November 16, 2001, 14:48
Local Time: 17:56
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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nearly 1 city victory
damnit! i tried a one city victory on deity with the egypts. at the end the americans were 3 turns too quick with their spaceship. ive managed it too survive till 1874 without war. my city produces 82 culture per turn. i attacked the city that produced the last component for the spaceship. i totally destroyed it - but my city was destroyed three turns before i reached the 20000 points victory. without attack i would have lost 7 turns earlier.
i think its possible this way. i'll try to load an older savegame and try to attack much earlier - i lost the tech race earlier. the americans have about 25 citys´... lots of research. i had two luxuries (of the same type) no river, some plains, one hill and a fish-tile in the ocean - thats it. no coal, iron, gold and so on. but ive managed it to build lots of wonders (colossus, great library (1 turn quicker than the germans .-)
the last fifty rounds i stopped research, bought resources and was massbuilding rifleman, infantry and tanks (as fast as possible with one city and limited resources). i think i would have needed 20 units more.
damn close.
i selected tiny map, pangea germans americans and india as enemys. i wonder if it would be better to start wars earlier ... or just to build more units. i tried to play as peacefull as possible but i think without a sinlge fight its impossible to win. i would have been luckier when the germans hadn't killed germans and indians. in the end they were too strong. ah, i've disabled diplomatic victory and domination.
ive won on deity several times (earliest was 350 ad) with massive early wars (egypts and babylonians)
any suggestions, other ways to reach a victoy with one city?
ps: sorry for misstypes and bad grammar - have some problems with the english language .-)
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November 16, 2001, 14:57
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Re: nearly 1 city victory
Originally posted by hanZ
ive won on deity several times (earliest was 350 ad) with massive early wars (egypts and babylonians)
Wait a minute. I thought Firaxis said that winning on Deity would be almost impossible!
Any tricks?
"Barbarism is the natural state of mankind... Civilization is unnatural. It is a whim of circumstance. And barbarism must always triumph."
November 16, 2001, 15:20
Local Time: 17:56
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 43
hm, there a lot of strategy posts here. i dont think that i can add something usefull, but to answer your question ill make a summary:
i play as egypts on tiny maps normaly (have not enough time for large maps, i disable diplomatic victory (cause its boring and its too easy).
when i stzart in jungle i restart the map (same with desert only) everything else is possible to win.
best hinmt: be agressive, never change your goverment (always despotism). destroy most of the enemy citys when you get them. keep only one city, rushbuild forbidden palace with your first and mostly only leader. than barracks and rush new units (killing pop-points.)
its quite easy. dont make peace a single turn. try to have 5 citys in a secure area, builing units and a little bit of culture.
try to destroy the capitals first. destroy all city improvements when you cant take the city in one turn. before attacking try too destroy the connecting streets between his citys. use the workers of the the first razed city to build new streets under the feet of your attacking units (supply route).
ive built lots of chariots, some swordsman, lateron knights. nothing else.
i add the strategy for my one-city-try next post.
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November 16, 2001, 22:32
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You talk about capturing AI cities, so when you call it a one city game, am I right in assuming you only build one city, but can have others to use if they are captured or absorbed.
I tried OCC, too, but without disabling any of the victory conditons. On deity, I was quickly surrounded by AI cities and eliminated. Maybe disabling the domination win changes this.
November 17, 2001, 11:44
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no i never captured an AI city in this game. domination will cause a quick loss when you have only 1 city - you can destroy enemy citys but they settle again. i think its a must to disable domination in a occ. but i didnt disable conquest (or how it is called)
for those who are interested in the savegame(damn it was sooo close):
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November 17, 2001, 14:33
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ah now i understand, my replay to the second post was about generally winning on deity. in my occ i only destroyed one city thats it. nowar no taken citys nothing. one city from the beginning till the close lost endgame
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November 17, 2001, 16:30
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Thanks, that clears it up. I think I will give it a try again, too. That's really aggravating, though, to invest so much time in a great effort just to come up a wee bit short at the end, but your attempt convinces me that it is worth trying some more. Did you save the start you used for the game? If so, I'd like to give it a try, too, if you can provide a copy.
I downloaded your game and took a look. Very close!
Last edited by solo; November 17, 2001 at 16:52.
November 17, 2001, 21:05
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sure, i can upload the 4000bc save tomorrow.
at the end i rushbought some units, so it was closer than just waiting till the end with the uploaded savegame - but still close lost *sniff*
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November 18, 2001, 01:16
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I find it interesting to note that the AI behavior seems to change when the Domination victory is turned off. Could this be the key to eliminating the annoying AI habit of building cities everywhere, no matter how inhospitable?
November 18, 2001, 11:33
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no, i dont think so. so only reason for not having ai-citys too close to my city was early cultural expansion (rushbought tempel first) and some units around my borders.
domination-victory or not - massive expansion IS the key
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November 18, 2001, 13:24
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I guess ill have to dl your file to see... but u said u were at peace until 1874, but u built the forbbiden palace with your leader..
If u were at peace then how did u get your leader.?
Just curious.
November 19, 2001, 11:12
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And why do you build the Forbidden Palace if you have only one city?
Somebody told me I should get a signature.
November 19, 2001, 11:52
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Originally posted by CB2034
If u were at peace then how did u get your leader.?
I think he was giving general advice for conquest games in that post, not an OCC gamelog or even OCC advice. You can't build the FP with less than 6 cities anyway, though if you could then you probably would, for the culture.
Great effort, by the way! I played an OCC game at regent level over the weekend, just to get a game completed, and I didn't hit the 20k until 2022!  Standard map mind, but I screwed up loads, especially in not realising the colossus needs to be built on the coast nowadays.
I think the thing would be to restart over and over until you land on top of 4 good luxuries. They're worth an awful lot to the AI early on, usually a tech or more, so that's upwards of 3 techs per 20 turns... enough to keep you at parity, hmm?
Good luck, and I look forwards to hearing if soren has anything to say when you crack it.
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November 19, 2001, 11:56
Local Time: 17:56
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Berlin, Germany
Posts: 43
sorry i mixed up the answer. i wrote that i won several times on deity before i tried the occ. some asked how it is possbile to win on deity (generally not the OCC) my answer with some thoughts about generall tacticts (NOT occ) was just a repeat to this post. not about the OCC strategy. i think i hadnt made it clear enough - sorry folks.
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