 47
Since you have answered one of my questions, I will answer one of yours:
To DECREASE pollution, but still make it a part of the game, DO NOT install the Patch! (It messes with the values, but try it if you want)
Step 1: Open the Map, and Edit each Improvement property and go through the following list:
Step 2: CHECK Reduce Bldg Pollution and Reduce Pop Pollution for Marketplace, Palace, Granary, etc, through the list.
Step 3: After selecting which buildings reduce pollution save the map and start a new game to see the effects!!
(What this means is if you DO NOT build buildings, you will have more pollution than if you have a Marketplace, Palace, and Granary you are REDUCING pollution each turn. This is realistic: If you are bombed and bombed and bombed by the Egyptian bombers, your pollution increases as your Marketplace, Granary and Library are destroyed. It makes sense: less buildings, more pollution.
Get it? It works
Castle Wolfenstein or Civilization 3? So little time...
January 25, 2002, 05:00
Apolyton CS Co-Founder
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i've cleared up 30(out of 150) posts of answered questions, unrelated comments and trolls
further incidents of threadjacking or trolling will result to free vacations to mingapulco
it goes without saying that even comments on this post are not wanted on this thread. post something in the apolyton forum if you like.
many thanks to all the helpfull people who have contributed so far
two requests:
1) if you give an answer, always include the question in your post
2) if you post a question and it is answered please edit your post and delete the question
many thanks again
February 1, 2002, 09:20
Local Time: 11:55
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Posts: 175
Re: Possibly dumb question
Originally posted by bchampion
Possibly dumb question from a C3 newbie (but a C2 and SMAC veteran):
Q: Is there a keystroke equivalent to clicking the "next city" and "previous city" buttons from the City Window?
Civ2 and SMAC, IIRC, used the "<" and ">" keys. The Civ3 manual is silent on this topic, and I haven't been able to hit them (if they exist) by experimentation.
Puh-lease tell me I don't have to click on the interface to do it... I'm already close to the breaking point... I really am finding it hard to understand why so many giant strides made in the SMAC interface are gonzo with no explanation whatsoever...
You are going to hate me. Try the arrow keys.
February 10, 2002, 00:18
Local Time: 08:55
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Q: What does a "We Love the King Day" do??
A: WLTKD increases shield production
February 17, 2002, 15:30
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Re: Ways to hurry production in resiting cities
Originally posted by Phoxtrot
There is also the much easier solution : Disband some troops.
It works in all cities, including resisting and unhappy ones.
Disband efficiency is at 25%, way better that the 8:1 wealth production ration (and then you need to pay at least 2 gold for each shield and it doesn't work in resisting/unhappy cities.)
Another way to hurry production is to clear forests (and recreate them), this is however no longer valid in 1.16 as the patych readme say that you can now get the clearing bonus only once per game.
hmmm , when i clear a forest it seems to works , but , here it comes , now it goes like this , you can clear but only ones on each tile , and if i am not mistaken you can plant forest on a plain and if there was never a forest before , when you cut it , bonus , however if yoy cut and reforet , then cut , it doesnt go !
have a nice day
February 20, 2002, 16:34
Local Time: 11:55
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Posts: 178
What Happened to Espionage?
I installed 1.17.
Then, after getting the right editor, I tried to change the ridiculously high costs for Espionage functions such as sabotage or stealing plans.
Unfortunately, with 1.17 we can no longer change those absurdly high costs for Espionage in the "Diplomats and Spies" section.
Espionage was minimally effective and very problematic. With the high costs it was not worth the effort, even if one could lower the cost for the advance and Small Wonder.
Bad move, Firaxis.
1.18 must allow us to change the costs for Espionage!
As for me, I'm either going back to 1.16, or in 1.17 raising the costs for the Espionage advance and Small Wonder to such a high level no sane civ would want it. The only reason I might keep 1.17 is stack movement.
February 20, 2002, 17:26
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what are you talking about? are you sure you have the right version of the 1.17f patch?
they included a new editor in that patch, and maybe it didn't have full functionality, when you goto help then about civ3edit it should say that your bic version is 2.10, does it?
because if it does then open a civ3mod.bic file, select the diplomats and Spies tab, then there is a box called base cost, where you can change the cost of diplomacy actions
hope that helps
February 21, 2002, 12:09
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Posts: 9
Question on defecting cities.
After the first stage of the initial land grab, the AI annoyingly starts founding cities on every little peninsula and spit of land, with the result that enemy cities sprout within two or three squares of my border cities. As the game progresses, these little bastard cities inevitably defect to my civilization. When that happens the game gives you to choices: either "good, install new governor" or "rebuff the rebels." Installing a new governor and accepting this new city expands your borders, but results in two cities (the defecting city and your own adjacent border city) with stunted growth potential. I assume that rebuffing the rebels causes the defecting city to remain part of its original enemy civilization (actually I've never tried this option so I could be wrong). This is not an attractive option because the enemy city remains a security threat and potential launchpad for an attack. Besides, for strictly esthetic reasons I don't like having an alien pimple on the butt of my glorious civilization. What I'd really like to do is just raze the defecting city to get it out of the way and give my border cities room to grow.
Does anyone know if there's a way to do this without having to declare war and raze the defecting city that way? Alternatively, if I accept the city into my civilization, is there a way of starving it to death by, for example, turning all the citizens into entertainers, so that the city just zaps out of the space-time continuum, leaving you room to grow?
Thanks for your input
February 21, 2002, 12:17
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You can starve the city and have it build workers to drop its size eventually to zero. Unfortunately as soon as starvation causes pop loss you'll have to go back in and reset them all to entertainers again as they automatically redistribute. Its slow and annoying but it works. To build a worker with the last pop point and disband the city food production must be in balance. If the city is growing it won't give you the option to disband it.
To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection. H.Poincare
February 26, 2002, 19:28
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dengidavai ;
you can let them make settlers or workers , who could join a city of you , and depending on how fast you want to get rid of them , you can starve them at the same time aswell , héhéh
have a nice day
February 26, 2002, 23:32
Local Time: 10:55
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Real Easy Analogy
There have been some question as to why a Swordman can destroy a Tank Unit? Chance, they say, but that's not really an explanation as to 'How' this is occuring by 'Chance'.
This happenened to me once: A Tank was a fresh unit, but only 3 points. A couple Knights wore it down and then a Swordman destroyed the last 2 points!
What happened? Well the knights disabled the Tank! This means the tanks aren't moving and are sitting ducks. At this point, everyone must have ran outside and were sliced up by the Swordsman.
This also applies with any other 'superior' unit. Whatever it is that makes it superior - gunpowder, mobility, firepower - can and will be disabled momentarily at some time in the future! This makes your precious Modern Armor not as resilient -- it ran out of gas per chance. Think of this as one plausible explanation.
Castle Wolfenstein or Civilization 3? So little time...
February 28, 2002, 19:55
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One way I've kept ahead of other CIVs in science is by Maximizing my science, and trading ALL THE TIME! Sometimes I give them a free territory map, even free money making techs to keep them happy. I stay just ahead of them and then trade my science for gold per turn, if there are several CIVs you can keep your science at 100% and never bother with money, except every turn, check to see if you go to 90% or 80% if it will keep your advance in x turns the same,.
Even if your money is negative at the beginning, it you check this every turn (sometimes it stays the same at 50%) you can store up cash and then deplete it when you start a new advance. Hope this helps.
Too much month at the end of your money? Open to sources of income other than your job? Check out http://www.itilink.com/mhibbs
March 6, 2002, 19:45
Local Time: 08:55
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Q: I just saw a civ with an irrigated square with no water next to it, and before electricity! How is this possible?
A: Two ways. The AI might have irrigated a line of squares up to that one, then mined over the intervening squares. The second way is to note that a city square is considered irrigated if there is water or an irrigated square next to it. If the square just east of a city has fresh water, then you can irrigate the square just west of the city.
C.A You can't use the city as an irrigation conduit if it's built on a hill. Guess you need pumps!
Q. I thought I read a thread somewhere that stated you could save and reload city building queues, but I haven't figured out how to do this. Am I daft, or just confused?
March 6, 2002, 22:14
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Originally posted by Egyptian
Two complaints
I usually don't complain much, and I think civ3 is a great game. My two major complaints about civ3 with the 1.17 patch are as follows:
1. All the other civs have the same tech advances no matter what. They all trade so much, that instead of eight civilizations all playing to win the game, it is me against the rest of the world. I wish the AI didn't trade techs so much, it would make the game a lot more interesting and fun!
2. The foreign advisors screen only works correctly about half the time (after 1.17 patch). Often, thousands of years after each civ has met all the other civs, and traded with each other extensively, only four or five civs show up on the foreign advisors screen. And then, some of the lines showing peace, war etc. don't show up. It makes it really difficult to figure out the relationships among civs, especially mutual protection. Also, firaxis needs to have a foreign advisors screen where sixteen civs can be displayed at once.
Answer to 1.)
Well I think alot of this is due to the fact that as more civs get a certain tech, the cost of it lowers, and thus you can get it faster and it gets cheaper in trade deals, thus civs with little money can trade for it. Anther thing if you cant beat them, join them, trade with the AI all the time as much as you can before they do it and you get nothing out of it. They are considering lowering the effects of this in future patch.
Answer 2.)
Your foreign adivisor sceen is not messed up. To see who is war with who you must have embassies with all the civs. Anther thing if you left click and press shift on the blank spaces you can get the missing civs put into those spots.
March 17, 2002, 18:12
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I've been playing this game since Civ first appeared and have been a huge fan though all of its versions (1 & 2 and Alpha Centauri) and I think III is the most ambitious of all. I don't understand magazine reviewers saying "it's more of the same but it's nice" (they have deadlines, I guess), since there HUGE changes in Civ. Isuppose the changes are too subtle. They'd prefer to see a Civ III single person shooter... that'd be "innovative"
But I'm digressing. My point is that because the game has so many changes, it has MANY problems
1) I want my foreign advisor to tell me if I'm about to break a treaty. It's too easy to loose track and as a result everyone hates you in in the end game.
2) I want more options to play the game the way I want to play it. My biggest annoyance by far is having a huge continent with only one valuabe resourse (iron, saltpeter, etc.) and then having that resourse expire. I quit games over stuff like that. It's stupid design. You like it? Fine. Just give me the option to opt out. I also want the scarcity of resources to be an option I can pick when I start the game.
3) I want a warning before a city flips to another culture. A pop up about "civil unrest" isn't too much to ask for. Losing a large army out of the blue like that sucks ass and is bad design again.
4) Why is the government type of other nations only visible from the Military advisor? Not the Foreign advisor? Why aren't we told about changes in governents? These things can't be secret... Why doesn't the dialogue change to reflect changes in government any more? Why can't I see ALL of my opponents on a large world Foreign advisor screen?
Now I'm not dumping on the game even though it sounds like it. I like the game but I have serious reservations about it. I feels like it was rushed to get it out for chrismas.
If Firaxis can patch it up I'll love it more than any Civ version. Otherwise I might move back to SMAC. SMAC, whatever its faults, let the gamer customize a great deal.
Give gamers options and controls. Keep your customers happy. That's all I'm saying...
March 21, 2002, 03:44
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Q: is it possible to make the manhattan project a small wonder instead of a wonder? (am i the only one that thinks giving EVERYONE the bomb, after the first person gets it, as being crazy?)
A: ??
Q: I tried to make submarines 'hidden nationality'. Although I never see the enemy subs until they attack, I've seen stacks of enemy and/or friendly ships (usually frigates and ironclads) go straight after my subs. Has anyone else tried this?
A: ??
March 22, 2002, 10:48
Local Time: 16:55
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Posts: 2
Q is there a faq out there with all the current keystrokes in a handy to use format, up to the current patch?
Q A list of all the wonders, improvements etc all on one easy to use page?
Q how about all the military stats?
Yes I own the game, Civ I just about single handedly caused my first marriage to end in divorce. (THANKS SID!) I just dont want to create this sort of document if one already exists
March 27, 2002, 06:39
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Originally posted by Saint Marcus
Go to the editor, open the bic, and then go to the edit world size screen (or whatever it's called). select one of the sizes you wish to edit, and change the number of civs to 16. Great fun, 16 civs on a tiny map
i did this for standard map, set it on 12 civs and the game simply won't start  that is, after installing 1.17
joseph 1944: LaRusso if you can remember past yesterday I never post a responce to one of your statement. I read most of your post with amusement however.
You are so anti-america that having a conversation with you would be poinless. You may or maynot feel you are an enemy of the United States, I don't care either way. However if I still worked for the Goverment I would turn over your e-mail address to my bosses and what ever happen, happens.
March 27, 2002, 15:39
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Re: RoP & airlift orders
Q: If I have a Right of Passage with a foreign civ in the late-game (ie post-flight) era, would it not make sense that I could airlift my units to or from his cities with airports? ....
A: That would involve having your airlifted unit in another's city. Due to the game mechanics, that would imply (1) you have units in the same tile as the other's units (you have attacked the units), and (2) you have CAPTURED the city if it was unoccupied.
Last edited by MarkG; June 3, 2002 at 04:56.
March 30, 2002, 04:13
Local Time: 00:55
Local Date: November 1, 2010
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Posts: 4
Q: Can I alter the number of possible units in the game using the editor? It has a 'rename' function, but no 'add'... any way I can get around this?
Q: How come a paratrooper cannot paradrop from a city without an airport, but a B-2 bomber that needs a mile and a half of tarmac can operate out of the same city?
Last edited by MarkG; June 3, 2002 at 05:00.
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